Title: M28 church planting initiative in the centre of Europe
1M-28church planting initiative in the centreof
2Apostolic sphere
- Joel 1.1-3
- Joel 1.14/2.12/2.15
- Eph. 3.18
3Spiritual situation
- 800000 residents
- 80 catholic 10 prot. 10 others
- 0.3 believers
- Approx. 150 villages without churches
- Approx. 100 without christan testimony
- A great deal of occultism in the country
- A great deal of mystics in the city
4 committed communitiescc
100 house- churches
5organic cp - apostolic cp
- Organic church planting
- 2. Transitional stage cp organic - structured
- 3. Transitional stage cp structuredapostolic
- 4. Apost. cp with multiplication of teams
6cp-cycle (acc. Paulus)
call/ leave/ teamforming /landing
Apost. Evang.
Jesus Prayer Word Suffering
Development of leadership
Committed community
7Main jobs of an apostle
- The apostel brings (radically) new staff
- Spiritual families
- Multiplication of the aposotlic
8Main jobs of the church
- 1.Cor 31-11 to water
- To administer ( continuing with farming the
field) - To make out new apostles and send them
91. call/ leave/ teamforming/ landing
- Seeking God - God speaks
- 1999 period of fasting
- And God spoke, saying, Go forth from the ark,
you and your wife and your sons and their wives
with you. Gen. 815
101. call/ leave/ teamforming/ landing
- God confirms
- Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,
for by so doing some people have shown
hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Hebr.132 - Waiting
- In faith and not by sight
111. call/ leave / teamforming/ landing
- Labour pains
- battles, price (Sarah)
- accomodation
121. call/ leave / teamforming/ landing
- breakthrough
- Team
- Finances, double reward
- rainbow
131. call/ leave / teamforming/ landing
- team
- apostles work always in teams
- team teamchurch / mobile church
- team teamleadership (honoring)
- Team 50 - ministry 50
142. Prayer (walking)
- 1. the Lord is LORD
- 2. we claim the land and bless everything
- 3. we call people of peace
- 4. We need the leading of the Holy spirit
- 5. Proclaiming the gospel and plant churches
with signs following - 6. We want to become makers of disciples
- 7. We want to become a sending movement
152. Prayer (walking)
- Love for the people
- Sursee ? town gate
- Praying man Bern-Luzern (Malters)
- Womens chain of prayer
- Demoniac battles -gtvomiting
- Richtstätte Schwyz
- Seance
- The land belongs to us
163. powerevangelism
173. apostlic evangelism
184. Jüngerschaft incl. Evangelisation Training und
- tools
- Discipleship is NOT a programm
- 50-75 Community / LTG
- Demonstration (EE, Powermeeting)
- Questions
- 11
195. Discipleship incl. Evangelisation Training and
coinonia / LTG One another-Scriptures 25
1.Joh 227 Joh 519
1.Joh 32
11 Discipleship with the bible 25
Coinonia /LTG Demonstration 25
205. committed community
- challenge
- Church as spiritual family / community
- modern people ? community
- postmodern people ? discipleship
- covenenting ? commmitted
- extended family ? conflicts
- Supply-church participate-church
215. community-gt structure
225. community-gt structure
- Coinonia Discipleship Multiplication
spiritual family/HC/cc - Coinonia Discipleship Multiplication Eldest
Networking vernetzte HG/cc
23Development of a network
CP- Team
24Netz mit Ältesten
CP- Team
25Eph. 4 Dienste- Dienstgruppen
Eph. 4
Ministry groups
CP- Team
26Development of Leadership
- Redefinition of leadership
- A good leader leads good ???
- leader ladder
- New role of leaders trainer
- Disciple spiritually the highest level
- Leader (apostle, elder,diacon) disciple
- maturity for marriage
- maturity to start a familie
- Maturity of life
- Knowledge of the sripture
284 levels of leadership
- Our principal values loving community,
Discipleship, Multiplication - Apostle -gt reproduces them lives them
- Jünger -gt loves them
- Deacons -gt take care that the values will be
lived out by all of the cc-members lives
them - Elders -gt take care that the values will be
lived out - by the cc-networks lives
- Have children and increase your numbers. Fill the
earth and bring it under your control
Genesis (1.Mose) 128 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
by baptising them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and by
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. Matth. 2819-20
- Only if it comes to a
- A) (House)church planting movement and
- B) Apostolic movement
- we are able to execute the missionary command of
- 2.Tim. 2.2
- Now pass on what you have recieved
32Multiplication on every level
- Disciples ---- new disciples
- Deacon ----- new deacons
- Elders ----- new Elders
- communities ---- new communities
- Networks ---- new Networks
- Eph. 4 ministries ---- new Eph 4 ministries
- CP Teams ---- new CP Teams
- Multiplication of Cantons/Regions
- 2000 1.LU 1.CP-Team
- 2004 2.SZ(2000-2006)
- 3.ZG (2004-2005)
- 4.NW CP-Team
- 5.UR cc
- 2005 6.OW CP-Team
- 7.LU 2.CP-Team
- 2007 8.UR CP-Team
- Multiplication of
- CP-Teams
- 20001 core team
- 20041 core team
- 2 sub-teams
- 3 cp-liveteams
- 2007 1 Baseteam
- 3 core teams
- 2 sub-teams
- 1 team sent out
- Multiplikation cc
- Aug 2000 -gt Start
- Jan 2001 -gt 1 cc
- Dez 2004 -gt 9 cc
- -gt 1 DG
- -gt 4 cc I.
