Title: 6D Demonstration Experiment MANX
16D Demonstration Experiment (MANX)
- Katsuya Yonehara
- Accelerator Physics Center, Fermilab
2Goals in 6D demo experiment
- Verify emittance exchange 6D cooling theories
- Appeal technological availablity (find its
boundaries) - Test physics model
- Optimization
3Aim of MANX
- MANX is a proof-of-principle experiment
- Six dimensional helical cooling theory
- Demonstrate 6D cooling, Continuous emittance
exchange, Exceptional cooling performance - MANX can be a prototype cooling magnet for muon
colliders - MANX can be used as a pre-cooler.
- Or embed RF cell in MANX and test as a
substructure of real HCC
4Apply MANX for Pre-cooler
D. Neuffer, C. Yoshikawa
- Use LiH plate in this design
- Good transmission (gt 90)
10k POT
z 3 m
z 0 m
z 6 m
p (MeV/c)
5Tips in MANX
- Use liquid helium (LHe) as absorber
- No big safety issue
- Thin windows at both ends of channel
- No RF cavity inside HCC
- Save RD time money
- Momentum dependent (z-dependent) field map
6Overview of original MANX
7Simulation in best cooling option
- 6D cooling factor 2
- Transverse/longitudinal cooling factor 1.3
- Not perfect/Need more tuning
8Field error study
- Apply random errors in each component
- Need to investigate the field errors caused by
- misalignment of the HS coils
- Helical magnet
- Mechanical analysis, Cryogenics, Quench
protection - Matching magnet
- Optimization
- Cooling option
- Best cooling (equal cooling), longitudinal only
cooling, isochronous condition - Spectrometer design
- Reduce systematic error
- Muon beam production line
- MTA, MiniBooNe, MTest, Pbar source
10HS for Cooling Demonstration Experiment
V. Kashikhin, A. Zlobin, M. Lamm, S. Kahn, M.
Goals cooling demonstration, HS technology
development Features SSC NbTi cable, Bmax6 T,
coil ID 0.5m, length 10m
- Status conceptual design complete
- solenoid
- matching sections
- Next engineering design
- mechanical structure
- field quality, construction tolerances
- cryostat
- powering and quench protection
11Preliminary optics design in MTA
Diagnostic sections
Transport line
180ยบ dispersion free bend
Decay channel
400MeV Linac
12Cooling option
Blue Red longitudinal only cooling Magenta
Green equal cooling
13Cooling option (contd)
Longitudinal only cooling can be made when the
dispersion factor satisfies,
This leads zero helical dipole field on the
reference orbit.
It is difficult to make a matching in this field
14Is it possible to apply longitudinal only cooling?
This design has a large flexibility.
It may be possible to generate the longitudinal
only cooling in the new HS coil configuration.
We may also be able to reproduce the
isochronous helical channel by adjusting the
dispersion function.
Primary HS coil
Solenoid coil
This will be investigated soon.
Correction HS coil
15Phase approach
- Make a helical magnet with correction coils
- m beam test with LHe without RF
- Test cooling option
- Test LiH wedge absorber
- Embed RF in the helical magnet
- Test HPRF in HCC
16Detector design
- Basic spectrometers in upstream and downstream of
MANX channel - Suppressing systematic error is one of most
difficult issues in this experiment (i.e. beam
loss, accidental, etc) - Particle tracking in cooling section would
significantly reduce the systematic errors - This tracker can also be uses as a spectrometer
in HCC
We need further study of systematic error very
- Preliminary simulation study has been done
- Design/make HS coil
- Demonstrate cooling option in simulation