Title: Geometric Methods for Learning and Memory
1Geometric Methods for Learning and Memory
- A thesis presented
- by
- Dimitri Nowicki
- To Universite Paul Sabatier
- in partial fulfillment
- for the degree of Doctor es Science
- in the subject of
- Applied Mathematics
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
4Models and Algorithms requiring Geometric Approach
- Kalmanlike filters
- Blind Signal Separation
- Feed-Forward Neural Networks
- Independent Component Analysis
Spaces emerging in learning problems
- Riemannian spaces
- Lie groups and homogeneous spaces
- Metric spaces without any Riemannian structure
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
- Some facts from Riemannian geometry
- Optimization algorithms
- Smooth
- Nonsmooth
- Implementation
- The case of Submanifolds
- Computing exponential maps
- Computing Hessian etc.
8Some concepts from Riemannian Geometry
9Exponential map
10Parallel transport
- Computing parallel transport using an exponential
Where u such that
11Newton Method for Geometric optimization
The modified Newton operator
12Wolfe condition for Riemannian manifolds
13Global convergence of modified Newton method
14Nonsmooth methods
15The r-algorithm
16Problem of constrained optimization
17Classical (extrinsic) methods
Newton-Lagrange method
Sequential quadratic programming
18Classical methods
- Penalty functions and the augmented Lagrangian
19Advantages of Geometric methods
- Dimension of the manifold is n-m against nm in
the case of Lagrangian-based methods - We may have convex function in the manifold even
if the Lagrangian is non-convex - Geometric Hessian may be positive-definite even
if the classical one is not
20Implementation The case of Submanifolds
21Hamilton Equations for the Geodesics
The Hamiltonian
22Hamilton Equations for the Geodesics
23Lagrange equation are also constrained Hamiltonian
- We can rewrite Lagrange equations in the form
24Symplectic Numerical Integration
- A transformation is called symplectic if it
preserves following differential 2-form
25Implicit Runge-Kutta Integrators
The IRK method is called symplectic if associated
transformation preserves
26The Gauss method of order 4
i1 i2
j1 1/4
j2 1/4
1/2 1/2
27Backward error analysis
28Covariant Derivative on the Submanifold
29Computing the constrained Hessian
Mixed computation
30Example of geometric iterations
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
32Neural Associative memory
- Hopfield-type auto-associative memory. Memorized
vectors are bipolar vk?-1, 1 n, k1m. Suppose
these vectors are columns of n?m matrix V. Then
synaptic matrix C of the memory is given by -
Associative recall is performed using following
procedure the input vector x0 is a starting
point of the iterations
where f is a monotonic odd function such that
33Attraction radius
- We will call the stable fixed point of this
discrete-time dynamical system an attractor. The
maximum Hamming distance between x0 and a
memorized pattern vk such that the examination
procedure still converges to vk is called an
attraction radius.
34Problem statement
35Generalized averaging on the manifold
36Computing generalized average on the Grassmann
Generalized averaging as an optimization problem
Transforming objective function
37Statistical estimation
38Statistical estimation
39Experimental results the simulated data
Nature of the data
40Experimental results simulated data
41Experimental results simulated data
Frequencies of attractors of associative
clustering network for different m, p8
42Experimental results simulated data
Frequencies of attractors of associative
clustering network for different p, and mp
43Experimental results simulated data
- Distinction coefficients of attractors of
associative clustering network for different p,
and mp
44The MNIST database data description
- Gray-scale images 28?28
- 10 classes digits from 0 to 9
- Training sample 60000 images
- Test sample10000 images
- Before entering to the network images were
tresholded to obtain 784-dimensional bipolar
45Experimental results the MNIST database
- Example of handwritten digits from MNIST database
46Experimental results the MNIST database
- Generalized images of digits found by the network
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
48Kernel AM
49Kernel AM
- The Basic Algorithm (Continued)
50Algorithm Scheme
51Experimental Results
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM Quotient spaces for
Signal Processing - Application Electronic Nose
53Model of Signal
54Signal Trajectories in the phase space
55The Manifold
56(No Transcript)
57Example of Signal Processing
- Introduction
- Geodesics, Newton Method and Geometric
Optimization - Generalized averaging over RM and Associative
memories - Kernel Machines and AM
- Quotient spaces for Signal Processing
- Application Electronic Nose
59Application for Real-Life Problem
Electronic Nose QCM Setup overview
Variance Distribution between principal Components
60Chemical images in space spanned by first 3 PCs