Title: Minimum Training
1- Minimum Training
- Standards
- for Public Safety
- Telecommunicators
- (2009 Project 33 Revision)
- Presented by Carol Adams, Stafford County and
APCO Intl Standards Development Committee Chair - And
- Lisa Fitzgerald, Communications Supervisor
- Charlottesville/UVA/Albemarle ECC
2Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revision Process
- Occupational Analysis
- Uses high-performing incumbent workers
- Calltakers, Law Enforcement Dispatchers, and Fire
Dispatchers - Initial panels - 2 days
- Developed general definition of the job and
identified the Knowledge, Skills, Traits, Duties
and Tasks - Validation panels 1 day
- Three validations Regionally
- Validates information identified by initial panel
3Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revisions
- Objectives of Revision
- Identify modular components
- Chapter 1 Introduction / Definitions
- Chapter 2 - Agency Responsibilities
- Chapter 3 Organization Integrity
- Chapter 4 - General Skills and Knowledge
- Chapter 5 - Tools, Equipment and Technology
- (Slide 1 of 2)
4Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revisions
- Objectives of Revision
- Modular Components Contd
- Chapter 6 Professional Competence
- Chapter 7 Public Safety Calltaker
- Chapter 8 Law Enforcement Dispatcher
- Chapter 9 Fire Service Dispatcher
- Chapter 10 - Emergency Medical Services
Dispatcher (Reserved)
5Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revisions
- Purpose Establish a more comprehensive training
standard - Utilizing the Occupational Analysis Process
- Preparing for the APCO American National
Standards (ANS) Process
6Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revision Highlights
- Standard defines hiring authority or Agency
responsibility - Details the varied functions of Public Safety
Telecommunicators, trainees and their
responsibilities - Includes a 24 hour per year (per employee)
continuing education requirement - Compliments CALEA standard for communication
7Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
Telecommunicators2009 Revision Additional
- Manager/Users guide
- Compliments standard, providing a more in-depth
reference related to the information contained in
the standard - This will be a valuable tool for Training
Coordinators or others who are developing a
training program to meet the standard - Currently being developed
8Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety
TelecommunicatorsChapter Overviews
9Chapter 1Introduction
- Scope
- Purpose
- Definitions
10Chapter 2Agency Responsibilities
- Program Administration / Organizational Integrity
- Agency shall establish no less than these minimum
training and performance requirements - Makes clear that there needs to be a detailed
conversation and exchange of basic information
and expectations between the trainee and the
Agency - Details not only the Agency responsibility, but
the trainees responsibilities as well.
11Chapter 3Organizational Integrity
- Mission and Values of Profession
- Scope of Public Safety Telecommunicator
- Authority
- Confidentiality
- Liability
- Scope of Public Safety Telecommunicator Trainee
12Chapter 4 General Skills and Knowledge
- Common abilities of high-performing Public Safety
Telecommunicators - Critical thinking
- Effective customer service
- Active listening
- Decision-making
- Problem-solving
- Multi-tasking
- Working with others
- Effective verbal and written communications
- to name a few
13Chapter 5 Tools, Equipment, and Technology
- Proficient demonstration of all relevant tools,
equipment, and technology utilized within the
Public Safety Communication Center - Radio systems
- Interoperability
- Computer systems
- Telephone systems
- Other equipment, tools and technologies
14Chapter 6 Professional Competence
- Identifies critical and unique training or
performance components that enhance professional
competence - Examples
- Complete training/certification requirements
- Meet/exceed performance standards
- Comply with SOP/SOGs
- Continuing education
- Acquisition of additional knowledge and skill
- Professional Development
- Networking
- Professional affiliation
15Chapter 7Public Safety Calltaker
- Minimum requirements for the Public Safety
Communications Calltaker - Call processing
