Title: Sediment Transport
1Topic 3 Sediment Transport Forest Land Use
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Mechanics
- Sediment Yield
- Channel Dynamics
- Conceptual Model of
- Sediment Transport
- VII. Forest Land Use and Erosion
- VIII. Preventing Accelerated Erosion
- Beschta (1987)
- Beschta (1978), Grant Wolf (1991)
- Lewis (1996), Gomi et al. (2005), Ward Jackson
(2004), Keim Schoenholtz (1999) - Discussions - General reference Brooks et al 2003
3- Introduction
- sedimentlargest source of
- water pollution (mainly ag, but
- biggest wq problem for forestry)
- B. Sediment effects
- Domestic water supplies
- Fish production/diversity
- Recreation
- Flood storage
- Decreased forest productivity
- Nutrient/chemical transport
4- C. Erosion and sedimentation factors
- Runoff
- Soil properties
- Texture, structure, infiltration
- Vegetation
- ET, interception, f floor, roots
- Climate
- Precip - amt, intensity, form
5- II. Definitions
- Erosion soil/mineral detachment
- and transport
- Water, wind, ice, gravity, human
- Natural/geologic
- Accelerated
- Cultural
- Mass movement (debris flows, debris torrents,
slumps - earthflows, creeps, debris avalanches)
- Surface (splash, rill, overland)
- Provides variety of particle sizes can
- modify channel
6B. Suspended Sediment Inorganic material
suspended in streamflow mg/L x 1/ha x L/sec
mg/ha/sec convert to kg/ha/yr (1x106 mg/kg,
3.1536x107 sec/yr)
C. Sedimentation Deposition of suspended
materials carried in water
7III. Mechanics of erosion A. 3 Steps
1. Detachment
2. Transport
3. Deposition
81. Soil detachment
92. Soil transport
103. Deposition
11B. Splash erosion Energy of raindrops
transports soil Potential energy ? Kinetic
energy (Position) (Motion)
Ke 0.5 M V2
Mraindrop mass Vraindrop velocity Kekinetic
12More splash erosion..
Terminal velocity reached in 7 m Role of Lower
vegetation Forest floor
Change soil aggregates
Change soil structure
Splashing of particles
Less infiltration, more runoff
13- C. Sheet erosion
- Splash erosion surface runoff
- D. Rill erosion
- Runoff into depressions
- Gains depth and velocity
- Transports soil
- E. Gully erosion
- Channelized
- Advanced stages of erosion
- Mass soil movement
14IV. Sediment Yield
Noxubee River, MS
An integration of many processes..
15IV. Sediment Yield
A. Total sediment outflow at a location over time
-Measure sediment load stream discharge
- -Large yields
- Active geologic erosion
- Improper land use
- Degree of aridity
-sediment load/discharge ratio High ratio bad
news!!! high erosion
16B. Sediment movement measurement
- Sediment discharge transported mass
- through given x-section (mg/L)
- 2. Suspended load suspended sand, silt, clay
- settling velocityltbuoyant velocity
- dep on particle size density
- sediment lowest near surface
- silt clay vs. sand
- correlation betw suspended load Q..
17Modes of Sediment Transport
- Suspended Load (clay silt, lt0.05mm)
- Bedload (gravel, cobble, boulders (gt2mm)
- Transition (sand-sized, 0.05-2mm)
18Distribution of suspended sediments
193. Wash load clay silt component (lt0.05mm) 4.
Bed load sand, gravel, rocks transported along
bottom but not in suspension
Rolling sliding
- Stream competence largest grain size a
- stream can move as bed load
20b. Critical tractive force force required to
entrain given grain size c. Erosion velocity
velocity at which entrainment occurs d. Stream
power ability of stream to transport bed
load e. Stream capacity max amt sediment of
given size or smaller that stream can carry as
bed load
Amt of bed load f(Q and slope)
21- 5. How much sediment is carried by stream?
- Supply of sediment to channel (var. source)
- Sediment properties
- Characteristics of channel
- Stream discharge
- Climate, topography, geology,
- vegetation, land use
f (sediment, energy)
226. Channel degradation Stream energy gt Sediment
supply Results in channel scouring 7. Channel
aggradation Sediment supply gt Stream energy
Suspended sediment usually limited by sediment
supply Bed load usually limited by stream energy
23C. Sediment Budget
(channel reach or entire stream)
24D. Sediment Delivery Ratio, Dr
-erosion rate vs. sediment transport
Dr Ys/Te
Ys sediment yield at a pt (kg/ha/yr) Te total
erosion within wshed above pt (kg/ha/yr)
25Factors affecting Dr
- Soil texture
- Land use
- Climate
- Stream conditions
- Physiographic position
- Dr decreases w increasing area
26E. Cumulative Impacts on Sediment Yield
- Non-point source
- Annual variation
- Diversity of land use changes
- Reduction in riparian veg
- Streambank alterations
- Increased streamflow
- Channel erosion-lateral extension of
- channelnew sediment source
- Reduced streamflow
- Cause-effect????
