Title: The Application of HACCP Principles and Practice
1The Application of HACCP Principles and Practice
- Red Meat Sector
- The United Kingdom Experience
- Presented by Paul Bache
- Training and Development Manager
- Food Training International
2The Meat ( Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Points) Regulations 2002
Based on Commission Decision 2001/471/EC
Amend Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regs
1995 Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and
Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regs 1995
Implementation dates Large Plants 7th June
2002 Small Plants 7th June 2003
3The Meat (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point) (England) Regulations 2002
- Implement and maintain permanent procedure for
regular checks on the hygiene conditions of
Requires licensed meat plants
Developed using HACCP principles
4Applies to
Red/white meat slaughterhouses
Re-packaging re-wrapping centers
Cutting plants
Cold stores
5Pilot Project Meat Plant Operators HACCP Training
7 Plants in UK
1 in Scotland 2 in Wales 4 in England
Includes one white meat abattoir and one red
meat cutting plant
6Pilot Project Objectives
Test out training material and strategy. Identify
potential problems
Remove the fear. Break down barriers to
learning. Create ownership team culture
Establish a timeline Determine existing
pre-requisite status.
7Pilot Project Issues
- Basic hygiene training
- Training Records
- Cleaning Schedules
- Hygiene policy
- Pest control
- Structure/Style/Culture
- Learning style
- Right brained
- Conflict / us them
- Inconsistencies / interpretation
- Hygiene Assessment Score
- Fear Threat of prosecution
Mind set/attitudes
8Keys to successful HACCP training and
- Uncomplicated, not lost in a quality or
procedures manual - HACCP has to be user friendly
- Simple to manage
- Effective at controlling relevant hazards
- Encourage ownership of the HACCP
9The Rationale
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day
show him how to fish and you feed him for life.
10The Challenge
- Left brained system
- Step by step structured
- approach
Right Brained pragmatic managers
- The manual
- Training/workshops
- Co-operation
- Patience
- Common sense
- Need to manage
- Time
- People
- Communication
- Operating lean and mean
- Multi-tasking
11Meat Plant Operators Training/Guidance Manual
Developed by FTI in conjunction with and on
behalf of the Food Standards Agency
Distributed by FSA to all Fresh Meat plants and
12Meat Plant Operators Training/Guidance manual
- Distributed by FSA to all Fresh Meat plants and
OVS - Contains info on
Introduction to HACCP
Pre-requisite Programmes
Understanding HACCP Terminology
Preparation How to get started
13Meat Plant Operators Training/Guidance manual
Guidance notes and Micro notes
Useful forms and documents
HACCP Template and Examples
Training syllabus and notes
CD Rom
Focus is on the REDUCTION of bacterial
contamination, and the prevention of growth.
14HACCP Template
developed for use
as a training tool.
developed for use
to demonstrate sector specific
examples, prompting discussion and debate.
developed for use
to produce the HACCP plans in the plant.
15Training Course Key points
Delivered as a one or two day course
- Simple training materials
- Relevant to the industry
- Plain language
- Multiple choice Hygiene/HACCP
- paper and HACCP case study form
- the assessment criteria
one day training option
Hygiene knowledge counts as prior learning
16To Develop and Implement HACCP Successfully
- Good pre requisite procedures
- and hygiene practices.
Co-operation, patience and common sense.
involve workforce
- Commitment/ positive attitude
- management,staff, MHS personnel.
Quality time, create ownership
17What Is HACCP?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Internationally accepted food safety management
Ensures that the product is safe and will not
cause harm to the consumer
- The HACCP system is solely related to FOOD SAFETY
18HACCP Based System
HACCP does not replace good hygiene practices or
existing documentation.
...but it is most effective when built on this
19HACCP Based System
- There is no stage in the processing of raw meat
at which the - Prevention or Elimination
- of bacterial contamination can be guaranteed
20HACCP Based System
- Management and staff can make a significant
contribution in
21The Seven HACCP Principles
1. Identify any hazards that must be prevented,
eliminated or reduced.
2. Identify the critical control points (CCPs)
at the step(s) at which control is essential.
3. Establish critical limit(s) at CCPs.
22The Seven HACCP Principles
4. Establish and implement effective monitoring
procedures at CCPs.
5. Establish corrective actions to be taken if a
CCP is not under control.
23The Seven HACCP Principles
6. Establish regular procedures to verify
whether the above measures are working
7. Establish documents and records to
demonstrate the effective application of the
above measures.
Control Measures
Critical Limits
Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Corrective Actions
25- Specific
- Measurable..
- Attainable..
- Realistic.
- Time bound
specific to the business processes and procedures.
monitored and documented
can only be achieved if pre-requisite programmes
already exists
HACCP scope must be realistic to be achievable.
needs a structured approach to put it together.
26Before writing a HACCP Plan adequate
pre-requisites must be in place
staff instructions staff training
- Pre-requisites Involving People
individual staff training records
hygiene policy
Supplier and Customer lists Delivery records
Pre-requisites Involving Suppliers Customers
27- Pre-requisites Involving Premises
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Maintenance of
Control of
Buildings. Â Â Â Surroundings. Â Â Â Ref
rigeration equipment. Â Â Fixtures and
fittings. Â Â Vehicles.
Pests Water quality Waste disposal
Cleaning schedule and Cleaning checklist.
