Title: Media Literacy
1Media Literacy
Frank W. Baker media educatorMedia Literacy
2 Best Practices Workshops
- December 6 (elementary)
- December 7 (secondary)
- Columbia
- Brooklyn Baptist Church Conference Ctr.
- Registration SDE Website
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5- Students "spend lots of time chatting, looking
at pop culture web sites, and downloading MP3s,
but they don't deal with critical evaluation of
Donald Leu, lead researcher UConn News
Story Study Aims To Improve Internet Literacy
Donald LeuUniversity of Conn.Teaching With The
Internet K-12 New Literacies forNew Times
6- Movies, advertisements, and all other visual
media are tools teachers need to use and media we
must master if we are to maintain our credibility
in the coming years.Jim Burke, fromThe
English Teachers Companion
7Multi-modal literacies (NCTE)
- From an early age, students are very
sophisticated readers and producers of
multi-modal work. They can be helped to
understand how these works make meaning, how they
are based on conventions, and how they are
created for and respond to specific communities
or audiences. 2005 Declaration,
NCTE Executive Committee
8Media literacy 101
- It would be a breach of our duties as teachers
for us to ignore the rhetorical power of visual
forms of media in combination with text and
soundthe critical media literacy we need to
teach must include evaluation of these media,
lest our students fail to see, understand, and
learn to harness the persuasive power of visual
media. NCTE Resolution on
Visual/Media Literacy
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10Media lit in SC Teaching Standards
CommunicationVIEWINGDemonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques used in non-print sources for a particular audience. PropagandaMass mediaEconomicsthe influence of advertising on consumer choices Food SelectionBody Image Alcohol tobacco advertising andmarketing techniques
11Endorsing media literacy
- American Association of School
LibrariansAnnenberg Public Policy
CenterCarnegie Commission on Adolescent
DevelopmentCenter for Substance Abuse
Prevention International Reading
Association National Board for Professional
Teaching StandardsNational Council for Teachers
of English National Council for the Social
Studies National Middle School
Association National PTANorth Central Regional
Educational Laboratory (NcREL)Office of National
Drug Control PolicyPartnership for 21st Century
12SC ELA Standards Viewing
- Every day, students come in contact with
media and technology. The challenge is to help
them make sense of it all and respond personally,
critically, and creatively.The inclusion of
viewing recognizes the powerful force of visual
media in the 21st century. ..
13SC ELA Standards Viewing
- ..Teachers must be comfortable with
integrating viewing into instruction. This can be
achieved by teaching, for example, how to read a
photograph, the techniques of persuasion in
advertising, the language of film,
criticaltelevision viewing skills,
information/technology literacy and more.
14Generation M
15What are they doing on line?
- 87 of U.S. teens between 12 and 17 years of age
use the Internet just 66 of adults do so - 81 of teen Internet users play games online
- 76 get news online
- 51 of teen Internet users say they go online on
a daily basis - 43 have made purchases online and
- 31 use the Internet to get health info
Source Teens and Technology Youth Are Leading
the Transition to a Fully Wired and Mobile
Nation (2005) "Life Online Teens and
Technology and the World to Come," (2006)
16- Our students are growing up in a world
saturated with media messagesyet, they (and
their teachers) receive little or no training in
the skills of analyzing or re-evaluating these
messages, many of which make use of language,
moving images, music, sound effects.
R.Hobbs, Journal Adult Adolescent Literacy,
February 2004
17- While more young people have access to the
Internet and other media than any generation in
history, they do not necessarily possess the
ethics, the intellectual skills, or the
predisposition to critically analyze and evaluate
. these technologies or the information they
encounter. Good hand/eye co-ordination and the
ability to multitask are not substitutes for
critical thinking.
Dr. David Considine, Appalachian State Univ.
18Writing activity
19Defining media literacy
- Media literacy is concerned with helping
students develop an informed and critical
understanding of the nature of mass media, the
techniques used by them, and the impact of these
techniques. More specifically, it is education
that aims to increase the students' understanding
and enjoyment of how the media work, how they
produce meaning, how they are organized, and how
they construct reality. Media literacy also aims
to provide students with the ability to create
media products. Media Literacy
Resource Guide, Ministry of Education Ontario,
20Media literacy key concepts
- All media are constructed
- Media use unique languages
- Media convey values and points of view
- Audiences negotiate meaning
- Media power and profit
Source Center for Media Literacy
21All media are constructions
of reality
22Media literacys rules
- Media are constructed using unique languages with
their own set of rules
Language of Instant MessagingBRB be right
backHW homeworkTTYL talk to you laterLOL
laughing out loud
23Media literacys rules
- Media convey values and points of view
24Media literacys rules
- Audiences negotiate meaning
25Media literacys rules
FOX (News Corp) NBC (NBC/Universal)CBS
ABC (Disney)CNN (AOL/Time Warner)VIACOM
26Critical inquiry asking questions
- Who produced/created the message?
- For what purpose was it produced?
- Who is the target audience?
- What techniques are used to attract attention
increase believability?
- Katie Couric slimmed for CBS promo
- How do you know this is a fake website?
32Product placement techniques
33Critical inquiry asking questions
- Who or what is left out why?
- Who benefits from the message being communicated
in this way? - What lifestyle is promoted?
- How do you know what it means?
- Where can you go to verify the info?
34- Lets take a look at some images
35Teaching in the 21st century
- Â "If video is how we are communicating and
persuading in this new century, why aren't more
students writing screenplays as part of their
Heidi Hayes JacobApril 2004
36The languages of TV Film
- Cameras
- a) Movement b) positioning c) use of lens
- Lights
- Audio (includes music, sound effects)
- Editing (post production special effects)
- Set design
- Actors wardrobes expressions
- Cell phone ad script
- Toy ad writing activities
- Politics Bush Kerry
- Film
- Because of Winn Dixie Tuck Everlasting
- To Kill A Mockingbird
38Contact info
- Frank Baker
- Fbaker1346_at_aol.com
- Media Literacy Clearinghouse
- http//www.frankwbaker.com