Gods Reveals His Plan of Salvation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gods Reveals His Plan of Salvation


Faith is a gift from God so that we may believe in Him. ... design on a piece of paper, but the random scribbles won't make anything complex. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gods Reveals His Plan of Salvation

Gods Reveals His Plan of Salvation
Faith and Revelation
  • Faith is reasonable.
  • Faith is a gift from God so that we may believe
    in Him.
  • Faith helps us to believe in what we cannot see,
    test, or measure.
  • Man is created in Gods image.
  • God revealed himself when he came as Jesus Christ
    out of love for human kind.

How do we Know God?
  • We can know that there is a God through reason
    (our intelligence) alone.
  • St. Paul reminds us that we can know God and
    about God by examining Creation itself.
  • We see that the universe has order and design
    which points to Gods hand in creation.
  • The complexity of design makes it unreasonable to
    believe it just happened by chance (i.e. Wrist

Knowing God
  • We are able to a little about God through
    creation as well.
  • By seeing the great power of the oceans, with
    their tides and waves, we know that God must be
    great and powerful as well.
  • Or the beautiful aromas and colors of spring
    flowers tell us that their creator must be
    pleasing and beautiful too.
  • All of Gods creatures tell us something about
  • They all reflect a bit of his greatness, beauty,
    and power.

St. Thomas Aquinas5 Proofs for the existence of
  • Saint Thomas Aquinas was one of the greatest
    theologians in history.
  • He was the Einstein of Christianity
  • He offered us five proofs, by reason alone, that
    God exists.
  • These five proofs are a work of genius, we hope
    that you will enjoy them.

The Five Proofs
  • First Mover Anything moved is moved by another.
    There cannot be an infinite series of movers. So
    there must be a first mover.
  • First Cause Anything caused is caused by
    another. There cannot be an infinite series of
    causes. So there must be a first cause.
  • Necessary Being Not everything is contingent.
    So there is a necessary being upon which other
    beings depend for their existence.
  • Greatest Being Whatever is great to any degree
    gets its greatness from that which is the
    greatest. So there is a greatest being, which is
    the source of all greatness.
  • Intelligent Designer Whatever acts for an end
    must be directed by an intelligent being. So the
    world must have had an intelligent designer.

Ok, now in English!
  • First mover Explained ingeniously for you.
  • The universe is in motion.
  • Even the big bang requires motion.
  • There had to be something to begin all that
  • That something we call God.
  • Time itself requires motion (thank you Einstein)
  • The first mover (God) put it all in motion,
    including time (He hit the stop watch).
  • If we think about it, nothing can happen before
    time (motion) was created. Making God the first

First Cause
  • Once there is motion we can look back in time and
    look for what Caused there to be motion.
  • There are two things involved with a cause, a
    source and a result.
  • If we look around at everything and say How did
    this all happen, we will go all the way back to
    the first movement and first mover.
  • We call the first mover, God, therefore God is
    also the first Cause.
  • God caused things to happen for a result.

Necessary Being
  • We didnt make ourselves.
  • We are dependent on our parents for our
  • They are dependent on theirs and so on to the
    first, who were dependent on the planet, who were
    dependent on the universe, which is dependent on
    the First Cause and First Mover, God.
  • This means that all things are dependent on a
    first cause and first mover. This necessary
    being to which we are all dependent is God.

Greatest Being
  • Whatever the greatest being in the universe is,
    we call that God.
  • Therefore God is the source of all Greatness.
  • Because we are all dependent that means the thing
    which we depend on is greater than us.
  • That means the Necessary Being, First Cause, and
    First Mover is the Greatest Being, that of course
  • God. Are you feeling wicked smart yet?

Intelligent Design
  • The two parts of cause were source and result.
  • Because the result, creation has order and
    complexity, it shows that there is an intelligent
  • A two year old with a crayon can draw a design on
    a piece of paper, but the random scribbles wont
    make anything complex.
  • The 10 year old with the same paper and crayon
    can make dinosaur look somewhat like a dinosaur.
    This is intelligent design.
  • There may be a chance the 2 year old can scribble
    out a perfect crayon replica of the Mona Lisa,
    but it is unreasonable to think so. If it did
    happened, what would you call the kid A genius!
  • Because things are complex and the furthest thing
    from accidental, He is an intelligent designer.

