Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging


No financial interests to disclose, unfortunately. Overview ... Barrett T, Brechbiel M, Bernardo M, Choyke PL. MRI of tumor angiogenesis. J Magn Reson Imaging. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance
  • A Brief Overview
  • Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds
  • October 16th 2009

  • No financial interests to disclose, unfortunately

  • DCE-MRI a potential biomarker for
    antiangiogenic therapy?
  • Basic principles of MRI
  • Physics of MRI
  • Creating MRI images in a nutshell
  • Generating contrast in MRI
  • The underlying concept
  • The tricky part - implementing DCE-MRI
  • Summary and conclusions

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DCE-MRI A potential biomarker for
antiangiogenic therapy?
  • DCE-MRI is a non-invasive imaging technique that
    can be used to derive quantitative parameters
    that (supposedly) reflect microcirculatory
    structure and function in imaged tissues
  • A potential biomarker for antiangiogenic therapy?
  • As pointed out by Jain et al at ASCO 2009, many
    challenges exist in terms of finding biomarkers
    of response and resistance in antiangiogenic
    therapy, including
  • Angiogenesis in cancer is a heterogeneous and
    dynamic process
  • Difficult to do repeated biopsies to assess
    dynamic biomarkers
  • Technology for measuring various biomarkers is
    not standardized

DCE-MRI A potential biomarker for
antiangiogenic therapy?
  • DCE-MRI is considered by some to be a promising
    biomarker of drug efficacy in clinical trials of
    angiogenesis inhibitors
  • Non-invasive and may be more feasible than
    repeated biopsies to follow dynamic changes
  • Spatially-resolved
  • Although DCE-MRI may seem promising, its
    practical application is far from straightforward
  • Concensus opinion recommends simple models
    describing parameters e.g. Ktrans and Ve, along
    with IAUC in assessing antiangiogenic and
    vascular disrupting agents in clinical trials

Where does the magnetic resonance signal come
  • The human body is mostly fat and water and have
    plenty of hydrogen nuclei
  • Protons have the quantum mechanical property of
  • Certain nuclei 1H (which is really a proton) have
    a non-integer spin and have a magnetic moment
  • When placed in a very strong magnetic field (such
    as in an MRI scanner), protons align in two
    eigenstates - one lower energy eigenstate and
    one higher energy eigenstate
  • The excess of protons in the lower energy
    eigenstate compared to the higher energy
    eigenstate gives rise to the magnetization
    signal in MRI
  • Relative numbers controlled by the magnetic field
    strength and the temperature
  • Higher magnetization with higher magnetic fields
  • Higher magnetization with lower temperatures (but
    it may not really be such a great idea to freeze
    your patients)

What do MRI scanners offer?
  • MRI scanners use a very strong magnetic field
    generated by a superconducting magnet to align
    hydrogen nuclei in water, i.e. magnetization
  • Typically, clinical scanners operate at 1.5 Tesla
    Earths magnetic field is 0.00003 to 0.00006
  • Radiofrequency (RF) pulses and field gradients to
    select imaging slice, and to encode spatial
  • Ability to image in any plane desired
  • Ability to manipulate image acquisition process
    to alter contrast, depending on application, e.g.
    T1 weighted, T2 weighted, proton density weighted
  • Contrast agents include chelated gadolinium
  • Has potential to provide functional information
    of different types on top of anatomical imaging
    DCE MRI is an example of a functional
    application of MRI

What happens in the MRI scanner?
Magnetic Field Bo
Net magnetization M
Excitation with RF pulse
Precession at Larmor frequency (dependent on
magnetic field strength)
Oscillating signal detected by receiver coil
Magnetic field gradients impart differences in
magnetic field depending on spatial location, and
therefore causes precession frequency to vary
with position, which allows encoding of spatial
What are T1 and T2?
  • T2 decay
  • Transverse relaxation time, or spin-spin
  • Reflects time for disappearance of signal in the
    transverse plane due to interactions between the
    spinning protons
  • T1 recovery
  • Longitudinal relaxation time, or spin-lattice
  • Reflects time for object to become
    re-magnetized after excitation
  • Tissues with long T1 take longer to recover

M along Z axis
M in x-y plane
Short T1
Long T2
Long T1
Short T2
Recovery of magnetization Loss of signal
Creating MR images in a nutshell
  • Select an imaging slice using radiofrequency
    pulse and slice selection gradient
  • Encode position information along one axis
    (typically called the y-axis in MRI
    terminology) using phase encoding gradient
  • Frequency encoding and readout of MRI signal
  • Data for MRI images is in the form of a matrix
    (usually 256 x 256), and represents the anatomic
    image in the frequency domain or the k-space
  • In conventional MRI imaging, a row of data is
    acquired with each excitation -gt thats why MRI
    takes so long
  • After collection of the MRI data matrix, a
    process called inverse Fourier Transform is used
    to generate the actual images

What are TR and TE?
  • Terminology in MRI
  • TR
  • Repetition time time from one excitation to the
  • TE
  • Echo time time between excitation and data

