Title: Vladimir Gorodetsky
1Agent and Data Mining Research in Laboratory of
Intelligent Systems (St. Petersburg Institute
for Informatics and Automation)
Vladimir Gorodetsky Head of Laboratory of
Intelligent Systems http//space.iias.spb.su/ai/
- 1. Structure of the research and developments of
the Intelligent System Laboratory - 2. Multi-Agent System Development Kit (MASDK) A
software tool supporting MAS application
technology - 3. Agent-based distributed data mining and
machine learning - 4. International collaboration
- 5. Russian Grant and projects
- 6. Relevant publications
3- Laboratory stuff
- 11 researchers including
- Ph.D. -- 3
- Research analysts and programmers 4
- Ph.D. students -- 4
4- 1. Structure of the Research and Developments of
the Intelligent System Laboratory
5Types of the Research of IS Laboratory
- Fundamental research
- Machine learning, distributed data mining and
decision making - Resource constraint project planning and
scheduling - Protocols for distributed data mining and
decision making - Agent-based simulation
- Technology and software tools
- Technology and software tool for multi-agent
application design, implementation and deployment - Agent-based technology for distributed data
mining and decision making system - Technology for resource constraint project
planning and scheduling - Software tool kit for machine learning
- Multi-agent applications (software prototyping)
- Intrusion detection,
- Design process planning, scheduling and
management, - Image processing,
- Airspace deconfliction,
- Transportation logistics, etc.
6Research Structure
Multi-agent technology and MASDK software tool
Data mining machine learning tool kit
RoboCup (2004 World winner in Simulation league)
Problem-oriented multi-agent technology
P2P agent-based service-oriented networks (NEW)
Distributed data mining and decision
making infrastructure
Computer Network security
Information fusion for situation assessment
Transportation logistics
Project planning and scheduling
Airspace deconfliction (P2P decision making)
Intrusion detection
Learning of Intrusion detection
Knowledge-based project planning and scheduling
Image processing
Agent-based simulation
Simulation of distributed attacks against
computer network
7- 2. Multi-Agent System Development Kit A Software
Tool Supporting MAS Application Technology
8General Description of MASDK Multi-Agent System
Development Kit
System Core Applied system specification in
Multi Agent System Development Kit
Integrated editor system
Software agent builder
Communication platform
Generic agent
9MASDK Components Integrated Editors System
MAS system Meta model Ontology Protocol Agent
class Behavior model Private ontology State
machine State Configuration Agents
Hosts (Deployment)
10Basic MASDK- Related Publication
- Vladimir Gorodetsky, Oleg Karsaev, Vladimir
Samoylov, Victor Konushy, Evgeny Mankov, and
Alexey Malyshev. Multi Agent System Development
Kit. Chapter in book R.Unland, M.Klusch,
M.Calisti (Eds.) Software Agent-Based
Applications, Platforms and Development Kits.
Whitestein Publishers, 2005 - (and a decade of others internationally
published earlier)
11- 3. Agent-based Distributed Data Mining and
Machine Learning
12Agent-based (Mediated) Distributed Learning
Data Source KE
Data Source KE
Meta-level KE (manager)
Data Source
User interface
Host 1
Host k
Meta-level infrastructure component
Data Source KE
Data Source KE
Host 2
Host 3
Data Source
Distributed Learning Infrastructuresource
host-based components meta-level component
interaction protocols communication platform
user interfaces (not the machine learning
13Example of Application Distributed Learning of
Intrusion Detection (Hierarchical Architecture)
Preprocessing procedures
Data Source 1
Data Source 2
Data Source 3
Data Source 4
Data Source 5
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Decision stream 4
Decision stream 1
Decision stream 2
Decision stream 3
Decision stream 5
Input composition of asynchronous data streams
Two-level meta-classification
Computer security status Normal or
attack of a class
14Machine Learning Methods in Use and Basic
- 1. VAM (Visual Analytical Mining) for extraction
rules from numerical dataset - V.Gorodetski, V.Skormin, L.Popyack. Data
Mining Technology for Failure Prognostics of
Avionics, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems. Volume 38, 2, pp.388-403,
2002, etc. - 2. GK2-for extraction rules from discrete
datasets - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev and V.Samoilov.
