Title: Vladimir Shiltsev
1Studies of High-Frequency Magnetic Field
Fluctuations in LHC MagnetsApril 27, 2006
- Vladimir Shiltsev
- Riccardo de Maria
- Luca Bottura
2B-field is frozen at high frequencies
3dB/B Fluctuations Tolerances
4Tevatron Dipoles
LHe (turbulent)
5No LHe flow in LHC Dipole Except Screen
6 LHC Beam Screen
LHC screen light and under action of 20 K He
flow turbulent kicks B-flux is constant at 3kHz
dB/B dR/R ? need dR lt 1A to blow horizontal
emittance gt10 dE/dt Being measured at CERN MMF
7 dB/B in Tevatron dipole
Tevatron Stand-Alone Dipole measurements (Proc.
8 dB/B measurements at CERN
5 coils calibrated
9 dB/dJ suppression in LHC dipole (warm)
10 dB/dJ suppression
By inductance and SS
by the screen
11 dB/B in cold Quadrupole
Coil placed off-center 8 bit Tectronix Digital
scope too noisy
12 19bit 50kHz HP3458A sent to CERN
HP?PC DAQ works, nx1kHz ringing Noise measured,
triggering issues
13dB/B Plan of Action
- Perform dB/B measurements at CERN in
- Dipole (cold, high current)
- Quadrupole (same)
- Measure vibrations of the screen
- Will take about 1 year
- Cost
- 2-3 more trips to CERN 5k
- Low-noise pre-amp 5k
- Goal be able to conclude on dEmm/dt and need of
FB - Next steps designand development of low-nosie FB
14Then , one needs a fast feedback system
requires P100W in df50kHz band BPM noise
0.5um (Tev standard BPM 5 um, special
stripline 0.2 um at Qx,y)