Data acquisition
What are pulse sequences?
  • Terminology in MRI
  • Pulse sequences
  • Computer programs that tell the MRI scanner how
    to acquire data -gt can be manipulated by the
    programmer to alter contrast in images, acquire
    functional information, etc

Slice selection
Example of a pulse sequence timing diagram
Phase encoding
Generating contrast
  • Contrast in MRI generated by manipulating image
    acquisition parameters

M along Z axis
Short T1
Long T1
M in x-y plane
Long T2
Short T2
Gadolinium-based contrast agents in MRI
  • Traditional MRI agents are typically
  • Free Gd is highly toxic chelated form used in
    contrast agents
  • Variety of different chelates available, eg
  • Magnevist (Gd-DTPA)
  • Omniscan (Gadodiamide)
  • ProHance (Gadoteridol)
  • Multihance (Gadobenate dimeglumine)
  • Vasovist (Gadofosveset)
  • OptiMARK (Gadoversetamide)

Other contrast agents in MRI
  • Iron oxide nanoparticles have become available as
    contrast agents
  • Tend to aggregate -gt Dextran or silica coating
  • Superparamagnetic -gt predominantly act by
    shortening T2 relaxation to produce negative
  • Vary in size
  • SPIO particles are usually 50-150nm in diameter
    and are mainly taken up by phagocytic cells
    within the RES and lymphatic system
  • USPIO are 10-15nm in diameter taken up more
    slowly by the RES

Concepts underlying the development of DCE-MRI
  • DCE-MRI seeks to determine the actual
    pharmacodynamics of tumor contrast enhancement,
    specifically the degree and rate of early tumor
  • Contrast agent administered intravascularly
  • Contrast travels through vascular system to
    neoplastic tissues
  • AIF the time-dependent contrast agent
    concentration in the arterial blood feeding the
    tissue of interest
  • Contrast agent leaks from tumor vasculature and
    accumulates in the extracellular extravascular
    space (EES) by passive diffusion
  • As plasma concentration falls because of renal
    excretion, backflow of contrast agent from the
    EES to plasma will continue until contrast agent
    has been eliminated

Concepts underlying the development of DCE-MRI
  • DCE-MRI uses T1-weighted images to detect the
    relaxivity effects of contrast agents during
    dynamic data collection
  • Change in the rate of T1 relaxation is
    approximated to be proportional to the
    concentration of contrast agent -gt time
    concentration function can then be generated
    which describes concentration of gadolinium
    within tumor tissue over time
  • In order to capture the pharmacodynamic
    information, imaging in DCE-MRI must occur at a
    much faster rate (on the order of 2 to 10
    seconds) than that normally performed in clinical

How do you analyze the data?
  • Look at it - Visual inspection
  • Subjective evaluation of time-signal intensity
    curve -gt classify with a grading system
  • Semiquantitative analysis
  • Parameters such as onset time (time from
    injection to first increase in tissue signal
    enhancement), initial and mean gradient of the
    upsweep of enhancement curves, maximum signal
    intensity and washout gradient
  • Initial area under concentration-time curve
    (IAUC) is often used as a biomarker in drug
  • Easy to calculate
  • Reasonably reproducible

How do you analyze the data?
  • Semiquantitative analysis (continued)
  • Drawbacks
  • Do not accurately reflect contrast medium
    concentration in tissue of interest -gt influenced
    by scanner settings
  • Unclear what these parameters reflect
    physiologically and how robust they are to
    patient factors unrelated to tumor physiology
  • IAUC, while easy to calculate, has a complicated
    and incompletely defined relationship with
    underlying tumor physiology

An example of the application of DCE-MRI in
monitoring response to NAC in breast cancer
Applying models and generating numbers
Quantitative DCE-MRI
  • Wide range of pharmacokinetic models have been
    applied to the analysis of DCE-MRI data
  • Concensus is still lacking on the exact kinetic
    model to be used
  • Tofts et al proposed the terms of Ktrans, Ve, etc
    as outcome parameters from a two-compartment
    general kinetic model, which is the most widely
    accepted model
  • Parameters can be depicted numerically or as
    color-encoded images

Schematic representation of quantitative DCE-MRI
Arterial input function
Simple model

MRI images
Fractional plasma volume
Fractional volume of extravascular space
Transfer constant
Goodness of fit
Image Acquisition in DCE-MRI
  • Imaging data in DCE-MRI is generated in 3 steps
  • Images are obtained which provide anatomical
    information, including localization of the tumor
  • Sequences are performed that allow calculation of
    baseline T1 values
  • Dynamic data are acquired, typically every few
    seconds, for a duration of 5 to 10 minutes, after
    injection of contrast agent pushing the limit
    of temporal resolution of MRI?

You might be a physics major if you'll assume
that a "horse" is a "sphere" in order to make the
math easier.
Tofts Modified Tofts models
  • Tofts model
  • The rate of flux of contrast agent from the
    plasma to the extra-vascular extra-cellular space
    (EES) is assumed to be proportional to the
    concentration difference between the plasma and
    the EES. Within the tissue of interest, the blood
    plasma is assumed to make a negligible
    contribution to the overall signal intensity.
  • Modified Tofts model with vp term
  • Includes a contribution to the signal intensity
    in the tissue of interest from the blood plasma.
    An extra term (vp - the blood plasma volume
    fraction of the whole tissue) is estimated.

