Title: Saving the Gopher Tortoise
1Saving the Gopher Tortoise
The Green Team
- Relocate - move gopher tortoises to reclaimed
mined land - Return restore mined land to its native
- We chose
- helping the
- gopher tortoise.
They are a native species to Florida and are
losing their homes because of human activities
such as mining.
4Gopher Tortoises
- Cold blooded reptile
- Long life span, 40-60 years
- Protected by federal endangered species laws
5- Females have flat bottoms
- Males have indention on bottom
- Hatchlings are yellowish
- Adults can grow to be 24cm in size
- Average burrow is 15ft long and 6 ft deep
- Open sandy area in front of the burrow provides
nest for females eggs - More than one tortoise can be in a burrow
- Burrow provides shelter from weather and fires
7Burrows and Commensals
Florida Gopher Frog
Florida Mouse lives only in tortoise burrows
Blue-tailed mole skink
8 Burrowing Owls
Indigo Snakes
9Gopher Tortoise Environment
- Scrub habitat
- Long-leaf pine flatwoods surrounded by saw
palmetto - Wire grass areas
- Areas with numerous native wildflowers and grasses
10Gopher Tortoises Eat
Flowers Fruits from the prickly pear cactus
- Gopher apples
- Saw palmetto berries
Bones for calcium Low cut grasses
- South Eastern coast of the United States
- Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi - Pine flatwoods and scrubs
- Habitat destruction
- Land fragmentation
- Traffic
- Diseases
13Phosphate Mining Causes Habitat Loss
- Strip-mining has devastated well over 200,000
acres in the Peace River watershed
14Research shows that gopher tortoises can be
successfully reestablished
15It is Illegal to
- Harass
- Molest
- Damage or
- Destroy their
- habitats
16Our 4Tortoises Fall Under the Rule
Destruction of their Habitat
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19Information We Need to Gather to get Our Permit
20 Calculate Baseline Density
- Determine the existing (baseline) tortoise
population on the recipient site (Peace River)
21Determine Vegetation Features
- Average foliage cover of at least 30
- Average canopy cover of 60 or less.
22Verify Enclosure
- Tortoises must be restrained at the new site
(Peace River) for a minimum period of six months
23Determine Size and Condition of Relocation Site
- Minimum of 40 acres
- Size gt 40 acres lt 200 acres
- Soils must be moderately well
- drained to excessively drained
24 Establish Mitigation Contributions
- 200 for first group of 10 burrows
- 300 each additional tortoise
- Cost to relocate our 4tortoises
- 200
25Check Weather Conditions
- gt 50 Fahrenheit
- reduces the chance of
- cold-related stress or
- mortality
26Information from the Professionals
Relocation Process
Mrs. Baker, F .E. D.
Mr. Cook, F.D.E.P.
27 Guest Speakers
28Mrs. Baker Teaching Us
29Step 1
30Step 2
31Step 3
32Step 4
33Step 5
Wait and check twice daily
34Step 6
Collapse the burrow after you remove the tortoise
35Disorienting Tank
36Weve Got the FactsNow its Time to Work
- Find the gopher tortoises a new home Peace
River - Learn how to use a GPS unit
- Helped rancher apply for the permit
- Wait for acceptable weather
- Move the gopher tortoises using the bucket method
- Re-survey every 2 months
37 GPS Lessons
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40Gopher Tortoise Game
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