Westminster Confession of Faith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Westminster Confession of Faith


Charles I wanted to impose Anglicanism as the religious framework of England. ... and had the support of Oliver Cromwell, and these included Thomas Goodwin. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Confession of Faith
  • Associated with the Shorter and Larger Catechism

Historical Framework
  • Westminster Assembly was commissioned\in 1643 as
    a result of a promise made by Parliament We will
    reform the English Church along the Scottish
    lines if Scotland will help Parliament overthrow
    Charles I (1600-1649).
  • Charles I wanted to impose Anglicanism as the
    religious framework of England. Civil war broke
    out in 1642.

  • 121 divines and 30 laymen completed the Form of
    Presbyterian Church Government and the Directory
    of Public Worship in 1644.
  • This Directory was intended to replace the Book
    of Common Prayer
  • Confession was accomplished in 1646, and the
    Shorter Catechism and Larger Catechism were
    written by the next year. The documents produced
    by the Westminster Assembly are known as the
    Westminster Standards. It was the Parliament
    that required Scriptural proofs for each
    theological statement.

  • Both the governments of England and Scotland
    approved the Confession by February 1649.
  • Confession provides the big picture. Its purpose
    can be compared to Calvins (1509-1564)
    intentions for the Institutes as a GUIDE and
    RESOURCE when his commentaries were read. Both
    Calvin and the divines pointed to Scripture as
    the sole AUTHORITY.

  • Some chapters are more broadly accepted (e.g. by
    Catholics), others have evangelical emphasis,
    while a third category of chapters covers
    Presbyterian Calvinistic doctrine. A quote by
    Spurgeon should be noted Calvinism is a
    nickname for Christianity.

Complexity of Divines
  • The Episcopalians (who supported an episcopacy)
    included such figures as James Ussher, Archbishop
    of Armagh. The Episcopalian group usually did not
    attend the sessions, because the king had not
    authorized them.
  • The Presbyterians (who supported an
    assembly-based structure found in Puritanism),
    the largest group, included figures such as
    Edward Reynolds, George Gillespie and Samuel
  • A small group of Independents (of the various
    Congregationalist views including baptists) were
    present and had the support of Oliver Cromwell,
    and these included Thomas Goodwin.
  • The Erastian representatives, such as John
    Lightfoot, who favored the state's primacy over
    the ecclesiastical law.

The Doctrine of Holy Scripture
  • Although the light of nature, and the works of
    creation and providence, do so far manifest the
    goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave
    men inexcusable 1 yet they are not sufficient to
    give that knowledge of God, and of His will,
    which is necessary unto salvation. And 2
    Therefore it pleased the Lord, at sundry times,
    and in divers manners, to reveal Himself, and to
    declare that His will unto His church And 3
    and afterwards, for the

  • better preserving and propagating of the truth,
    and for the more sure establishment and comfort
    of the church against the corruption of the
    flesh, and the malice of Satan and of the world,
    to commit the same wholly unto writing And 4
    which makes the Holy Scripture to be most
    necessary And 5 those former ways of Gods
    revealing His will unto His people being now
    ceased. And 6 Under the name of Holy Scripture,
    or the Word of God written, now contained in all
    books of OT and NT

Conclusions drawn about the Bible
  • Creation leaves men inexcusable (I, 1)
  • Bible 66 books are given by inspiration of
    God, to be the rule of faith and life. Also,
    entire perfection, infallible truth, and
    divine authority. (I, 2 5)
  • whole counsel of God (I, 6)
  • nothing at any time is to be added (I, 6)
  • Bible is for not only the learned, but the
    unlearned (I , 7)
  • Gave mandate to translate into all languages (I,
  • Prescribes the analogy of faith interpret
    Scripture with Scripture (I, 9)

A.A. Hodge summarizes and comments on status of
the knowledge of God
  • There is the assumption of all those extreme
    Rationalists who deny the existence of any world
    beyond the natural one discoverable by our
    senses, and especially of that school of Positive
    Philosophy inaugurated by Auguste Comte in
    France, and represented by John Stuart Mill and
    Herbert Spencer in England, who affirm that all
    possible human knowledge is confined to the facts
    of our experience and the uniform laws which
    regulate the succession