Modeling the pharmacokinetics
  • All tissues, including tumor tissues, comprise of
    three compartments
  • Vascular space
  • Extracellular extravascular space (EES)
  • Intracellular space
  • Clinically used MRI contrast agents do not pass
    into the intracellular space -gt therefore, in
    pharmacokinetic modeling, only two compartments
    are considered

Assumptions, assumptions
  • Contrast agent concentration in a given
    compartment is uniformly distributed
  • Intercompartmental flux is linearly proportional
    to the concentration in each compartment
  • Parameters have not changed during data
  • Relaxivity of gadolinium contrast agent is
    directly proportional to its concentration

Two Compartment Model A simple model
Plasma Extracellular extravascular space
Blood flow
What is Ktrans?
  • Kinetic modeling of contrast agent distribution
    is based on diffusion of solute across a
    semipermeable membrane
  • Models used may either ignore or incorporate
    contribution of intravascular contrast agent to
    the MRI signal
  • If the contribution of intravascular contrast
    agent to the MRI signal is ignored, the value of
    Ktrans at any location will reflect local blood
    flow, endothelial permeability, endothelial
    surface area, and the proportional blood volume
    within a given voxel
  • Despite its physiologic non-specificity -gt
    relatively reproducible and widely used in
    clinical studies

More on pharmacokinetic modeling
  • Models incorporating contribution of
    intravascular contrast agent to MRI signal
  • Models that account for the effects of
    intravascular gadolinium estimate a more
    physiologically specific Ktrans
  • Concentration of contrast agent in blood plasma
    (Cp) as a function of time is approximated by the
    arterial input function (AIF), also known as
    vascular input function (VIF)
  • Model generates a differential equation that can
    be solved
  • Ultimately, the physiologic parameters of Ktrans
    , Ve, and Vp can be estimated from the time
    courses of Cp and Ct (tissue concentration of
    contrast) obtained through dynamic measurement

The bottom line on Ktrans
  • More on models incorporating contribution of
    intravascular contrast agent to MRI signal
  • In this case, Ktrans will be affected by flow,
    capillary surface area, and endothelial
  • Less affected by changes in plasma volume
  • For some applications, may want to separate the
    effects of flow on Ktrans from the effects of
    capillary surface area and capillary endothelial

Ktrans depends on pharmacokinetic model applied
Among many things
Are all MR contrast agents created equal?
  • Current applications of DCE-MRI are based on
    extravasation of low molecular weight contrast
    media (LMCM) such as Gd-DTPA
  • Pass through normal endothelia
  • Fast wash-in of contrast coupled with fast
  • Requires high temporal resolution

Are all MR contrast agents created equal?
  • Medium molecular weight contrast media (MMCM)
    such as albumin-(Gd-DTPA)30, Gadomer, and
    Gadomelitol leak more slowly into tissues and
    allow longer dynamic acquisition time
  • Originally developed for MRA prolonged
    intravascular retention
  • Do not pass through normal endothelia
  • Different pharmacokinetic properties compared
  • The increased size of MMCMs make them less
    diffusible, and Ktrans values may more accurately
    reflect permeability within tumors
  • ?More suitable for imaging leaky tumor vasculature

DCE-MRI interesting idea, potentially useful,
but WIP
  • DCE-MRI is an evolving functional imaging
    technology with the potential for allowing
    assessment of the microvasculature
  • Practical application of DCE-MRI remains
    challenging at this time
  • Estimation of DCE-MRI parameters is influenced by
    many technical issues, from the imaging hardware
    / software, to the use of contrast agent, and the
    data analysis tools
  • Avoid temptation to compare DCE-MRI parameters
    across different trials
  • Use of DCE-MRI as a prognostic / predictive
    biomarker has not been firmly established

  • Paldino MJ, Barboriak DP. Fundamentals of
    quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MR
    imaging. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2009
  • Barrett T, Brechbiel M, Bernardo M, Choyke PL.
    MRI of tumor angiogenesis. J Magn Reson Imaging.
    2007 Aug26(2)235-49
  • Hylton N. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic
    resonance imaging as an imaging biomarker. J Clin
    Oncol. 2006 Jul 1024(20)3293-8
  • Johansen R, Jensen LR, Rydland J, Goa PE, Kvistad
    KA, Bathen TF, Axelson DE, Lundgren S, Gribbestad
    IS. Predicting survival and early clinical
    response to primary chemotherapy for patients
    with locally advanced breast cancer using
    DCE-MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009
  • Jaspers K, Aerts HJ, Leiner T, Oostendorp M, van
    Riel NA, Post MJ, Backes WH. Reliability of
    pharmacokinetic parameters small vs.
    medium-sized contrast agents. Magn Reson Med.
    2009 Sep62(3)779-87
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