Title: Local Poverty Reduction Cluster
1Local Poverty Reduction Cluster
Majeda Haq
- Enable rural poor women and youth in rural and
urban vulnerable areas to attain sustainable
livelihoods by reducing economic and social
inequalities and securing pro poor growth
48 of population below poverty line in 2000
This has been reduced by
a further 5 by 2005
Between 1990 and 2000 poverty gap ratio declined
from 17.2 to 12.9 Urban
Between 2000 to 2005 urban poverty
declined from 34.9 to 28.4 Urban population
growing at 3.7 p.a and will reach 50 million by
35 urban households live in slums Rural
Poverty reduced
from 61 to 53 between 1990 and 2000 Employment
38 unemployed or
1 million new job seekers per year
About 300,000 to 400,000 new migrant, mostly
poor, arriving to the Dhaka city
Youth unemployment 41.6
Womens wages 58
of mens
- Key Areas
- Local Economic Development
- Social Inclusion
- Approaches
- Community based approach
- Capacity development for Govt. and other
stakeholders - Income and employment generation through
vocational training and apprenticeship - Policy advocacy
- Donor co-ordination
- Focus
- Socially and economically marginalized women and
youth in urban and rural areas. - Female headed households
- Illiterate or partially illiterate women.
- Urban slum dwellers
- Extremely poor urban households and individuals
- Monga and other poverty stricken Areas.
- Local Economic Development
- Town ,District Upazilla and Union strategy
development - Linkages to markets
- Value chains
- Partnership with private sector and Government
- Market research
- Access to financial services
- Promotion of corporate social responsibility
- Womens access to finance
- Social Inclusion and Protection
- Reducing social and economic vulnerability
through social safety nets - Research on impact of government and donor
programmers. - Insurance against natural and man made calamites
- Policy advocacy
- Enhance access to and expansion of existing
government social safety net programs.
5Achievements and Results
Urban Partnership of Poverty Alleviation Project
- 600,000 people had improved access to basic
services - Significant improvements in community family and
individual health. - US 1 million in community savings
- 600 organized communities solving their own
problems including early marriage, domestic
violence and early marriage -
- Womens empowerment through managing 90 of
community contracts for construction of basic
services, social and economic programmers. - Integration into the urban economy through
apprenticeship programmes in non-traditional
urban poor skill areas - LPUPAP experiences and successes have leveraged
US120 million from DFID for expanded programmed
to cover 3 million urban poor people.
6Rural Employment Opportunity for Public Assets
(REOPA), Capacity Strength Team
- Project Operation Activities started by bringing
all staff on board, setting up office and other
equipment facility both in Dhaka and necessary
equipments both in Dhaka 6 districts offices. - Creation of employment for 30,000 year round and
600,000 seasonal employment through creation of
public assets - Initial successful implementing helped to build
donor confidence and resulted increase project
funding US 2.25 to US 27.58 million.
- On going
- Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development
and cooperatives - Local Government Engineering Department
- Ministry of Industry
- EC
- Financial
- EC US 27.58million
- DFID UK 60 million
- UNDP TRAC US 3m US 0.25 m
- GoB US 5.2 million US 0.66 m
- Human
- 137 existing project staff with over five years
experience in urban Rural poverty alleviation. - 2,400 community leaders
- Knowledge, research and innovative skill of rural
urban poor community members - UNDP
- UNDP team management skills
- Policy expertise
- Donor coordination
- Engagement with government
- partners
8Expected Outcomes
- Increased share of women and poor in national
resources and services channelled to the poor
people - Significantly enhanced capacity of the government
functionaries to ease constraints? Hinder growth
of the pro-poor private sector both in urban and
rural areas. -
- Removal of economic, social and infrastructure,
information barriers ?Restrict urban and rural
poor to effectively capitalize on market
opportunities. - Safety net programs expanded, leakages reduced,
improved targeting. - Partner institutions become market oriented.
- Local level institutions and organizations become
more responsive and responsible to needs and
aspirations of poor and women of urban and rural