Direct Mining of Rules from Data with Missing
Values. Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Volume 6, Chapter in book T.Y.Lin, S.Ohsuga, C.J.
Liau, X.T.Hu, S.Tsumoto (Eds.). Foundation of
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer,
2005, 233-264, etc. - 3. Frequent Pattern grows (J.Han)-for extraction
association rules
15Visual Analytical Mining of Numerical Data
3rd step of VAM Generation of separation
formula corresponding to both dashed sub-regions.
Result of VAM is specified as the formula of the
first order logic given over linear terms.
The 1st and 2nd steps of VAM Projection of the
mined data onto two dimensional plane (1st) and
drawing the separation line (2nd).
16International Collaboration (Projects)
- US Air Force Research Laboratory - European
Office of Aerospace Research and Development--8
year collaboration since 1998, 5 projects
successfully completed, 1 - in progress until
August 2007, new one is discussed) - FP4, FP5, FP6 AgentLink Coordination Action
for Agent-based Computing, - FP6 FET Project POSITIF Formal
specification and verification of computer
network security policy, - FP5 KDNet NoE Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery, - FP6 KDUbiq NoE Knowledge Discovery for
Ubiquitous Computing (WG2 member) - Cadence Design System Ltd. (USA, German Research
office) Multi-agent system for design activity
support in microelectronics (2004-2006) - INTEL (USA)Preprocessing algorithms for
intrusion detection (2004-2005) - Fraunhofer First Institute, BMBF (Germany)
MINDMachine Learning in Intrusion Detection
System (2004-2006)
17Grants and Projects Russia
- Grants of Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Multi-agent technology for distributed learning
and decision making (2004-2006) - Projects from Department of Information
Technology and Computer Systems of the Russian
Academy of Sciences - Agent-based stochastic modeling and simulation of
adversarial competition of teams in the Internet
environment (2003-2005) - Mathematical models of active audit of computer
network vulnerabilities, intrusion detection and
response Multi-agent approach (2003-2005) - Multi-agent technology and software tool
18International Conferences etc. Organized by IS
- 1-4. Mathematical methods, model and
architectures for computer network security
(MMM-ACNS) 2001, 2003, 2005 (Proceedings in LNCS
of Springer, vol. 2952, 2776, 3685),
MMM-ACNS-2007 will be held in September of 2007
(St. Petersburg, Russia). - 5. International Workshop of Central and
Eastern Europe on Multi-agent Systems (CEEMAS)
1999. - 6-7. International Workshop on Autonomous
Intelligent Systems Agents and Data Mining
(AIS-ADM) June 2005 (Proceedings in LNAI of
Springer, vol.3505), AIS-ADM-2007 will be held in
June of 2007 (St. Petersburg, Russia).
19Distributed Data Mining and Decision Making
related Publications
- V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev and V.Samoilov. On-Line
Update of Situation Assessment Generic Approach.
In International Journal of Knowledge-Based
Intelligent Engineering Systems. IOS Press,
Netherlands, 2005, - V.Samoylov, V.Gorodetsky. Ontology Issue in
MultiAgent Distributed Learning. In
V.Gorodetsky, J.Liu, V. Skormin (Eds.).
Autonomous Intelligent Systems Agents and Data
Mining. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 3505, 2005, 215-230. - O.Karsaev. Technology of Agent-Based Decision
Making System Development. In V.Gorodetsky,
J.Liu, V. Skormin (Eds.). Autonomous Intelligent
Systems Agents and Data Mining. Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3505, 2005,
107-121. - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev and V.Samoilov. Direct
Mining of Rules from Data with Missing Values.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 6,
Chapter in book T.Y.Lin, S.Ohsuga, C.J. Liau,
X.T.Hu, S.Tsumoto (Eds.). Foundation of Data
Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, 2005,
233-264 - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, V.Samoylov, A.Ulanov.
