Title: Beyond the Classroom: International Collaboration
1 Doing Internationalisation on the Cheap
Transforming the Classroom
Helen Jones h.jones_at_mmu.ac.uk
2What drives internationalisation?
Economically orientated rationales? The Global
University - Development Education Association
(www.dea.org.uk) not financial (as valuable as
that may be) but intellectual and cultural.
3International Partners
Jones, H., Kunselman, J., Johnson, K. and Wowk,
M. (2005) Communicating Across the Atlantic.
Issues in Information Systems. VI (1) 163-169.
4Developing the Model
Expanding knowledge and awareness of cultural and
national differences
5Why Should We Internationalise Online?
6Is online international communication
educationally sound?
7Minimal Tutor Presence
8A Simple Exercise
- Take a role
- Chose a topic
- Take a post-it and leave a message
- Take another and reply to a message
- Repeat try to progress the conversation but
communicate only through post-it notes! - Replies can be as diverse as you like
10How do we manage International Assessment?
Each institution assesses their own students but
in adherence to the criteria given to students at
the start of the IEE Key Criteria
Individual end-of-project reflective report
11Student experience from enjoyment to employment
12What was Achieved?
Projects - http//www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/lear
13 If we have all this we can start to break the
physical link between campus and student
(Hirsch, 2001)
14Gains of Internationalising
15Indicative references
- Bourn, D., McKenzie, A. and Shiel, C. (2006) The
Global University. Development Education
Association (www.dea.org.uk). - Davies, J. Graff, M. (2005) Performance in
e-learning online participation and student
grades. British Journal of Educational
Technology. 36 (4) 657-663. - Department for Education and Skills (2004)
Putting the World into World-Class Education.
Department for Education and Skills . - Gilbert, P.K., Dabbagh, N. (2005) How to
structure online discussions for meaningful
discourse a case study. British Journal of
Educational Technology. 36 (1) 5-18. - Jones, H. (2008) 'Competent communicators
explaining an international communication
exchange'. ELISS. 1(3) (forthcoming). - Jones, H., Johnson, K. and Kunselman, J. (2007)
Just Talking? Adding an International Dimension
to Criminal Justice Teaching. New Jersey
Criminal Justice Educator. 40, (1)7-9. - Jones, H., Kunselman, J., Johnson, K. and Wowk,
M. (2005) Communicating Across the Atlantic.
Issues in Information Systems. VI (1) 163-169. - Murphy, E. (2004) Recognising and promoting
collaboration in an online asynchronous
discussion. British Journal of Educational
Technology. 35 (4) 421-431. - Richardson, J.C. Swan, K. (2003) Examining
social presence in online courses in relation to
students perceived learning and satisfaction.
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. 7 (1)
68-88. - Volet , S. Wosnitza, M. (2004) Social
affordances and students engagement in
cross-national online learning an exploratory
study. Journal of Research in International
Education 3 5-29. - Wilcox, P., Jones, H., Sumner, M. and Berrington,
E. (2008) UK and US criminology students
communicate online Enhancing current learning
and teaching practices, in Barlow, J. (ed.)
Connections sharing the learning
space. Brighton Falmer Press.