Knowing God from Nature
  • What can we know about God from
  • Inanimate Objects rocks, wind, light, gold?
  • Vegetative Plants, flowers, trees, fruit?
  • Animals Fish, birds, foxes, dogs, dolphins?
  • Humans Man and Woman?
  • Angels Guardian Angels, Arch Angels?

The Human Person
  • The Human Person has body and soul.
  • We have a physical body and spiritual soul
  • Our souls have two powers, intellect and free
  • Our soul, unlike animals, is rational, we can
    think (do math), reflect, and reason.
  • Because we have the ability to think, reflect,
    and reason, it allows us also to have free will
    the ability to choose.

Chalk Talk Man Body and Soul
Material World
Spiritual World
Man is like a bridge
Highest of the Visible, Why?
Lowest of the Spiritual, Why?
Male and Female
  • God created all men and women with equal dignity.
  • Equality does not mean that all have the same
    talents, strengths, intellect, etc.
  • It does mean that you have the same dignity and
    rights from God.
  • All humans have great value, no matter their
    race, religion, class, health, age, etc.

  • God reveals Himself in many ways
  • Creation
  • Scripture
  • Traditions
  • He completely reveals Himself in the person of
    Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our God.
  • The same as it is wrong to try to force someone
    else to act a certain way because we prefer it.
  • We must not try to make God fit our ideas, but to
    accept God for who he revealed Himself to be.

The Magisterium
  • The Church has the sacred duty to protect the
    deposit of faith, that is all the things God
    revealed to us.
  • The teaching office of the Church is called the
  • This is composed of the Pope and all the bishops
    in union with him.
  • They cooperate with the Holy Spirit to teach all
    we know about God without error.
  • There have been many explanations of the truth
    over 2000 years but the truths of our faith have
    never changed, nor can they ever.

Some things we can know only through Revelation
  • We could not know about the Trinity without
    revelation. Or these truths about God
  • God is one We believe in one God, a unity of
  • God is three Divine Persons, Father, Son, and
    Holy Spirit
  • The Three Persons are equal and share all of
    Gods attributes equally they are one in being.
  • They are co-eternal (none existed before any
    other and they exist eternally).
  • All three Persons are distinct, The Father is not
    the Son, is not the Holy Spirit. The Son is not
    the Father or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
    is not the Father or the Son.
  • We ascribe different works to each person but
    always working together.
  • The Father is Creator
  • The Son is Redeemer
  • The Holy Spirit is Sanctifier

  • Faith is a supernatural gift that allows us to
    believe in God and his revelation.
  • We use free will to accept the truths.
  • Faith feeds reason, The Catholic Faith is the
    most reasonable system of believe in the world
    Not to mention true.
  • When faith and reason seem to conflict, we assume
    our reasoning is off, and study the problem.
  • Over time and with study, the problem is often
  • We have seen this practiced through the many
    councils of bishops and the letters (encyclicals)
    written by Popes over the years.

  • Sometimes God reveals truths that we can know
    through reason (i.e. The Ten Commandments).
  • So often people can come to know those truths on
    their own.
  • What might some of these universal truths be?

Half Time Game Finding Time
  • Each table will race to put the events in each of
    their envelopes in the order that they happened
    from the earliest date to the latest date.
  • The first team to place all the events in order

Salvation History
  • The story of our salvation is found in Scripture
    which is without error as it was inspired by God.
  • Sacred Tradition guides us in living Christs
  • The Magisterium is the teaching authority of the
    Church which also is without error in matters of
    faith and morals.

God Reveals Himself
  • God has made Himself known to us through Creation
    but also through the Old Testament.
  • Finally God made Himself known to us by coming to
    live among us as Jesus Christ.
  • We call this Divine Revelation.

Divine Revelation
  • God has chosen to reveal Himself bit by bit to
    us, not all at once.
  • This revelation began with Adam and Eve who used
    to walk with Him in the Garden.
  • Later to the Israelites who would become the
  • They gave us the Old Testament which tells of
    Gods revelation to them.

Divine Revelation
  • All of the Revelation of the Old Testament lead
    to Gods greatest Revelation.
  • For God so loved the world that he sent His only
    SonJesus Christ.
  • Jesus chose Twelve Apostles and taught them
    everything they needed to know for salvation.
  • This revelation to them, the gospel, was
    entrusted to those twelve and their successors to
    be passed down to all generations.