- Record-keeping/documentation
- Relaying of information
- Pre-arrival instructions
16Chapter 8Law Enforcement Dispatcher
- Minimum requirements for Law Enforcement
Dispatcher - Provide radio communications dispatch services
- Analyze
- Prioritize
- Process
- Provide effective customer service and support
- Ensure responder and public safety
- Facilitate communications
17Chapter 9Fire Service Dispatcher
- Minimum requirements for Fire Service Dispatcher
- Provide radio communications dispatch services
- Analyze
- Prioritize
- Process
- Efficient and effective response to requests
- Provide effective customer service and support
- Facilitate communications
- Manage mutual aid/multi-jurisdictional events
18Chapter10Emergency Medical Services Dispatcher
- Reserved for future Standard development
- May be similar to Fire Services Dispatcher, but
dispatching medical services requires specific
knowledge not currently within this standard - Not to be confused with EMD or operational
requirements - Occupational Analysis Workshops being planned
19Next Steps
- APCO American National Standards (ANS) Process
- Carol Adams, SDC Chair
- Project Initiation Notification Completed through
ANSI - Met with NFPA 1061 to discuss future
collaboration - NFPA 1061 and this standard compliment each other
- Next Step is 45-day public review comment
period - Visit www.apcostandards.org for more information
20 APCO ANS Process
Candidate ANS Drafted
Review Maintenance
2. Public Review Comment
5. ANS Publication
3. Consensus Balloting
4. ANSI Approval
21Next Steps
- Minimum Training Standards Program Certification
- Also referred to as P33 Certification
- Minimum Training Standard for Public Safety
Telecommunicator - Revision
- Guidelines available online
- Stay tuned for updates and visit
22Whats in it for me?
- Creating and/or maintaining a higher standard of
training for your staff - A superior training program is beneficial
- It supports staff retention
- Decreases Liability
- Provides superior service to your customers
23Will the process take a lot of work?
- YES.
- Already have a great training program
- Document that you meet the standards!
- Add APCOs PST-1 Course
- Requiring this course will meet a lot of
24Will P33 improve my program?
- Great Training Program?
- Project 33 Certification will prove it
- Good Training Program?
- Meeting standards will make it great
- So-So Training Program?
- P33 will give you info to make it better
- Fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants Program?
- P33 gives you tools to create a superior
training program from scratch
25How Do I Get Started?
- Go to the website and READ
- Get approval from the boss if needed
- Print off the Minimum Standards
- APCO is currently revising them
26Getting Started (contd)
- Start a file for each Standard
- Begin with the standards that your program
already meets - Fill files with documentation that proves you
meet the standards (lesson plans, SOPs...)
27Getting Started (conts)
- Next go to standards that you dont meet yet
- Adjust your program to meet standards
- Add to, or change Lesson Plans, training manuals
and/or SOPs
28Have you met all of the Standards?
- Step 1 Complete a P33 Certification Application
and submit 450 fee - Step 2 Submit Curriculum and P33 Certification
Review Checklist - Copies of lesson plans
- Audio/Visual aids
- Tests/Exams and Evaluation Forms
- P33 Certification Review Checklist
- Electronic copies are preferred
29Meeting the Standards (contd)
- Step 3 Initial Review by APCO
- Step 4 Official APCO Review
- Step 5 Approved or Denied
- Denied given 90 days to fix it
- Still denied must reapply the next cycle
- Approved Get a formal letter and recognized at
next APCO International Conference and Expo
- Certification is valid for 3 years
- Recertification Process is the same as the
original certification process
- Lisa Fitzgerald
- Communications Supervisor
- Charlottesville-UVA-Albemarle County ECC
- 2306 Ivy Road
- Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
- Office (434) 977-9041
- Fax (434) 971-4845
- Email lfitzger_at_albemarle.org
- Carol Adams
- Director
- Stafford County Sheriffs Office, Division of
Emergency Communications - P.O. Box 189
- Stafford, Virginia 22555
- Office (540) 658-4712
- Email cadams_at_co.stafford.va.us