Title: HF Electronics
1HF Electronics
- PMT Readout Update
- E. Hazen, J. Rohlf, E. Machado
- Boston University
- PMT-to-QIE cabling summary
- Patch panel / ROBOX cabling design
- New QIE HF boards
- Test results (review)
- Plans for Test Beam
3PMT-to-QIE Cabling
Multi-pin shielded connectors (MDR-36)
QIE Signal Input
PMT Anode
50O coax
Skew-Clear 50 ? single-ended to ground
QIE Reference Input
Two pairs per PMT channel
Coax shield ground at each PMT base
Separate Ground for each PMT
Overall shield connected to QIE ground
4PMT Box Signal Cabling
SMB plug/socket for patch panel
MMCX on prototypes Soldered for production?
50 ? mini-coax
Patch panel PCBs
Space for HV, Gas connectors
5MDR Connector
12-pair Skew-Clear cable handles 6 QIE
channels Each channel has Pair 1 Signal,
Signal Return, Shield Pair 2 Reference,
Reference Return, Shield Overall Shield connected
to metal connector backshell
Ref Return
Signal Return
Can accommodate ether paired or coax cable for
6Skew-Clear Cables
- Two 5m cables delivered, but backshell with
locking mechanism didn't fit... need to fix
before testbeam cables are made. - Can use existing cables for lab testing
Cables made by assembly house have only
shrink tubing
7QIE boards for HF
- New prototypes available here
- Hope to take some home with new CCM for testing
starting next week...
8PMTQIE Test Results (recap)
- Blue Nichia LED driven by Zetex avalanche
transistor - Pulser synchronized to QIE clock
- White paper (multiple sheets) used to attenuate
to a fraction of a pe - Data recorded using HTRDCC thru VME
920 time samples (1500 V)
0-40 LC
reflection (electric)
reflection (electric)
101, 2 pe response at 1500V
1500 V
111pe peak vs HV
1100 V
1200 V
1100 V
1300 V
1400 V
1500 V
1600 V
1700 V
12Signal / Pedestal vs HV
sample 8 (pulse)
sample 9 (reflec)
13Average, Typical LED Pulses
14HF Electronics for TB
- BU Responsibilities
- 12 skew-clear cables
- Patch panels for PMT boxes (how many?)
- Plus participation in
- 3U crates w/ backplanes (2)
- CCM QIE board testing
- LV power (?)
15Task List