Title: Rochdale Borough Partnerships for Older People Project
1Rochdale Borough Partnerships for Older People
- Building Healthy Communities
- for Older People
2Rochdale Borough
- Population 206,400
- Ethnicity
- - 86 White British
- - 7.7 Pakistani
- - 1.3 Bangladeshi
- Ranked the 25th most deprived council area out of
354 in England
3Older People in Rochdale
- 29,500 people 65 yrs.
- 65 population will increase by 30 between 2006
and 2021 - 40 of people 65 have a limiting long term
illness - Adult Care FACS level is set at moderate
- Many older people struggle to stay independent
but fall outside social care services
4POPPs a Township model
5Our POPPs target groups
- Older people who may be beginning to experience
difficulties caused by social isolation, ill
health, changing family circumstances etc but
dont receive social services - Socially excluded and hidden older people
- Carers of older people, and/or older carers.
6What does the project test out?
- Devolved commissioning to older peoples
organisations in Townships - Expansion of local services and activities
through stimulating volunteering and enterprise
development - New ways of providing traditional day time
activities and low level services - The impact of community engagement and activity
on the wellbeing and quality of life of older
7The building blocks
- Multi-agency whole systems model
- Joined up information about services and
activities - Outreach to older people and carers
- Co-ordinated community transport
- Development of volunteer capacity
- Devolving control to older peoples organisations
- Budget for healthy living/learning activities
transport within townships - Expansion of community activities
- Sustainability through training
8Interlinked initiatives
capacity building
social enterprise
Social inclusion
carers support
healthy living
9POPPs Team Project Manager (CVS) Volunteer
Co-ordinator(CVS) Transport Co-ordinator (GMPTE)
Carers Worker (Carers Assocn) TOPPs Development
Worker (CVS) 5 Outreach Workers (RMBC) Admin
asst (RMBC)
Pennines Township Older Peoples Partnership
Rochdale Township Older Peoples Partnership
Middleton Township Older Peoples Partnership
Heywood Township Older Peoples Partnership
10Township Older Peoples Partnerships (TOPPs)
- Representing older peoples organisations within
the Township - Chaired and led by older people
- Links with Township democratic process
- Membership also includes
- Named Councillor
- Township Manager
- Carers Association rep.
11Information outreach project
- Reaching out to older people at home
- Independence and wellbeing check
- Personalised information about local services and
activities - Referring into mainstream services
- Identifying individual access needs and barriers
- Arranging volunteers, transport, carers support
etc - Identifying unmet need to inform the TOPPs
12the TOPPs commissioning process
- Indicative budget of 400,000 over 2 years
- allocated by distribution of people 65
- Pennines 68,000 Heywood 72,000, Middleton
96,000 Rochdale 164,000 - spend must meet the POPPs criteria -
- Does the proposed spend fit with the health and
wellbeing objectives of POPPs? - Does it fill an unmet need identified through
outreach visits? - Does it reach out to socially isolated and
excluded older people? - Is it sustainable? what element is included for
skills development and training of older people?
13Developing the TOPPs
- CVS provides development support
- Identifying training needs of members
- Developing and supporting the commissioning
process - Moving towards independent status
- TOPPs budgets enhanced by alignment of other
resources - Able to apply for external funds
14Anticipated services and activities
- Getting out and about - Social contact/befriending
- Benefits advice/form filling
- Help with shopping
- Garden maintenance
- Flexible transport
- IT training
- Healthy Living activities
- Expert Patient Programme
- Healthy lifestyle and relaxation programmes
- Anxiety management classes
- Arts therapy
- Healthy eating and cooking programmes
- Yoga and tai chi dance
- Exercise referral and health walks
15Making POPPs sustainable -1
- Partnership between statutory and the voluntary/
community sector - Project management via Council for Voluntary
Services CVS - Sustainability through capacity building -
community development approach - Training and skills development for older
people/carers - TOPPs and members - TOPPs able to attract external funding
- Development of social enterprise and small
16Making POPPs sustainable -2
- Some ongoing core statutory funding is needed -
dependent on evaluation outcomes - Shift of resources from high cost care needs
whole systems commissioning and decommissioning - Potential for commissioning of healthy
living/preventive services - through PBC - TOPPs fits with greater devolution to Townships
giving greater voice to older people to influence
local decision making