Title: Progress Since PRAGMA 13
1Progress Since PRAGMA 13
- 12 March 2008
- ??
Living Grid combines multi-cultural folk arts
with modern technology
All funding agencies
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4PRAGMAs Collaborative Framework
- GLEON (and CREON) From Telescience WG
- Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (and
Coral Reef) - Grassroots effort to understand lake dynamics
- Avian Flu Grid From Biosciences WG
- Integrates technologies for shared infrastructure
- PRIME Pacific Rim Experiences for
Undergraduates - Prepares globally-enabled workforce
- Immersive Research Apprenticeship Cultural
Experience - PRIUS Pacific Rim International UniverSity,
Osaka University - Prepares global workforce
- Within context of curriculum and research
experience - PRAGMA Pacific Rim Application and Grid
Middleware Assembly - Catalyzes collaborations
- Applications drive technology developments
- OptIPuter SAGE
- Ninf-G, Gfarm, Nimrod, SCMSWeb, CSF4, Naregi CA,
Opal, MOGAS, Mgrid, Rocks, GAMA, Condor - GEO, GEON
- DataTurbine, Inca
Source Philip Papadopoulos, Global Engagement
5A Practical Collaborative Framework
6Highlighted Accomplishments 2007
- Avian Flu Grid
- Streaming Data Management at Kentings Underwater
Ecological Observatory - PRAGMA-OSG Grid Interoperation Experiment
- PRAGMA Deployed
- CSF Service and Portal
- PRAGMA In-stitute as Way to Build a Community
- Grassroots Approach to Building a Geosciences
Network in India
7Resources and Data Working Group
- Yoshio Tanaka, AIST
- Mason Katz, UCSD
- Cindy Zheng, UCSD
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9New Software / Application Activities
- Software catalog feature developed and added to
SCMSWeb (Thai Grid) - UNICORE system is setup at UZH, ready for
nimrod-unicore bridge development and testing
(UZH, Monash U)
10Telescience Working Group
- Shinji Shimojo, Osaka University
- Fang-Pang Lin, NCHC
11Building an International Collaborative Platform
Osaka U
12Technical CollaborationImproved Software -
13Building a Community / Deploying an Infrastructure
- GLEON Research Coordination Network (NSF)
- Build Community to conduct network science (P
Hanson PI) - Creating Research Infrastructure (GBMF) UCSD,
UWI, UCSB, NCHC - Improve usability of data streaming and database
infrastructure (using NSF funded DataTurbine, T
Fountain PI) - Deploy to lakes and coral reefs
- Engage international community to build community
- Deployments to date (mixture NSF, GBMF funding)
- Beyond Trout Lake, WI, USA and Yuan Yang Lake,
- Different System
- Rotorua, NZ
- Taihu, China
Lake Erken, SE June 2007
Lake Annie, FL, USA February 2008
Lake Sunapee, NH, USA October 2007
14The buoys of GLEON sensor platforms from around
the world
Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire (USA)
Yang Yuan Lake, Taiwan
Lake Rotorua, NZ
Lake Paajarvi, Finland
Trout Lake, Wisconsin (USA)
Lake Taihu, China
Lake Mendota, (WI, USA)
Lake Erken, Sweden
15Coral Reef Environmental Observatory Network
NSF Collaboration UCSB and AS/NMMBA
Source Stuart Kininmonth, AIMS Source
Fang-Pang Lin, NCHC
16Streaming Sensor Data to A Tile Display Wall
17Biosciences Working Group
- Karpjoo Jeong, Konkuk University
- Habibah Wahab, USM
- Wilfred Li, UCSD
18Avian Flu Grid
- Participants
- JLU, U Tsukuba, AIST, CNIC, Konkuk, NBCR/UCSD
- Collaborators NTU, USM, U Hawaii
- Integration of Opal with CSF4, and workflow
composition of Opal with Vision - Creation of a Virtual
- Screening DB by CNIC
- Demo at this meeting
19GEO Working Group
- Ryosuke Nakamura, AIST
- Guey Shin Chang, NARL
- Ashraf Memon, UCSD
- Sornthep Vannarat, NECTEC
20GEO Highlights
- NCHC and AIST have completed the satellite
database federation system between Formosat-2 and
ASTER - GEO WG will demo this system, such as cross
calibration of ASTER/Formosat-2 by AIST/NSPO,
Heat island by National Cheng-Kung University - 2nd GEO Grid Workshop in conjunction with the
"Discussion on Grid Computing and GEO Grid in
Japan" co-organized by AIST and CICC were held on
January 22-25, 2008 in Tokyo, Japan
21Demos Showing PRAGMA Successes
- Nimrod/K Towards Massively Parallel Dynamic Grid
Workflows - The Avian Flu Grid a Multigrid Virtual
Organization for Antiviral Drug Discovery - Interactive visualization of CAMERA meta-data
- Modulated 3D Image Database for Drosophila Brains
- MIMOS-Altair eBIOCHEM Portal
- NCHC Grid Computing Portal
- The Development of a Grid Resource Broker
- A Framework for Accurate Estimation of Geospatial
Models from Sparse Field Measurements Using Image
Processing and Machine Learning - Satellite Database Federations on GEO Grid Portal
- How to deploy GPFS nodes massively using Diskless
Remote Boot Linux - Distributed Search Over Science Portals Using
Service Oriented Architectures - Software cataloging support for PRAGMA Where is
my app?