27V. Channel Dynamics and Processes A. Channels as
conduits for sediment
- Aggradation accumulate sediment
- -convex cross-sections
- Degradation loss of sediment
- -v-shaped cross-sections
28C. Streams in dynamic equilibrium
- Fluvial processes vs. hydraulic variables
- Driven by energy relationships
- Q AV channel morphology effects
- Shallowsmall A large V
- Deeplarge A small V
- Critical, subcritcal, supercritical flow
29D. Laminar and Turbulent Flow
- Laminar smooth, parallel flow,
- Uniform velocity
- Turbulent irregular, chaotic flow
- paths-random velocity fluctuations
- in all directions
Slowest layer along bed
30VI. Conceptual Model of Sediment Transport
(Beschta 87)
- How do we account for variations in sediment and
bed load supplies? - Streams as integrated systems
- Processes in one reach affect those downstream
31Example of integrated processes
- Active erosion in headwater reach
- Rapid sediment routing downstream
- Steep gradient
- Middle reaches-transition
- Less gradient
- Deposition/aggradation
- Stream shifts laterally, cuts into fluvial
deposits - Eventually incises and mobilizes recent
depositions - End result rapid aggradation then degradation
32Example (continued)
- Dampens changes in stream channel downstream
- Sediments from headwaters are deposited in
transition zones then slowly released without
changing channel morphology downstream
33Sources of Variability
- Variable source areas of sediment
- Particle size gradations
- Non-uniform channel morphology
- Dynamic channel
- Transient flows
- Therefore.difficult to predict sediment
34Klingemans double condition
- Sediment availability
- Flow capability
35Suspended Sediment Transport Model
- Sediment Rating Curve
- C aQb
CTSS or SSC Qdischarge a,bcoefficients from
linear regression log C vs. log Q
36Modified Suspended Sediment Transport Model
- Incorporation of sediment supply var.
- C aQb g(S)
CTSS or SSC Qdischarge a,bcoefficients from
linear regression log C vs. log Q g(S)supply
depletion or washout
- Sediment hysteresis (rising limbgtfalling limb)
- Slope of rising limb directly related to TSS
additional sources of sediment are being accessed - Each succeeding event has more TSS as long as
runoff exceeds preceding event - Seasonal decline
38More sediment on rising limb
Changing Sediment Supply
39Distributed Supply Model
- Sediment distributed among many storage
compartments - Q determines which compartments are accessed
- Rising limbnew supply compartments progressively
accessed - Falling limbfewer compartments accessed
- Think of stratified sediment storage compartments
along channel
40Distributed Supply Model
41Simple Bedload ModelPhase I
- Increase Q, turbulence, velocity
- First move sand particles (from pools, channel
margins, obstructions) - No disruption of armour layer
- Shear stress turbulence f (channel form)
42Simple Bedload ModelPhase II
- Continued increase Q, turbulence, velocity
- Removal of fine sediment in interstices of armour
layer - Disruption of armour layer entrainment of bed
material from riffle sections - Sufficient velocity/turbulence to transport
riffle bedload through pools to next riffle - No hysteresis!
Armour layer breaking up
43- VII. Forest operations and erosion
- Logging roads 80
- Harvesting tree felling min effect
- Main effect through change in hydrology
- C. Skidding 10-60 of harvest area
- Soil conditions
- Drainage patterns
- Mineral soil exposure
- Variable recovery rates
44Mapping and quantifying the problem
45- D. Site preparation
- Soil disturbance
- Removal of vegetation forest floor
- Compaction
- Disking and bedding
- E. Prescribed burning
- Severity
- Soil type
- Slope
- Precip
- Cover
46Beschta (1978) - paired watersheds
25 patch cut 4 roads 15-30 m buffers Light burn
82 cc 5 roads No buffer Burn
47Alsea annual sediment yield comparison
Two storms (1/28/65 and 1/11/72) 36 of total
15-yr sediment yield in Flynn Cr.
48More sediment in Fall than Spring
Flynn Cr.
49Alsea Watersheds
Pre-treatment early fall sedimentgtearly spring
seasonal shift in sediment rating curves
50Deer Cr. patch cut increased sed. yield
Road construction mass failure
Mass failure
2 sediment
51Discharge-weighted susp. sediment conc.
Deer Creek patch cut
52Needle Branch
53Needle Branch CC increased sed yield
Burning logging along channel
Low response
54Discharge-weighted susp. sediment conc.
Needle Branch clearcut
55- Alsea Summary
- Annual Q increased 3 for Deer Cr.
- Annual Q increased 26 for Needle Br.
- Annual sediment yield increases assoc
- with road construction, mass failure (Deer),
- surface erosion (Needle)
- Hysteresis for sediment yield
- More sediment on rising limb and with
- early season storms
56Grant Wolf (1991)
57Grant Wolf Summary
- Trying to study harvesting effects in unstable,
environment - Local mass movement events vs. logging effects
- Use of sediment rating curves (model
development) annual sediment yields based on
annual hydrograph
58Table 2. HJA Landslide Chronology
59HJA Sediment Response
60- VII. Controlling erosion-BMPs
- Susceptible situations
- Long, steep slopes, shallow soils
- Low infiltration capacity
- Loss of vegetation
- B. Prevention
- Protect soil surface
- Increase surface roughness
- Shorten slope length
- Maintain vegetation
61Vegetation-the key
- Interception
- ET reduces soil moisture
- Litter and OM
- Roughness
- Soil structure infiltration
62- B. Prevention (continued)
- Revegetation of disturbed areas
- Low-impact logging systems
- Cable logging
- Low-pressure tires
- Maintain litter operate on slash
- Dry-weather logging
- Minimum area
- Avoid high-hazard areas
- Apply erosion control
- Reduce sediment delivery to streams
63Effect of planning
Planned Skidtrails
Loggers Choice