Title: Boncheol Gu
1Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor
Networks Attacks and Countermeasures
Chris Karlof and David Wagner University of
California at Berkeley
1st IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network
Protocols and Applications, 2003
Attacks on Routing Protocols
- Motivation
- Current proposals for routing protocols in sensor
networks do not consider security. - In sensor networks, in-network processing makes
end-to-end security mechanisms harder to deploy. - Contributions
- Propose security goals for routing in WSN
- Show how certain attacks against Ad-hoc networks
and peer-to-peer networks can be adapted into
more powerful attacks against sensor networks - Provide a list of attacks and their
- Sensor Network
- Heterogeneous system consisting of tiny sensors
and actuators having some computing elements - Base Station (aka. sink)
- Point of centralized control
- Gateway to another network, powerful data
processing unit, or point of human interface - More processing capability, memory power
- Aggregation points
- Node at which the messages are processed before
sending to base station - POWER constrained environment
5Background contd.
- A representative sensor network architecture
6Sensor Networks vs. Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- Similarity
- Support Multi-hop networking
- Differences
- Ad-hoc Routing between any two nodes
- Sensor Supports Specialized communication
patterns - Many-to-One
- One-to-Many
- Local Communication
- Sensor nodes more resource constrained than
Ad-hoc nodes - Higher level of trust relationship among sensor
nodes - In-network processing, aggregation, duplication
7Problem Statement
- Network Assumptions
- Insecure Radio links
- Eavesdropping, injection and replay
- Malicious nodes collude to attack the system.
- By purchasing or capturing them
- No tamper resistance on nodes
- Adversary can access all key material, data, and
code stored on the captured node. - Trust Requirements
- Base stations are trustworthy.
- Aggregation points not necessarily trustworthy
8Problem Statement contd.
- Threat Models 2 types
- Based on device capability
- Mote-class attacker
- ? access to few sensor nodes
- Laptop-class attacker
- ? Access to more powerful devices. Have more
battery power, better CPU, sensitive antenna,
powerful radio TX, etc - Based on attacker type / attacker location
- Outside attacks
- ? attacker external to the network
- Inside attacks
- ? Authorized node in the network is
9Problem Statement contd.
- Security Goals
- In the presence of outsider adversaries
- Integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality
- Guaranteed by link layer security mechanisms
- Availability
- Still must rely on the routing protocol
- In the presence of insider adversaries
- Graceful degradation
- The effectiveness of a routing protocol should
degrade no faster that a rate proportional to the
ratio of compromised nodes to total nodes in the
network. - Protection against the replay attack is not a
security goal of a secure routing protocol - Delegate it to the application layer
10Attacks on Sensor Network Routing
- Spoofed, altered, or replayed routing information
- To create loops, attract or repel network
traffic, extend or shorten source routes,
generate false message, partition network, induce
delay, etc - Selective forwarding
- Malicious node forwards only some messages, drop
others. - Attacker tries to be on the actual path of data
flow. - Sinkhole Attacks
- Due to specialized communication patterns of WSN
- All packets share same destination (i.e. base
station) - Making a compromised node look attractive to
neighbors w.r.t. the routing algorithm - Make selective forwarding trivial
11Attacks on Sensor Network Routing contd.
- Sybil Attack
- Single node presents multiple identities to other
nodes. - Significantly affect fault-tolerance schemes like
distributed storage, multi-path routing,
topology maintenance - Threat to geographical routing protocols
- Wormholes
- A shortcut through space and time
- An adversary tunnels message received in one part
of the network over a low latency link and
replays them in a different part. - Used to create a sinkhole
- Effective even if routing information is
authenticated or encrypted
12Attacks on Sensor Network Routing contd.
- HELLO flood attack
- Many protocols require nodes to broadcast HELLO
packets to advertise themselves. - Laptop-class attacker can convince every node
that it is their neighbor by transmitting at high
power - Acknowledgement spoofing
- Some routing algorithms require explicit/implicit
link layer ACKs - Spoofing link layer ACKs for overheard packets
- To convince the sender that a weak link is strong
or that a dead node is alive - ? Causing packet losses
13Attacks on Specific Protocols
- General Concept
- Adversaries try to be on the actual path.
