Title: an informative presentation
1Womens Enterprise
Whats New?
an informative presentation by Wendy
Bowers Vice Chair, Womens Enterprise Forum
2Question 1
What percentage of the UK population is female?
Question 2
What percentage of UK businesses are majority
owned by women?
However, these 15 contribute 28
of the UKs GVA
3Growth in age of Females of Working Age Employed
Equal Pay Equal Education Free
24 hour Nurseries
42003 Strategic Framework for Womens Enterprise
The FIRST coherent strategic approach to Female
Enterprise in the UK
the untapped enterprise potential
of women
presented the issues needing to be
addressed to
unlock this potential
Key Aim Increase women owned businesses to
30 creating additional
900,000 UK businesses
52005 RDAs Take On Business Support
NWDA leader in establishing Womens Enterprise
Board (Forum)
key strategic regional national partners
women in or interested in business in the North
12 representatives from the NWDA, Business Link,
Learning Skills Council, NW Universities
Association and Women Business owners.
6Womens Enterprise Forum Responsibility
regional economic strategy
Action Plan
provides co-ordination leadership across
regional agencies
Ensures Active Promotion Encouragement of
female-led enterprise via support, education
skills development
7What Are The Key Actions?
To increase the number of women accessing
business support and to ensure the support
they receive meets a recognised quality standard.
Presently only 23 of UK business
link enquiries are from women. To collect
gender specific data from HMRC, Companies House
and other business representative
organisation To increase the number of women
accessing finance both to start and grow their
businesses To increase procurement
opportunities for Women in Enterprise To
encourage more women to start businesses in the
Science, Engineering Technology sectors To
promote Enterprise for Women throughout the
Education system To encourage women in Rural
areas to consider Enterprise To improve and
coordinate networking opportunities.
8Who Delivers The Actions?
Key Stakeholders across the North West .
Enteprise4all Business Link Bolton Business
Ventures The LSC The NWDA
How do these actions mirror what is being done at
National level?
92006 Government Set Up The
key female executives from RDAs, Banks,
Universities, Corporations and Privately owned
WETF provides input to the Government on key
policy areas affecting Womens Enterprise and
focuses on five pillars
Gender- disaggregated business data Female
Friendly business support Access to
Finance Supplier diversity and
procurement Strategic influencing and awareness
10July 2009 The GROWE Report
Greater return on Womens Enterprise
How to further increase the 130 billion turnover
annual contribution made by Womens Enterprise?
instrumental in the creation of The Aspire Fund
creation of the Womens Ambassador Programme
112007 - Womens Enterprise Ambassador Programme
199 Ambassadors in the North West
successful women who act as role models
Encouraging students at schools/colleges and
universities Mentoring start up and growing
businesses Appearing in the press and on the
radio and television Winning local and national
Ambassadors also gather vital information about
real issues and feed these into the NWDA at
quarterly meetings.
12The North West Women In Business Awards, Launched
2010 awards 29.1.10 at Ribby Hall Celebrating
the achievement of women across the North West
Inspiring more women to consider enterprise
Closing date 20.11.09
13Results . ?
14The United States Have Spent 30 Years Investing
In Womens Enterprise
No of women owned business In the US
2.6 M 4.1 M 8 M
15Number Of UK Female Students Wanting To Be An
So our young women are interested how do we
ensure they dont lose interest and keep
inspiring them?
16National Council of Graduate Entrepreneurship
new programme For women who have graduated in
the past 10 years 3 day residential course
plus 1 to 1 mentor plus Dedicated online
support to help them set up in enterprise
theres lots happening
and just to prove this As a woman in the
middle of a recession I have expanded my own
business by 20 started my new business -
So Business Solutions Ltd in May of this year