Title: Den internationale straffedomstol
1Den internationale straffedomstol
- hvorfor det måske alligevel kunne blive en god
ide - Af Jakob v. H. Holtermann
2Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- And it ought to be remembered that there is
nothing more difficult to take in hand, more
perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its
success, than to take the lead in the
introduction of a new order of things. Because
the innovator has for enemies all those who have
done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm
defenders in those who may do well under the
new. - (Machiavelli, The Prince)
3Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Disposition
- Præsentation af ICC
- Kritikpunkter imod ICC
- Empirisk usikkerhed
- Folkedrab etc. begås af almindelige mennesker i
ekstraordinære kontekster - Antagelsen om instrumentel rationalitet
- Fred over retfærdighed
4Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- I believe that a properly constituted and
structured International Criminal Court would
make a profound contribution in deterring
egregious human rights abuses worldwide. - (Clinton 2000)
5Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Prevention is cited simply because of the void
of alternatives, the rational ones.
International justice comes close to a religious
exercise of hope and perhaps of deception. - (Tallgren 2002 561)
6Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- No sensible penologist doubt that penalties
operate as deterrents. - (Walker 1991 15)
- There is a rebuttable presumption in favor of
the view that, ordinarily, people order their
affairs roughly in order to maximize their
benefits. Without such a presumption, it would be
impossible to understand human affairs at all. - (Ellis 2009)
7Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Påstanden om truslen om straf gennem ICC kan
virke afskrækkende - ikke en påstand om at alle vil kunne afskrækkes
hele tiden - en påstand om at nogle vil kunne afskrækkes noget
af tiden - tilstrækkeligt mange vil kunne afskrækkes til at
opveje omkostningerne ved ICC.
8Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Betingelser for folkedrab etc.
- Polarisering
- Dehumanisering af den anden
- Konfrontatorisk debatklima
- Fravær af dialog
- Dolkestødslegende/egen gruppes offerstatus
- Følelse af eksistenskamp
- Etc.
9Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Bekræftes af gerningsmandsstudier, fx
- Browning Hitler's Willing Executioners Ordinary
Germans and the Holocaust - Goldhagen Ordinary Men Reserve Police Battalion
101 and the Final Solution in Poland
10Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Violence becomes normalized when neighbors
avert their gaze, draw the blinds, and excitedly
move into a suddenly available apartment. This
broad public participation, despite its catalytic
role, is overlooked by criminal law, thereby
perpetuating a myth and a deception. The myth is
that a handful of people are responsible for
endemic levels of violence. The deception
involves hiding the myriad political, economic,
historical, and colonial factors that create
conditions precedent for violence. - (Drumbl 2007 172)
11Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Gyges ring
- And this we may truly affirm to be a great
proof that a man is just, not willingly or
because he thinks that justice is any good to him
individually, but of necessity, for wherever any
one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he
is unjust. - (Plato, The Republic, book 2)
12Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- INUS-betingelse
- Utilstrækkelig, men nødvendig del af et
unødvendigt, men tilstrækkeligt sæt af
betingelser for virkningen.
13Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
14Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Individuals who commit atrocity on the scale of
genocide are unlikely to behave as rational
actors, deterred by the risk of punishment - (Martha Minow, p. 50).
- The theory of prevention in general is
vulnerable to the criticism that the potential
criminal is unlikely to try consciously and
rationally to estimate the benefits and risks of
the crime beforehand. In the context of the most
serious crimes it is even more relevant to ask
how often criminals act in circumstances that are
conducive to such considerations. - (Tallgren 2002 584)
15Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- When the various motivations for attacks on
civilians are combined the desire to defend
ones community, hatred of the other side, a
belief that civilians are essentially
indistinguishable from combatants and therefore a
threat, and directions from political and
military leaders encouraging such attacks it is
not surprising that a slight risk of future
prosecution will not have a major deterrent
effect. - (Wippman 1999 479)
16Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Serb forces in Kosovo routinely wore black ski
masks when engaged in ethnic cleansing as the
prospect of NATO control over Kosovo loomed
larger, Serb forces intensified efforts to
conceal mass graves and hide evidence of criminal
conduct. - (Wippman 1999 480)
17Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Actual experience with efforts at deterrence is
not encouraging. Beginning in 1941, the United
States and the United Kingdom issued a series of
highly publicized warnings that violations of the
laws of war would be punished and that superior
orders would not be accepted as a defense.
Similarly, in the former Yugoslavia, the Security
Council and various individual states repeatedly
warned combatants that those committing
atrocities would eventually be prosecuted. But
there is no empirical evidence of effective
deterrence in either case. - (Wippman 1999 474)
18Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Equity
- Suppose a siege, then a decree that the city
gates are to be kept closed is a useful general
measure for the public safety. Yet say some
citizens among the defenders are being pursued by
the enemy, the cost would be heavy were the gates
not to be opened to them. So opened they are to
be, against the letter of the decree, in order to
defend that very common safety the ruling
authority had in view. - (Thomas 1964 , 1a2æ. 96, 6)
19Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- And this is the nature of the equitable, a
correction of law where it is defective owing to
its universality. - (Aristotle 1987 1137b26-27)
20Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Appeals to equity will justify the kind of
appeal to mercy and broader social good that is
involved when amnesties are granted instead of
holding criminal trials - (May 2005 243)
21Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus
- (Let there be justice, though the world perish)
22Den internationale straffedomstol hvorfor det
måske alligevel
- Fiat justitia si mundus non periet
- (Let there be justice unless it will make the
world perish)