Title: Animated Slide Show of Air Quality in Richmond
1Animated Slide Show of Air Quality in Richmond
- An example of the inter-relationship of
meteorology, air pollution and visual air clarity
- 29 May, 2007
229 May 700 am
329 May 730 am
Fog laying between Wensley Gladstone Rds -
wedged between SW wind over Waimea Plains cold
air draining slowly from Barnicoat Range
ESE 1.1 km/hr
4800 am
A light SW wind continues on plains but northerly
wind above 60m from ground. ENE wind in Richmond
ENE 2.5 km/hr
5830 am
A light SW wind continues on plains but wind
shifts to a light S wind in Richmond Central.
Home heating fires beginning to elevate PM10
S 2.2 km/hr
6900 am
Fog lifts off smog becomes apparent
SW 1.7 km/hr
7930 am
Smog fills stays moderately high pushed in
against the hills
WNW 1.9 km/hr
81000 am
Wind on the plains switches to a light ENE to E,
similar to that in Richmond Central
ENE 2.8 km/hr
91030 am
Rising NNW wind on the plains again pushes smog
close to the hills
NW 4.1 km/hr
101100 am
N 4.2 km/hr
111130 am
NE wind rises in speed
NE 5.7 km/hr
121200 am
PM10 levels begin to decline with increasing wind
speed but rate of decline slow as polluted air
returns with the addition of smog from Stoke.
This is mitigated by greater wind speed inducing
greater mixing.
NNE 8.1 km/hr
131230 am
NNE 9.6 km/hr