Title: Flow Divider Project
1Flow Divider Project
- ME 4232
- Ahmad Jaafar
- Matthew Lueker
- Andrew Quick
- Andrew Tilstra
- Create a working Simulink model of a flow divider
that accurately follows real world behavior.
3How Flow Divider Works?
- Flow rate through the fixed orifice is equal to
flow through the variable orifice for one outlet
path - Pump delivers constant flow
- Oil density, viscosity, bulk modulus, etc. are
all constant
5Schematic and Mathematics
- Qa QbQc
- Qb C1(x)SQRT(Pa-Pb)
- Qc C2(x)SQRT(Pa-Pc)
- P1 Pa-(Qb/c1(x))2
- P2 Pa-(Qc/c2(x))2
6Determination of Pa, Qb, Qc
- Newtons Iterative Method Using Jacobian Matrix
- QA - QB - QC 0 (F1)
- QB2 - C12(P1 PB) 0 (F2)
- QC2 - C22 (P2 PC) 0 (F3)
7- Initial guess of value for x
- Evaluate f(x)
- Decide if f(x) close to zero
- If so, stop and use x values
- Otherwise iterate again to find new value of x
Then find P1, P2 using values of Pa, Qb, Qc
8Simulink Model
9Simulink Subsystem Model
10M file
For a constant pressure difference
Plot of pressures
Input and output flows for constant pressure
12For a step change in pressure of one output port
Plot of pressures
Input and output flows for constant pressure
13For a series of step changes in pressure of one
Plot of pressures
Input and output flows for constant pressure
14Triangular changes in pressure of one Outlet Port
Plot of pressures
Input and output flows for constant pressure
15Stepped Triangular changes in pressure of one
Outlet Port
Plot of pressures
Input and output flows for constant pressure
- Newtons method can be used to solve the system
of nonlinear equations describing the flow
divider. - Given an input flowrate and two output pressures,
our model successfully divides the flow with
50-50 ratio. - The flow divider was able to maintain constant
flow for different types of varying inputs.