Asynchronous Alert Correlation in Multi-Agent
Intrusion Detection Systems, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol.3685, Springer, 2005,
20Distributed Data Mining and Decision Making
related Publications
- V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, V.Samoilov, and
A.Ulanov. Multi-Agent Framework for Intrusion
Detection and Alert Correlation. NATO ARW
Workshop "Security of Embedded Systems", Patras,
Greece, August 22-26, 2005. In Proceedings of the
Workshop, IOS Press, 2005. - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, and V.Samoilov. On-Line
Update of Situation Assessment Based on
Asynchronous Data Streams. In M.Negoita,
R.Howlett, L.Jain (Eds.) Knowledge-Based
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol.
3213, Springer Verlag, 2004, pp.11361142
(Received The Best Paper Award) - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, V.Samoilov. Multi-agent
and Data Mining Technologies for Situation
Assessment in Security Related Application. In
B.Dunin-Keplicz, A. Jankovski, A.Skowron,
M.Szczuka (Eds.) Monitoring, Security, and Rescue
Techniques in Multi-agent Systems. Series of
books Advances in Soft Computing, Springer, 2004,
411-422. - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, I.Kotenko, and
V.Samoilov. Multi-Agent Information Fusion
Methodology, Architecture and Software Tool for
Learning of Object and Situation Assessment.
International Conference "Fusion-04", Stockholm,
2004, pp. 346353
21Distributed Data Mining and Decision making
related Publications
- V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, and V.Samoilov.
Distributed Learning of Information Fusion A
Multi-agent Approach. Proceedings of the
International Conference "Fusion 03", Cairns,
Australia, July 2003, 318325. - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaeyv, and V.Samoilov.
Multi-agent Technology for Distributed Data
Mining and Classification. Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference Intelligent Agent Technology
(IAT03), Halifax, Canada, October 2003, 438441. - V.Gorodetsky, O.Karsaev, and V.Samoilov.
Software Tool for Agent-Based Distributed Data
Mining. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
Knowledge Intensive Multi-agent Systems (KIMAS
03), Boston, USA, October 2003, 710715, - etc.
22Contact data
For more information and related publications
please contact E-mail gor_at_mail.iias.spb.su http/
23 24- Future Research and Development in Agent and Data
Mining Area
Vladimir Gorodetsky Head of Laboratory of
Intelligent Systems http//space.iias.spb.su/ai/
25Focus of the Laboratory Current and Forthcoming
Research Projects
- The main idea From hierarchical agent-based
distributed decision making to P2P (serverless)
ad-hoc agent-based service-oriented decision
making networks
1. Algorithms for P2P rule extraction from
distributed data sources with overlapping
attributes -- DDM area. 2. P2P Agent platform
Agent area (now it is subject of activity of
FIPA Nomadic Agent Working Group). 3. Software
tool kit supporting agent-based P2P rule
extraction from distributed data sources
integrated area
26Example Hierarchical Architecture of Distributed
Decision Making for Intrusion Detection Task
Preprocessing procedures
Data Source 1
Data Source 2
Data Source 3
Data Source 4
Data Source 5
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Source-based classifiers
Decision stream 4
Decision stream 1
Decision stream 2
Decision stream 3
Decision stream 5
Input composition of asynchronous data streams
Two-level meta-classification
Computer security status Normal or
attack of a class
27Hierarchical Architecture Multi-Agent IDS
Intended for Heterogeneous Alert Correlation
Heterogeneous alerts notify about various classes
of attacks, either DoS, or Probe, or U2R
Classifiers Attack class data source
1 1 DoS connection-based data
2 2 R2U time window-based data -1
3 3 Prob time window-based data -1
4 4 R2U time window-based data -1
5 5 Prob connection window data-1
6 6 Prob connection-based data
7 7 R2U connection-based data
8 8 DoS time window-based data -2
9 9 R2U time window-based data -2
10 10 DoS time window-based data -2
Preprocessing procedures
28P2P Architecture of Distributed Decision Making
for Intrusion Detection Task
Example Serverless (P2P) network for intrusion
detection (no meta-classifiers). Each agent
detecting an alert acts as combiner of decisions
provided by other agents (service providers) on
its request
29Ground Object Recognition Based on Infra Red
Images Produced by Airborne Equipment
Infra red data preprocessing and their
transformation into feature spaces
Object recognition components of the agent-based
Object models (set of features)
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
Recognized object
2D Views
Classifier 1
Model 1
Classifier 2
Model 2
Wavelet Transform (WT)
Decision combining
WT 1
Classifier 3
Model 3
WT 2
Structural Description (SD)
Classifier 16
Model 16
SD 1
SD 2
Objects models
The Task On-line automatic recognition of ground
objects based on infra-red images perceived by
airborne surveillance system.
