Chapter 26: Economic Development and Global Ecology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 26: Economic Development and Global Ecology


Chapter 26: Economic Development and Global Ecology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 26: Economic Development and Global Ecology

Chapter 26 Economic Development and Global
  • Robert E. Ricklefs
  • The Economy of Nature, Fifth Edition

Looking to the Future
  • As the human population continues to grow and
    humans dominate ecological systems worldwide, the
    question of how we can create a sustainable
    future for both humans and other species becomes
    increasingly important
  • there is considerable room for pessimistic
  • positive steps have been taken in the United
  • Clean Air Act (1970)
  • Clean Water Act (1972)
  • Endangered Species Act (1973)
  • But
  • In Lebanon?

Positive Steps Toward Sustainability
  • Laws regarding endangered species, clean air, and
    clean water have been implemented worldwide.
  • Straightforward ecological and engineering
    solutions exist for environmental problems.
  • People worldwide share a concern for the

What can Ecologists Contribute?
  • The challenge to ecologists is to provide the
    scientific information needed to develop social
    consensus, build political commitment, and inform
    decision making on issues concerning the

Ecological processes hold the key to
environmental policy.
  • Conserving ecological processes is the key to
    maintaining a sustainable biosphere
  • the fundamental processes of energy use and
    recycling of materials have built-in mechanisms
    to restore imbalances when these occur
  • when consumers increase to high numbers,
    declining birth rates and increasing death rates
    restore a sustainable relationship between
    consumer and resource
  • if natural processes are disrupted, ecosystems
    may not be able to maintain themselves

Human activities threaten local ecological
  • All human activities have consequences for the
  • emphasis on short-term returns can lead to
    collapse of a resource
  • one after another of the commercial whale species
    were hunted to near-extinction, forcing the
    industry to turn progressively to less profitable
  • many profitable fisheries have collapsed because
    of overfishing

Human activities threaten local ecological
  • Some consequences of human activities have
    indirect effects
  • clearing of watershed land for agriculture or
    timber leads to undesirable consequences
  • alteration of riverine habitats
  • siltation of dams
  • damage to reef habitats

  • Fishing, hunting, grazing, and logging are
    classic consumer-resource interactions
  • in natural systems, such interactions come into
  • efficiency of exploitation by consumers and
    resistance to exploitation by resources have
    evolved over long periods
  • humans have used technology to escalate beyond
    all natural limits their ability to overexploit
    natural resources, with undesirable consequences
  • when resources are exhausted, human populations

Sustainable and Unsustainable Practices
  • Consider the lowland tropics
  • soils contain few nutrients, with natural
    fertility maintained by recycling of nutrients
    between detritus and living plants
  • clearcutting, especially when followed by
    grazing, breaks this cycle, resulting in a badly
    degraded system
  • humans have learned to live sustainably in such
    ecosystems through the practice of shifting
  • by clearing 1-2 of the land per year and
    cultivating for 2 or 3 years, farmers allow
    sufficient time in fallow for nutrient stocks to
    recover from agriculture

Introduction of Exotic Species
  • Humans have taken other species with them
    everywhere they have traveled for example
  • 50,000 nonindigenous species have been introduced
    to the United States
  • New Zealand has a predominantly alien flora and
  • most of the area is occupied by introduced plants
    and animals
  • native forests were cut and replaced by
  • native moas were killed by Maori natives,
    replaced by European transplants

Why did aliens prosper in New Zealand?
  • Of the total New Zealand flora of 2,500 species,
    500 are introduced
  • introduced species account for most of the
  • why were these species so successful?
  • most natural habitats had been disturbed
  • because of low diversity and simple structure,
    island ecosystems are generally more easily

Can effects of aliens be predicted?
  • Alien species may displace natives, but do not
    necessarily disrupt ecosystems
  • introduced species may simply assume the
    ecological roles of natives
  • effects of introduced species are hard to
  • aliens may also be disruptive, altering ecosystem
    function and community structure
  • Nile perch in Lake Victoria eliminated an entire
    trophic level of planktivorous fish

Habitat Conversion
  • Altering habitats can upset natural processes
  • cutting of tropical forests
  • breaks the tight cycle of nutrient regeneration
  • results in increased erosion
  • plowing of prairies set the stage for the dust
    bowl conditions of the 1920s and 1930s in the
    United States
  • disruption of mangroves in tropical coastal areas
    have left the land vulnerable to hurricane-driven
  • damming rivers increases silt transport, blocks
    fish migrations, alters downstream ecosystems