- April 2007 -gt 15cc
- -gt 3 I.
36M-28-gt Europe
- The vision
- Self-reproducition of
- Disciples
- House churches
- CP-Teams
- Suffering is one of the characteristic features
of an apostolic ministry
38The 7 greatest misstakes
- 1.teamforming more delicate than expected
- Balance 1/3 1/3 1/3
- cp-live and core team seperated
- Not knowing each other -gt Risk!
- Role/function man-woman
- 50 energy for the team 50 energy for the
work? Alles mal an uns selber !
39The 7 greatest misstakes
- 2. Prayer (Apg. 6.24) in the beginning okay
but afterwards it saged. - India (f.e. Prayerwalking)
40The 7 greatest misstakes
- 3. Evangelisation no apostolic evangelisation
- It took 3-4 years to build a community out of a
pick n mixed group of
41The 7 greatest misstakes
- 4. Discipleship Program
- Discipleship based on the open bible
- Discipleship to share life
42The 7 greatest misstakes
- 5. CP - Commitment
- To many cc at once no time for real
discipleship - We took people which were already christians
- commitment insufficient explanation ? based on
the new testament we want to live faith together
43The 7 greatest misstakes
- 6. Development of leadership
- Not a good leader leads goog OT Modell but a
good leader is a good ladder NT Modell - the job of a leader is to release spiritual
level of a leader good disciple plus 4 fould
maturity - decentralisation too late ? started to late with
the development of leadership
44The 7 greatest misstakes
- 7.Multiplication
- mistook addition with multiplication
- To many places at the same time
- decentralisation too late ? started to late with
the development of leadership - M. of cc and cp-teams
45My biggest question
- How to trigger church planting movements in
Europe ??
46Spiritual situation in Europe
47Spiritual situation in Europe
- evangelical christians in Europe
- average 1-2,4 depending on count
- 24 Nations less than 1
- 11 Nations less than 0,2
- 250 000 villages without church
- 80 of the french people never saw or touched a
48Some examples
- Italia 0.9
- France 0.8
- Spain 0.8
- Russia 0.7
- Croatia 0.5
- Yugoslavia 0.4
- Lithuania 0.4
- Greece 0.4
- Austria 0.4
- Albania 0.3
- Luxembourg 0.3
- Slovenia 0.2
- Macedonia 0.2
- Cyprus 0.2
- Poland 0.2
- Azerbaijan 0.1
- Bosnia 0.1
49New church plantings
- On 300 existing churches one new church is
50The islamic challenge in Europe
- From 1900 to 2000 the number of moslems
throughout the world octuplicated from 150
millions to 1200 millions!
51The islamic challenge in Europe
- Europe (especially Southern - a. Eastern Europe)
experiences a dramatic process of declining
population - Every year the EU needs about 1,6 millions of
immigrants, to keep the economically active
population on the same level
52The islamic challenge in Europe
- Today we have in Europe approx. 20-50 million or
rather approx. 7 Moslems. - If the trend will continue and without a
spiritual Reformation, in 2025 they will count
approx. 100 million - By the end of the 21st Century Europe (
Westmaghreb) will have a Muslim majority in the
53The islamic challenge in Europe
- 7 of all children born in Europe last year are
Muslim -
- In a city like Brüssel these are about 57
- Today the most common name for children in
Brussels, Amsterdam and Rotterdam is Mohammed - Today we already have small towns in Germany and
France which are populated by 80 of Muslims
54Apostolic Ministries in Europe
- The Waldensians 1170 in Lyon
- Lay preacher,lay church planters,
persecutions, dispossesions, turnouts and
excommunications . - Fruit fast spreading of waldensian groups
from Spain up to the Baltic Sea as far as Hungary
55Apostolic Ministries in Europe
- The Baptists Zuerich-Europe-World
- Each candidate for baptism has to commit himself
and his gifts to the matters of god and the
spreading of the Gospel - 20. April 1527 Augsburg martyr-synod (60
leaders of the Baptists) target to evangelise
Europe and to plant churches
56Apostolic Ministries from Europe into the whole
- 1727 the Moravian Brethren
- After revival chain of prayer for more than 100
years for the spreading of the gospel - Sending out of 3000 Missionaries between1732 and
1930. This equals a twelth of the member of the
moravian brethrens. All missionaries were tent
makers and evangelised solely in unreached
regions. Many of them gave their lives for their
57Apostolic Ministries in Europe
- untiring he rode from town to town and preached
daily four or five times (in total 40'000) in
front of thousands of auditors - They studied the Bible
- Small groups (classes)
58The vision of the 4 Blocs
- Situation at the end of the 80s
- Eastern Bloc
- India (H B)
- Islam
- Europe
59Why does Europe need an apostolic reformation ?
- Family (values) collapse
- Figures
- Postmodern-new groupsBusinessmen etc.
- New generation
- Social alteration
- Unreached regions in Europe
- New nations Bosnia Macedonia
- Foreigner in Europe / special focus Islam
- Commandment of discipleship
- Apostolic ministry is given (Eph. 4.10-11)
- To sow to call to coach to send
- To sow to call to send to mentor
61Breathtaking times
- 90 - 95 - Eastern Bloc
- 95 - WJ - India (a little Buddhism)
- 2000 - WJ - Islam millennium event
- ???? - WJ - Europe