Title: Watch Warning Advisory WWA OB3'1 Training
1Watch Warning Advisory (WWA) OB3.1 Training
- WWA Basics
- OB3.1 WWA New Features
- Using the New Features
- Things You Need to Know
- Frequently Asked Questions
3WWA Basics
is crucial to the easy and successful creation
of a WWA
5Navigating WWAGeoviewer Menus
- Options Menu
- Can Zoom in or out 1 time
- Can view the map with Zone, County/Parish, or
Fire Weather areas shown - Products are set up to default to correct map
- Shifting outlines shows outlines of all active
hazards - Topography can be toggled on/off
- UGCs and Names can be toggled on/off
- Topo bounds can be set
- Font size can be set
6Navigating WWAMonitor Window
Click column header to sort in descending order
and again for ascending
- Yellow box indicates that type of hazard is
displayed in the window - Number of that hazard type in the database is
noted - Includes local WFO and surrounding
- Can choose what is displayed in the window by
selecting or deselecting the hazard type or local
WFO - Color of hazard background indicates its status
- e.g Follow Up indicates a follow up statement is
needed for the hazard - Grayed-out actions on the bottom are invalid for
the selected hazards
7Navigating WWAComposer Window
- Options Menu
- Mode Choose from the list
- Defaults to Active
- Times
- HazBegins Time/date event is forecast to begin
- HazDuration How long event will last
- HazExpires Time/date event is expected to end
- Only one of the 2 above need to be set and the
other will be adjusted accordingly - ProdExp Time by which product will need to be
updated (i.e. purge time) - Overview/Synopsis Overview for entire product
(i.e. NPW) - Descriptive Information particular to this
hazard segment (i.e. Heat Advisory)
8Navigating WWAMouse Buttons
- Below are only valid in the
- geo-viewer
- Left Mouse Button MB1
- Selects/deselects the county/parish the mouse is
over - Middle Mouse Button MB2
- Brings up list of active hazards for the
county/parish the mouse is over - Right Mouse Button MB3
- Brings up list of choices for selecting/deselectin
g an area
9Creating a Hazard
- Click New from the Monitor window
- This opens the Composer window
- Select the Hazard you wish to create from the
pull down menu - Hazards are grouped into categories and
10Creating a Hazard, cont
- Set your HazBegins time/day
- Set either HazDuration (i.e. 12 hours) or
HazExpires time - ProdExp normally defaults to 6 hours from
current - Choose area hazard is expected to affect
- Can select individual counties/parishes, states,
entire CWA - States/CWA available via right mouse button over
map - Choose appropriate CTA statements
- Select Transmit (single segment) or Save Only
(multi segment)
11New Features
- Spell Check on Final Product
- New Transmit Window
- Editing locked to just text
- Better determination of Mode
- Upgrades/Downgrades
- Including from one to multiple hazards
12Spell Checker
Click the book to initiate the spell checker
13Using the Spell Checker
At first, the spell check will flag zones,
counties/parishes and cities until you add them
all to the dictionary
Use upper case if you type a word or you can hang
14New Transmit Window
No editing of the VTEC code, UGC code or
Editing of the time/date line is no longer
15New Transmit Window
Product ID of file being sent
Green indicates it will go out to world (Active
and Test Modes) Product you are working
on(regardless of mode)
Yellow indicates practice mode (it will not go
out to world) Product you are working
on(regardless of mode)
16When You Click Send
Click Acknowledge if you wish to continue with
issuing/storing your product
The ability now exists to do multiple upgrades or
downgrades from one hazard
18Using the New Features
19What is Primed?
- Click New (primed) is shown on many of the
- following slides, so what does it mean?
- Primed means having a hazard selected in the
- Monitor window before clicking New
- The text from that hazard is then available in
the Overview and Descriptive windows of the new
hazard - Very useful when upgrading/downgrading/replacing
a hazard - Just prime with the hazard being upgraded,
downgraded or replaced
20Upgrading One for One
- Click New (primed)
- Select hazard (red flag warning)
- Select area of concern
- Adjust Begins, Expires and ProdExp times
- Click Overview/Synopsis to update the overview
for the RFW - Click Descriptive to add the specifics for the
segment - Choose any CTA statements
- Click Transmit
Do not need to add headline - it is automatically
added to final product Exceptions are SPS and
other non-warning products
Start with an existing hazard Red Flag Watch in
this case
21Upgrading an Existing WWA
This box will pop up to make sure you want to
upgrade the hazard If you have multiple hazards
in effect, make sure you are upgrading the
correct hazard using the ID number from the
monitor window
The Monitor window will not scroll after
selecting Save Only or Edit Transmit so you
need to note the ID number beforehand
22Clicking the Wrong Choice
- NEVER click the X on a pop up box!