- Implementation of Virtualization Cluster and Grid
Based on Xen, ROCKS, and ThaiGrid Roll - JGN2
- NICT Osaka Research Center Activities
- The NCHC's Flood Mitigation Project
- Interactive Navigation for Large Terrain and
Geographic Information
23PRAGMA Institutes Building the Community
1st PRAGMA Institute Held in conjunction with
September 2007
2nd PRAGMA Institute, Held in conjunction with
the Southeast Asia Joint Institute Hsinchu and
Hualien, Taiwan 3 7 December 2007
24PRIME Model
New PRIME sites - USM - Waikato
http//video-jsoe.ucsd.edu/asx/PRIME.asx Third
Video about Research to be completed by 15 March
25PRIME at SC07
Ava Pierce and David Jackson, Visualizing
Image Data Sets with Covise Host Osaka U
Young Chun, Ultra High Voltage EM (UHVEM) 3D
Tomographic Visualization of Cardiomyocytes for
3D Modeling, Host Osaka U
Ellen Tsai, Implementation of DOCK on the PRAGMA
Testbed, Host Osaka U
Betsy Kao, COVISE- based Tile Display Wall
Biomedical Imaging, Host NCHC
Saleh Amirriazi and Stephany Chang, Application
of supercomputing in modeling cardiac
excitation-contraction coupling, Host Monash U
Hsing Pao, Avian Flu Host Specificity, Host
26PRIUS and MURPAInspired by PRIME
- PRIUS Pacific Rim International UniverSities,
Osaka University - MURPA MONASH Undergraduate Research Projects
Abroad (NEW AWARD!) - David Abramson to give an overview!
27PRAGMA, GLEON, CREON Meetings of the Future
- USM, Malaysia
- 22 24 October 2008 (with other activities)
- KISTI, Daejon, Korea
- March 2009
- Uppsala, Sweden
- 29 Sept 1 Oct 2008
- Kenting, Taiwan
- 13 14 March 2008
28The PRAGMA Steering Committee
29Steering Committee Agenda
- New Member Applications
- Advanced Science and Technology Institute
- Hanoi University of Technology
- Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
- Future Workshops and Institutes Brainstorming
- Industry Involvement
- Membership Active Involvement
- PRAGMA Summit in Switzerland
- Presence at SCXY
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32Since PRAGMA 5
- Routine Use Testbed (Launched at PRAGMA 5)
- Extended Telescience
- From microscopes to sensors (after PRAGMA 5 -gt
GLEON/CREON) - Into adoption of tile display walls
- Began GEO Working Group (2007)
- Developed Avian Flu Project (2007)
- Launched and sustained
- PRIME (UCSD, Osaka, NCHC, Monash, CNIC, USM,
Waikato) (2004) - PRIUS (Osaka with PRAMGA and non-PRAGMA sites)
(2005) - MURPA (Monash) (2008)
- Started PRAGMA Institutes (1 and 2)
- Grew from 19 to 33 institutions (at PRAGMA 5
added NCSA and CCS) Attended SCXY every year
33Challenge Make Impact
- Collaborations we create and sustain
- Science we enable
- Technology we transfer, demonstrate, improve,
and deploy - Individuals, groups, institutions we engage and /
or launch - Society issues we address
How are we, as a community, with all of our
technology, addressing issues of societal
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