Divine Revelation
  • The Apostles passed this revelation in two forms,
    Scripture and Tradition (Preaching).
  • Together Scripture and Tradition form the deposit
    of faith, the full revelation of Christ.
  • One without the other is lacking, though always
  • Scripture includes the Old and New Testaments.
  • Sacred Tradition includes teachings on the
    Trinity, Sacraments, and our Creed.
  • With the death of the last Apostle (John 100AD)
    there will be no further revelation.
  • The Church simply looks deeper and deeper into
    what we have been given by Christ and his

Sacred Scriptures
  • It is important to remember that Sacred Scripture
    is tied to Sacred Tradition.
  • The New Testament was written after Jesus died,
    rose, and ascended into heaven.
  • It was the Apostles who wrote these books (or
    those who recorded the Apostles direct
  • It was the Apostles Successors who read through
    the many books, letters, and works written about
    Jesus to decide, under the guidance of the Holy
    Spirit, which were true and accurate.

Sacred Scripture
  • Does anyone know of any books written in the time
    shortly after Jesus that are not included in the
  • Gospel of Thomas
  • Gospel of Judas
  • Gospel of Mary Magdelyne
  • These books were not included because they did
    not accurately record what Jesus revealed.

Sacred Scripture
  • By the early 400s all the books of Old and New
    Testament were agreed upon by the Bishops.
  • St. Jerome Translated all of these books into
    Latin in 383AD this edition of scripture was
    announced as the official Scriptures (The
    Vulgate) in the West.
  • Catholics have neither added nor subtracted to
    scripture since, nor will they ever.

Interpreting Scripture
  • Scripture can be interpreted literally and
  • When we interpret it literally we read it like a
    textbook or manual. When it says that Joshua
    fought the Battle of Jericho, we read that he
    actually fought the battle of Jericho.
  • Even when reading the scriptures literally we
    must remember that it is only without error in
    regard to the Truth god means to reveal (For
    faith and morals).
  • It doesnt matter if God created the world in
    Seven days or 70 billion years.
  • It is important that God did Create the world,
    the order of Creation, and that He rested.
  • It would make little difference to our salvation
    either way.

Interpreting Scripture
  • There are three ways of interpreting scriptures
  • Allegorical
  • Moral
  • Anagogical
  • The allegorical sense of interpreting scriptures
    would be to read it as it relates to Jesus.

Psalm 22Imagine this as Christs Prayer
Interpreting Scripture
  • The next spiritual sense of interpreting
    scriptures is the moral sense.
  • How does the passage relate to each of us here
    and now.
  • Finally there is the anagogical sense.
  • How does this scripture passage relate to the
    eternal. How does it point to heaven and our

How Was Scripture Written
  • God used many people to write the scriptures.
  • He chose each person for their unique style,
    gifts, and perspective.
  • Though each word was written with the authors
    talent, the words are completely inspired by God
  • We have four different tellings of Jesus life
    (The Gospels) each one is unique, some parts
    almost exactly the same, some contain stories the
    others dont.
  • It is the Word of God because though it was
    written by human hands, the words themselves are
  • There are some pictures of the Gospel writers
    with the Holy Spirit whispering in their ear as
    they write.

  • God wants us to get to heaven and He has given us
    two toolsScripture and Tradition.
  • If these two things could be full of errors, how
    could we ever believe?
  • God has promised us that the Sacred Scriptures
    and Sacred Tradition would be inerrant so that we
    could have faith.
  • God promised us that the Holy Spirit will Guide
    us into all truth.
  • We begin with this trust and when there is
    conflict, we study and reason out why.
  • Our Faith is confirmed by reasonableness of the

The Magisterium
  • The Magisterium is the teaching office of the
  • What does she teach?
  • The truths necessary for salvation (Faith and
  • The Magisterium is the Pope and the Bishops in
    union with him.
  • The Magisterium has been unbroken from the time
    of the Christ and the Apostles to the current day.

Chalk Talk Apostolic Church
Jesus Christ
Pope and Bishops
Apostolic Succession
The Twelve
Bishops are The successors Of the Apostles
Pope Benedict XVI
Popes are successors Of Peter
  • The Pope and the Bishops in union with the Pope
    can speak infallibly on matters of Faith and
  • To be infallible means that it is without error.
  • An example of an infallible teaching is that Mary
    was conceived without original sin (The
    Immaculate Conception).

Closing Prayer
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