30Ground Object Recognition Structure of Decision
Making and Decision Combining
Meta-classifier combining decision of particular
Recognized objects
Combined decision of the classifiers trained to
detect the object class 1
Combined decision of the classifiers trained to
detect the object class M60
3-SIFT-based Object of class 1 - right
2-SIFT-based Object of class 1 - right
2SIFT-based Object of class 2 -left
3SIFT-based Object of class 2 -left
Combined decision of the classifiers trained to
detect the object class 3
2SIFT-based Object of class 2 -right
3SIFT-based Object of class 2-right
Combined decision of the classifiers trained to
detect the object class 4
2SIFT-based Object of class 3 - front
3SIFT-based Object of class 3 - front
3SIFT-based Object of class 3 - right
2SIFT-based Object of class 3 - right
3SIFT-based Object of class 4 -front
2SIFT-based Object of class 4 -front
2SIFT-based Object of class 3 - back
3SIFT-based Object of class 3 - back
3SIFT-based Object of class 4 -left
2SIFT-based Object of class 4 l eft
31Agent-based P2P Classification Network
Implementing Ground Object Recognition System
Classifiers detecting the objects of class 1 Classifiers detecting the objects of class 3
4 21
9 23
8 10
Classifiers detecting the objects of class 2 Classifiers detecting the objects of class 4
24 12
3 5
17 13
25 6
20 1
11 22
Agent providing user interface
32Software Prototype of Agent-based Service-
oriented P2P Classification Network for Ground
Object Recognition
The main window of the user interface of the P2P
classification network for ground object
33Architecture of Agent-based Service-oriented P2P
Network Transport
General requirements to P2P agent platform
architecture are formulated in the document of
Nomadic Agent Working Group (NAWG) of FIPA. Our
expected contribution is a version of its
implementation and verification (via software
prototyping on the basis of particular
classification networks).
34Architecture of a Peer of Agent-based
Service-oriented P2P Network
Agent 1-1
Agent 1-2
Agent 1-k
OnReceive Handler
OnReceive Handler
OnReceive Handler
Transport System (TCP/IP) (UDP) interface
PEER P2P Agent Platform instance
Message Transport System Interface
Existing P2P networking middleware
OnReceive Handler
OnReceive Handler
Routing Book
Interface AMS (dll, Agent)
Message history
Interface Yellow Pages (dll, Agent)
Agent book
Peer Address book
Search Results
Service book
Search Results
35Hot Problems
- 1. Development of P2P agent platform
decoupling peers and applications and supporting
open serviceoriented architectures,
selfoptimization of the network structure
through on-line learning. Although the last
problem is currently the subject of the intensive
research in the networking scope, for agent-based
architecture it will require specific efforts. - 2. Combining of decisions produced by P2P agents
within distributed heterogeneous environment. A
peculiarity of this task is that in each
particular case, the classifications incoming
from the peers may be very diverse in the sense
that different peers may be involved in service
provision. That is why, distributed learning of
decision combing that is a challenging task of
P2P data mining and ubiquitous computing should
be an important component of the technology in
36Contact data
For more information and related publications
please contact E-mail gor_at_mail.iias.spb.su http/