  • Benefits of irrigation are often offset by
    substantial environmental problems
  • environmental costs associated with
    infrastructure (dams, canals, etc.)
  • lowered water tables where wells are used
  • reduction of groundwater quality (through
    introduction of pesticides and fertilizers)
  • accumulation of salt in irrigated lands
  • transmission of diseases by aquatic organisms

Fertilization and Eutrophication 1
  • Inorganic fertilizers (e.g., nitrates,
    phosphates) inevitably make their way into
    aquatic systems
  • fertilization of aquatic systems (eutrophication)
    leads to overproduction
  • waters are no longer attractive for recreational
  • decaying organic matter can lead to deoxygenation
    of water and fish kills

Fertilization and Eutrophication 2
  • Addition of organic wastes poses a serious
    problem for water quality
  • organic matter increases biological oxygen
    demand, decreasing oxygen levels
  • killing fish and other obligate aerobes
  • cutting migration routes for other species
  • Problems associated with eutrophication can be
    avoided by
  • cutting off or diverting sources of nutrients
  • improving treatment of organic wastes

  • Toxins are poisons
  • these chemicals kill animals and plants by
    interfering with normal physiological functions
  • many toxins occur naturally, but humans have
    increased their accumulation in the environment
  • various classes of toxins exist, including
  • acids
  • heavy metals
  • organic compounds
  • radiation

  • Two principal sources of acidity are associated
    with human activities
  • acid mine drainage
  • oxidation of sulfur and thiol in mine wastes by
    bacteria creates sulfates, which become sulfuric
    acid in mine drainage
  • mine drainage may be sufficiently acidic as to
    sterilize aquatic environments downstream
  • acid rain, the result of combusting fossil fuels

Acid Rain
  • Burning of coal and oil releases nitrogen oxides
    and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere
  • these gases dissolve in raindrops, creating
  • pH of rain may drop to as low as 3-4
  • consequences of acid rain have been especially
    severe in industrialized areas
  • direct impacts of acidity on aquatic systems
  • depletion of fertility in terrestrial systems
  • Reducing emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides,
    reductions in energy use are solutions to acid

Heavy Metals
  • Mercury, arsenic, lead, copper, nickel, zinc, and
    other heavy metals are toxic even in low
  • these enter the environment as byproducts of
    mining, manufacturing, fungicides, fuels
  • emissions of heavy metals from smelting
    operations have been especially troublesome
  • emissions adversely affect mosses, lichens,
    fungi, other soil organisms, vascular plants, and
    higher animals
  • adverse effects may extend many km downwind of

Organic Compounds 1
  • Organic compounds have been introduced to many
    ecosystems in the form of pesticides
  • classes include
  • organomercurials (methylmercury)
  • chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT)
  • organophosphorus compounds (parathion)
  • carbamate insecticides
  • triazine herbicides
  • these compounds may accumulate in ecosystems with
    adverse effects on unintended targets

Organic Compounds 2
  • Can the adverse effects of pesticides be reduced?
  • modern pesticides and efficient delivery systems
    can reduce unintended impacts
  • alternatives to chemical warfare against other
    organisms can be explored
  • bioremediation (using biological agents to
    restore habitats) can be explored
  • Another anthropogenic impact caused by organic
    compounds is oil spills (3-6 x 106 tons
  • oil kills by coating organisms, disrupting

  • Of special concern are extremely energetic (short
    wavelength) forms of radiation and subatomic
    particles emitted by disintegration of atomic
  • low levels occur naturally as background
  • extreme radiation hazards are posed by nuclear
    power plants, nuclear wastes of various kinds,
    and nuclear war
  • even peaceful uses of nuclear materials are
    limited by problems associated with disposal of
    long-lived wastes

Atmospheric Pollution
  • Pollution of the oceans and atmosphere are of
    particular concern
  • circulation leads to widespread distribution of
    pollutants far beyond their sources
  • of greatest concern are two anthropogenic effects
    on the atmosphere
  • destruction of the ozone layer
  • increase in carbon dioxide, other greenhouse gases