- For selective forwarding or modifying packets
- Use other attacks such as spoofing, sinkhole,
wormhole, and Hello flood attack - When defender tries to use multipath routing etc,
- Use Sybil attack To enhance attacks
14Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- TinyOS beaconing
- Constructing a breadth first spanning tree rooted
at the base station - Base station periodically broadcasts route
updates. - Packets travel through the paths along the tree.
15Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Attacks on TinyOS beaconing
- Unauthenticated route updates
- Malicious node acts as base station.
16Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Attacks on TinyOS beaconing
- Authenticated route updates
- A wormhole between two colluding laptop-class
nodes - To direct all traffic through them
- Laptop-class attackers use HELLO flood attack.
- Every node marks the attacker as its parent.
- Mote-class attacker can cause Routing loops
between two nodes
17Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Directed diffusion
- Data-centric routing algorithm
- Base station floods interests.
- Positively/negative reinforcements
- Attacks
- Suppression
- Spoofing negative reinforcements
- Cloning
- Replay of interest by the adversary
- Path influence
- Spoofing positive and negative reinforcements and
bogus data events - Selective forwarding and data tampering
- Wormhole Sybil attack by a laptop-class
18Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Geographic routing
- Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)
- Greedy forwarding at each hop, routing each
packet to the neighbor closest to the destination - Geographic and Energy Aware Routing (GEAR)
- Weighting the choice of the next hop both
remaining energy and distance from the target - Attacks
- Adversaries advertise wrong information to place
them in the path.
19Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Attacks on geographic routing
- Sybil attack
- Routing loops
20Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Minimum cost forwarding
- Not require path information or unique node id
- Distributed shortest-path algorithm
source 200
optimal path
21Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Attacks on minimum cost forwarding
- Sinkhole Wormhole
- By advertising cost zero
- Hello flood attack
- Transmitting an advertisement with cost zero
through the entire network - ? Disabling entire network
22Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- LEACH Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
- Attacks
- Hello flood attack
- To choose the adversary as its cluster-head
- Rumor routing
- DOS attack
- By removing event information or refusing to
forward agents - Sinkhole
- By forwarding multiple copies of a received agent
- TTL reset to maximum, Hop counts of paths reset
to zero
23Attacks on Specific Protocols contd.
- Energy conserving topology maintenance
- Periodically broadcasting high ranking discovery
messages - ? Disabling other nodes
- Sybil attack and HELLO flood attack
- GAF without virtual grid squares
- Bogus coordinator with HELLO messages
- ? Preventing other nodes from becoming
- Secret shared key Link layer encryption
- Prevents the majority of outsider attacks
- Sybil attacks, Selective forwarding, Sinkhole
attacks, ACK spoofing - Ineffective against
- Wormhole and Hello flood attacks
- Insider attacks
- Base station as a sort of TA (Trusted Authority)
- Against Sybil attack and Hello flood attack
- Every node shares a unique symmetric key with the
base station. - Then two nodes establish pair-wise shared secret
key between them - Limit the number of neighbors for a node
- ? prevent adversary from establishing shared keys
with everyone
25Countermeasures contd.
- Wormhole, SinkHole
- No viable solution
- Just carefully design routing protocols to avoid
them - e.g. Geographical Routing protocols
- Leveraging global knowledge
- When the network size is small
- Base station monitors suspicious changes to the
topology. - Probabilistic selection of a next hop multipath
routing - Against selective forwarding and Sybil attacks
- Not perfect solution
26Countermeasures contd.
- Authenticated broadcast and flooding
- Using symmetric key cryptography and minimal
packet overhead - Randomly rotating set of virtual base stations
- Make it hard for adversaries to choose the right
nodes to compromise
- Link-layer encryption and authentication may be a
reasonable defense. - Against outsiders, bogus routing information,
Sybil attacks, HELLO floods, and ACK spoofing - It is crucial to good design routing protocols.
- Against sinkhole attacks, wormholes, and insiders
28Thank You