Cleaning of Premises Fittings Equipment Vehi
cles Â
 Chemical use and storage procedures
28Cleaning schedules should include the following
What is to be cleaned
Who is to clean it
How is it to be cleaned
When is it to be cleaned
The time necessary to clean it
29Cleaning schedules should state
The cleaning standard required
The chemicals, materials and equipment to be
Who is responsible for checking and recording
that it has been cleaned
The precautions to be taken and the
protective clothing to be worn
30What is a HACCP Plan?
- A document or collection of documents that
summarises the production steps, the hazards and
the control procedures in a food business.
31The HACCP Template
List the HACCP Team members
Write the Scope of the plan
Draw a flow diagram for each product/process
32The HACCP Template
- Identify hazards
- and controls
- Determine or Justify
- the Critical Control Points
Establish Critical Limits Monitoring
procedures Corrective actions
33Prepare the Ground
Two or more people
- a) Assemble the HACCP Team
Made up of experienced employees with an
understanding of HACCP
Company HACCP Plan that is unique to and
owned by the business
34Prepare the Ground
and Process Flow Diagram For Each
35Apply HACCP Principle 1
- Identify any hazards that must be prevented,
eliminated or reduced.
Identify SIGNIFICANT biological, chemical or
physical hazards and their causes at each step
in the production process.
36Apply HACCP Principle 1
Assess the risk.
Determine the likelihood (either High or Low)
of that hazard occurring and the severity
(either High or Low) of adverse health affects.
37Apply HACCP Principle 1
Determine Control Measure
Identify what can be done to control significant
hazards. More than one control measure may be
required for a specific hazard
38Apply HACCP Principle 2
- Identify the critical control points (CCPs) at
the step(s) at which control is essential.
Using the CCP determination table determine
which process steps are CCPs and which steps
are not
39Apply HACCP Principle 3
- Establish critical limit(s) at CCPs.
Critical limits must be recorded on The CCP
Summary sheet
Each control measure at a CCP should have at
40Apply HACCP Principle 4
- Establish and implement effective monitoring
procedures at CCPs.
There should be at least one Monitoring
Procedure for each Critical Limit
Documents and records should be given a
reference number
Identify the person responsible for
monitoring the CCP
Decide how often the Monitoring Procedure
is carried out
41Apply HACCP Principle 5
- Establish corrective actions to be taken if a CCP
is not under control.
Decide which Corrective Actions you can
implement at each Critical Control Point.
Documents and records should be given a
reference number
Identify the person responsible to carry out
corrective actions
42Apply HACCP Principle 6
- Establish regular procedures to verify whether
the above measures are working effectively.
A validation check should be carried out before
the plan is first implemented to make sure it is
thorough and accurate.
43Validation checks
- should include an assessment of
The flow chart identifies each step in the
Significant hazards addressed, control measures
in place
The scope accurate description of the process
Are CCPs justified are critical limits
Procedures for monitoring and corrective action
in place and understood by relevant staff
Are records and documents adequate
44Apply HACCP Principle 6 Verification checks
- should include an assessment of
Product and process information on-site
review of all flow diagrams
Operating practices how they relate to the
The relevance of each part of the HACCP plan
and documentation
- Staff instructions
- Micro test results
- Customer complaints
- Corrective action taken
- Third party reports
- auditors
- regulatory authority
- customers
- assurance schemes
Regular verification can be provided through the
Review Procedure and ongoing microbiological
testing of carcases
45Apply HACCP Principle 7
- Establish documents and records to demonstrate
the effective application of the above measures.
Prepare The Ground
List the HACCP Team
Draw the flow diagram
Write the Scope
46Apply HACCP Principle 7
- Establish documents and records to demonstrate
the effective application of the above measures.
Identify hazards causes and controls
Apply HACCP Principles
Establish CCPs
Establish critical limits monitoring procedures
and corrective actions
Establish documents and records
47Establish A Review Procedure
- When there are changes to
Facilities. Working patterns. Pre-requisite
programmes. Legislation.
There is an unexplained system failure
Microbiological test results or customer
complaints indicate that there is a need to
improve procedures or training
Information is received about new hazards or
best practices
48Establish A Review Procedure
- Each time the review procedure is carried out
validation checks should also be carried out. - If there is a need identified to change
procedure, then the HACCP plan must be amended
and any changes validated.
Amend Plan if necessary
49Records to be kept
General Documentation
- Prerequisite programmes and working instructions
- Staff training records.
- Records of regular monitoring of controls
e.g.temperature etc. - Records of any corrective actions
- Ongoing verification records e.g. microbiological
test results - Record of review
keep as simple as possible
50For HACCP to work you must
Say what you do
Do what you say
Prove it with records
51Why HACCP fails
When HACCP appears to fail, is it the fault of
the HACCP system itself
..or does the real failure lie with the
people who are trying to implement it?
52Why HACCP fails
The food operation is not yet ready for HACCP
a badly designed or badly run food operation
can result in too many CCPs
53Why HACCP fails
Only some of the principles are applied
failure to establish relevant Monitoring
systems or establish proper corrective action.
54 Why HACCP fails
The principles have not been applied
failure to consider all the hazards when
conducting the hazard analysis
55Why HACCP fails
- The HACCP plan is perceived as a
- paper exercise
not implemented in practice
56Why HACCP fails
- The HACCP plan is over complicated
the sole aim of HACCP is to make food safe.
HACCP can be held back when experts over
emphasise technical terms and definitions
57Implications for Managing HACCP
- Training on its own is not enough
- Commitment to implementing HACCP
- Changes in behavior /working practice
- Involvement of all staff
58Management Commitment