The Ozone Layer and Ultraviolet Radiation
  • Ozone (O3) is molecular oxygen in a highly
    reactive form
  • ozone readily oxidizes organic molecules
  • anthropogenic ozone near the earths surface is a
    byproduct of combustion of fossil fuels
  • nitrous oxide (NO2) combines with oxygen to form
    ozone in the presence of sunlight
  • high levels of ozone are damaging to human
    health, crops, and natural vegetation

Ozone in the Upper Atmosphere
  • Naturally occurring ozone in the upper atmosphere
    absorbs ultraviolet radiation
  • ozone thus shields earths surface from damaging
    effects of UV radiation
  • reaction of chlorine with ozone in the upper
    atmosphere breaks down ozone
  • chlorine has increased as result of emissions of
    CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)
  • depletion of stratospheric ozone at high
    latitudes has been referred to as ozone holes

Damaging Effects of Ozone Depletion
  • Depletion of stratospheric ozone leads to
    increased UV radiation at the earths surface
  • Consequences include
  • damage to DNA and resultant cancers
  • reduced photosynthetic production by plants
  • Ozone depletion is now addressed by conventions
    phasing out use of CFCs
  • Vienna Convention for Protection of the Ozone
    Layer (1985)
  • Montreal Protocol (1987)

Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect 1
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a naturally occurring
    atmospheric component, at about 280 ppm in the
    preindustrial atmosphere.
  • CO2 and several other atmospheric gases form an
    insulative layer, passing visible light, but
    absorbing longwave radiation emitted by the
  • referred to as the greenhouse effect

Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect 2
  • CO2 levels have varied considerably during
    earths history
  • at times in the past when CO2 levels were high,
    earth was much warmer
  • CO2 levels are now creeping upward as a result of
    combustion of fossil fuels and forest clearing
  • CO2 level is now 350 ppm and increasing
  • we are now faced with increasing global
    temperatures and related effects (such as rising
    sea levels)

Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect 3
  • Humans now add carbon to the atmosphere at a rate
    of about 7 billion tons annually
  • the oceans absorb about 2.4 billion tons
  • this is insufficient to balance anthropogenic
    additions, so atmospheric levels will continue to
  • Most effects of increased atmospheric CO2 and
    global warming will be negative
  • increasing drought stress in arid environments
  • inundation of coastal areas by rising sea level

Human ecology is the ultimate challenge.
  • If we are to leave a habitable world for future
    generations, our top priority must be to achieve
    a sustainable relationship with the rest of the
    biosphere. This will require
  • putting an end to population growth
  • developing sustainable energy sources
  • providing for regeneration of nutrients and other
  • restoring deteriorated habitats

Increase in Oil and Energy Prices
Population Growth
Over Demand for Fish
Arable Land
Over Demand
Unsustainable Fishing Practices
Food Production
Biofuel and Food Competition
Self Sufficiency Rate
Sea Food Supply
Increase in Speculative Trading
Fisherman Income
Rise in Food Prices
Food Deficit
Market Policies
Food Security
Direct Compensating Variation (DCV)
Use of Cultivable Lands
Desert Areas
Rise in Extreme Poverty
Water Shortage
Urban Expansion
Migration to Urban Areas
Over Demand
Climate Change
Farmers Low Income
Population Growth
Future Scenarios
  • Potential consequences of unrestrained population
    growth and human impacts are devastating
  • energy and material shortages
  • many living in poverty and disease
  • a badly polluted environment
  • escalating social and political strife
  • The future need not be like this

Positive Alternatives
  • Humankind has the choice of adopting a new
    attitude toward its relationship with nature. We
    are a part of nature, not apart from nature.
  • To the extent that our intelligence, culture, and
    technology have given us the power to dominate
    nature, we must also use these abilities to
    impose self-regulation and self-restraint.
  • We have succeeded famously in becoming the
    technological species. Our survival now depends
    on our becoming the ecological species and taking
    our appropriate place in the economy of nature.

Summary 1
  • The key to human survival is the development of
    sustainable interactions with the biosphere.
  • Local threats to integrity of natural systems are
    overexploitation of resources, introductions of
    exotic species, habitat conversion, irrigation,
    eutrophication, and production of toxic materials.

Summary 2
  • Global threats to integrity of natural systems
    include depletion of stratospheric ozone and
    global warming caused by increasing atmospheric
    carbon dioxide.
  • Solutions to the environmental crisis will
    require new attitudes promoting sustainability
    and self-restraint.
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