Title: EPICS V8'6
3New Major Features in V8.6
- Physical Inventory 1
- Die Nitriding Schedule 9
- More later
4More New Features in EPICS V8.6
- (Other stuff which, though exciting and
innovative, did not merit individual conference
sessions. Please pay attention anyway.)
5Percentage Discounts/Surcharges
6Department Groups
- Any number of departments can be combined into
named department groups
7Department Groups (continued)
- Scrap, Downtime, and Rework codes can be linked
to a department group
8Charge Scrap and Rework to another department
- Scrap and rework can be charged to any
department (if gChargeScrap configuration setting
is turned on)
9Press Schedule Field Chooser
10SQL Server 2005 Compatibility
- Compatibility level 9 (SQL Server 2005) now
supported - (Sorry, Oracle 8.)
11Ship-To Customer added to CSI and SO Summary
screens 23
12Early warning for Duplicate Die number input
13Improved User-Field support
- Identify user-defined fields by their assigned
names in ChangeLogs.
14Improved Maintain Screens screen
- Show and allow editing of translated tooltips
and captions.
15New Features in EPICS V8.6