- WWA will crash
- If ID number is not known, just click Yes/No to
get to transmit window - Incorrect choice was accidentally selected on the
prompt box - When final Transmit window appears, click the red
X icon - You are returned to where you selected Transmit
- Click Transmit option again
- Correctly select Yes for the WWA ID of hazard you
are upgrading
23Transmit the Upgrade
- Proof product, run spell check and send product
24Upgrading One to Multiple
- Click New (primed)
- Select hazard
- Select area of concern
- Adjust Begins, Expires and ProdExp times
- Click Overview/Synopsis to update the overview
for the NPW - Click Descriptive to add the specifics for the
segment - Choose any CTA statements
- Click Save Only
Upgrading an Excessive Heat Watch with a Warning
SE and Advisory NW
25Upgrading an Existing WWA
This box will pop up after you click Save Only to
make sure you want to upgrade the hazard If you
have multiple hazards in effect, make sure you
are upgrading the correct hazard using the ID
number from the monitor window Repeat the same
steps from the previous slide for the other
hazard(s) - another box will pop up after
clicking Save Only Click Close on the Composer
when ready to create final product (NPW here)
26Create a Segmented Product
- Select /Highlight the Warning, Advisory and Watch
- Remember the first chosen will determine the
Overview used - Otherwise, order selected does not affect final
product as WWA orders segments according to
directives - Click Transmit
- Note the watch indicates Cancelled with the last
action as Upgrade - While it does not affect the text, watch must
also be selected so when VTEC is turned on, the
proper code is included
Create the multi-segment NPW
27Create a Segmented Product
Transmit window from OB 3.0 no locks on editing
Proof, run spell check and send product
28Downgrading/Expanding Portion of Hazard
- To expand a hazard, first select that hazard in
the Monitor window and select Follow Up - This will bring up the Composer window
Downgrade portion of Freeze Warning to existing
Frost Advisory
29Downgrading/Expanding Portion of Hazard
- Adjust any times as needed
- Expand area to include counties being downgraded
- Update Overview as needed
- Click Descriptive to update the specifics for the
Advisory - Click Save Only
30Downgrading/Expanding Portion of Hazard
Downgrade box that pops up after clicking Save
Only on the Advisory
Total area of expanded Frost Advisory in light
Select all NPW segments from the monitor window,
then click Transmit
32Transmit Downgrade
- Headlines indicates the warning is no longer in
effect but an advisory is - For a product such as this, 3 segments will
exist - Where Advisory replaces Warning (downgrade)
- Remaining Warning
- Remaining Advisory
33Follow-up Tip
- If multiple hazard types are in effect, but are
issued under one PIL, follow-up all segments,
then combine and transmit - NPW hazards are a prime example
- Like previous example Freeze warning, Frost
advisory and High wind watch in effect across CWA
at same time - If one segment is being changed (downgraded,
etc.), remember to update all segments before
issuing - If a segment is forgotten, follow-up all segments
again and re-issue
34Replacing Like Hazards
- A Snow Advisory is in effect for part of the CWA
- Conditions change and now mixed precipitation is
forecast for the advisory area plus additional
counties - Priming with the existing Snow advisory, create a
New Winter Weather Advisory which covers the new
35Replacing Like Hazards
- Choose Winter weather Advisory from Hazards menu
- Adjust any times as needed
- Select area of existing Snow advisory and new
WW advisory counties - Update Overview as needed
- Click Descriptive to update the specifics for the
WW Advisory - Click Transmit
- Choose Yes on the replace box for the correct ID
Note label says Winter Weather - Pop up box
label is the same as Hazard category
36Transmit Replacement
- Product has 2 segments
- One for replacement
- One for new WW Advisory
- Monitor window indicates status of snow advisory
is cancelled
37Things You Need to Know
- Labels on the Upgrade, Downgrade, and Replace
boxes are the same as the categories under Watch,
Warning and Advisory hazard headings - So do not be fooled look for ID number!
- When clearing or canceling a hazard, the ProdExp
time is set to a short duration even if other
segments continue - Remaining segments should immediately be followed
up to include a longer ProdExp time - Insures valid segments are not dropped by
38Things You Need to Know/FAQ
- It is best to not practice when there are active
hazards - If the active hazard is selected, even when in
Practice Mode, it will switch you to Active Mode
without you realizing it - Why did I not get the Overview/Synopsis I
expected in my final segmented product? - The Overview/Synopsis of the hazard you click
first in the WWA Monitor will be the synopsis
used for the final product
39Frequently Asked Questions
- Why couldnt I create a final Follow-up/Cancel on
a hazard which is about to expire? - The hazard must have expired before the
Follow-up/Cancel was transmitted since WWA only
permits actions on valid hazards - Why did CRS neither acknowledge my cancellation
statement nor drop the WWA I was trying to end? - Be careful to set your cancellation statement
ProdExp time enough in the future so that it is
still valid when CRS receives it or it will not
Contact Shannon White shannon.white_at_noaa.gov or
Greg Noonan gregory.noonan_at_noaa.gov