Title: Bible Basics
1Bible Basics
2Bible Basics
- - Discover uniqueness of Scripture.
- - Discover early formation of Scripture.
- - Discover modern translations of Scripture.
3Bible Basics
SO THAT YOU CAN... - Connect your story to
Creators story. - Read and interpret the
Bible. - Use Scripture for everyday life.
4Still life with open bible
5hubble telescope
- Why where do people search for god?
6Pop Quiz
71. The Bible is made up of how many books? a.
27 b. 66 c. 1 d. 39
82. How many authors contributed? a. 2 One
wrote the Old Testament, one wrote the New
Testament. b. 66 the same as the number of
books. c. 40 some wrote one, some wrote more
than one. d. No one knows.
93. In what languages were the original texts of
the books of the Bible written? a. Hebrew b.
Greek c. Aramaic d. All of the above.
104. The books of the Bible were written in what 3
continents? a. Europe, the US, and Africa b.
Russia, Australia, and New Zealand c. Africa,
Europe, and Asia d. Asia, Africa and South
115. Match each occupation below with the correct
Bible author a. Moses a prime
minister b. Peter a military general c.
Joshua a king d. Daniel a
Rabbi e. Nehemiah a tax collector f.
Luke a fisherman g. Solomon a doctor h.
Matthew a cupbearer to a king i. Paul a
political leader, trained in Egypt
126. Match each Bible author below with the place
from which he wrote a. Moses from a
hillside, while fleeing for his life b.
Paul from a palace where he ruled c.
Luke from a wilderness d. David from a
prison e. Solomon while traveling
137. Some books of the Bible were originally
written on a. papyrus b. parchment c. animal
skins d. all of the above
148. The Bible is a. Authoritative the
words of the Bible are the words of God in such
a way that to disbelieve or disobey the Bible
is to disbelieve or disobey God. b. Infallible
it will not lead us astray in matters of faith
and practice. c. Inerrant the original texts
do not affirm anything that is contrary to
fact. d. All of the above e. None of the
15True or False9. ___________ The accuracy of
the Bible is supported by archeology and
history.10.___________ The best witness to the
Old Testament is the New Testament.11.__________
_ There is more manuscript evidence for the
Bible than any other pieces of classical
literature combined.
16True or False12.___________ The Bible has
been read by more people and published in more
languages than any other book.13.___________
The Bible is Gods revelation to
man.14.___________ The Bible was written for
spiritual formation, not for proof.
17Quiz Answers
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. c
18Quiz Answers
5. a. Moses - a political leader, trained in
Egypt b. Peter - a fisherman c. Joshua
- a military general d. Daniel - a prime
minister e. Nehemiah - a cupbearer to a
king f. Luke - a doctor g. Solomon - a
king h. Matthew - a tax collector i. Paul
- a Rabbi
19Quiz Answers
6. a. Moses from a wilderness b.
Paul from prison c. Luke while
traveling d. David from a hillside, while
fleeing for his life e. Solomon from a
palace where he ruled 7. d 8. d 9 14. All true
20Uniqueness of the Bible.- Unique in Circulation
- One of the first major books translated- By
1966, whole Bible appeared in 240 Languages-
3,000 Bible translators working between 1950-1960
21What is the purpose of the Bible?
In a word JESUS
The Bible was given to bear witness to one God,
Creator and Sustainer of the universe, through
Christ, Redeemer of sinful humanity. It presents
one continuous story - that of human redemption.
This story is a progressive unfolding of the
central truth of the Bible that God in His
eternal counsels was to become incarnate in Jesus
Christ for the redemption of fallen humanity.
The New Ungers Bible Handbook
22Whats in the Bible?OLD TESTAMENT Th
e Law (Pentateuch, Torah)Genesis -
DeuteronomyHistory Joshua - Esther Poet
ry Wisdom Job - Song of Solomon Major
ProphetsIsaiah - DanielMinor ProphetsHosea -
23Whats in the Bible?NEW TESTAMENTGospels
ActsMatt. - ActsPauls Letters
(Epistles)Romans - PhilemonGeneral Epistles
RevelationHebrews - Revelation
24How is the Bible Unique?- It claims to be the
INSPIRED Word of God. Thus says the Lord
Joshua 713 Judges 68 God-Breathed -2
Timothy 316 Spoken from God -2 Peter 121
25What Does Inspired Mean?- Does it mean a
literal transcribing, word for word?- How much
does it allow for human involvement?
26What Does Inspired Mean?Belgic Confession,
Article 3 Of the written Word of God.We confess
that this Word of God was not sent, nor delivered
by the will of man, but that holy men of God
spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, as
the apostle Peter saith. And that afterwards God,
from a special care, which he has for us and our
salvation, commanded his servants, the prophets
and apostles, to commit his revealed word to
writing and he himself wrote with his own
finger, the two tables of the law. Therefore we
call such writings holy and divine Scriptures.
27How Did We Get the Bible We Use?OLD TESTAMENT-
Oral Tradition Psalms 784- Manuscripts Exodus
244,12 Joshua 2425-26- A people of one
bookNEW TESTAMENT- Canon Root word reedA
measuring rod, or standard
28How Were Books of the Bible Selected?FIVE
THE CANON1. Is it authoritative?2. Is it
prophetic?3. Is it authentic?4. Is it
dynamic?5. Was it received, collected, read and
used by the church?
29What Bible Did Jesus Read?
Torah and Prophets The Septuagint
30Summary.- Scripture not put together by
happenstance.- Writers were superintended by the
Holy Spirit.- Bible is a measuring rod
standard for faith life.- Holiness is
Bi-Product, Jesus is Object
31Questions? Comments?
32Bible Basics