  • of those facts that it is not possible for the
    human mind, in its present state, to go beyond
    the simple order of nature to the knowledge of an
    absolute First Cause, or to a designing and
    disposing Supreme Intelligence, even though such
    an one actually exists that whether there be a
    God or not, yet as a matter of fact he is not
    revealed, and as a matter of principle could not,
    even if revealed, be recognized by man in the
    present state of his faculties.Commentary on the
    WCF, A - A. Hodge

  • This assumption is disproved
  • By the fact that men of all nations, ages, and
    degrees of culture, have discerned the evidences
    of the presence of a God in the works of nature
    and providence, and in the inward workings of
    their own souls
  • By the fact that the works of nature and
    providence are full of the manifest traces of

  • The same is disproved from the fact that
    conscience, which is a universal and
    indestructible element of human nature,
    necessarily implies our accountability to a
    personal moral Governor, and as a matter of fact
    has uniformly led men to a recognition of his
    existence and of their relation to him
  • Romans 119-20

  • That there is a God is the first principle of all
    religion, whether natural or revealed, and we are
    here taught that the being of God and a number of
    his perfections may be discovered by the light of
    nature. By the word God is meant a Being of
    infinite perfection self-existent and
    independent the Creator, Preserver, and Lord of
    all things. It is true, indeed, that to give a
    perfect definition of God is impossible, neither
    can our finite reason hold any proportion with
    infinity but yet a sense of this Divinity

  • we have, and the find and common notion of it
    consists in these three particulars,that it is a
    Being of itself, and independent from any other
    that it is that upon which all things that are
    made depend that it governs all things. When we
    affirm that the being of God may be discovered by
    the light of nature, we mean, that the senses and
    the reasoning powers, which belong to the nature
    of man, are, capable of affirming the existence
    of God. Rom. 119, 20Exposition of the WCF, An
    - R. Shaw

How Does This Chapter of the Confession Help Us
  • Colossians 26-8

  • The Question of Evolution and Intelligent Design

Life is Godless
  • Darwinism removed the whole idea of God as the
    creator of organisms from the sphere of rational
  • Sir Julian Huxley

Life is Purposeless
  • Life has no higher purpose than to perpetuate
    the survival of DNAlife has no design, no
    purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind
    pitiless indifference.
  • Richard Dawkins

Life is Meaningless
  • There are no gods, no purpose, and no
    goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no
    life after death.There is no ultimate foundation
    for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no
    free will for humans.
  • William Provine

William B. Provine
  • I am working on four disparate research
    projects (1) a history of the theories of
    neutral molecular evolution (Kimura, Ohta, King,
    Jukes, and many others) (2) a history of
    geneticists' attitudes toward human race
    differences and race crossing (3) implications
    of modern biology for free will, moral
    responsibility, and the foundations of ethics
    and (4) a history of ideas about speciation from
    1963 to the present.

  • In recent years, graduate students working with
    me have written their theses on topics such as
    the history of mimicry theory, history of ideas
    about variation in natural populations, role of
    botany in the evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s
    and 1940s, a study of the controversies
    surrounding the genetic effects of atomic bombs
    dropped on Japan, ideas about inheritance in
    humans in the period 1600-1865 in the USA, using
    the history of biology to teach introductory
    college-level biology, reactions of the
    professional ecology community to the work of
    Rachel Carson, history of ideas about sexual
    selection, tensions in the history of
    neuropsychology, and a biography of Tomoko Ohta.

  • Tomoko Ohta is currently at the Japanese
    National Institute of Genetics and, in 2002, she
    was elected to the United States National Academy
    of Sciences as a foreign associate in
    evolutionary biology.
  • I have collected an enormous library of evolution
    and genetics that is available for our use. The
    library consists of more than 300,000 reprints
    and a huge collection of books on evolution.

So How Does the Confession Help?
  • It gives us a quick overview of the difference
    between natural revelation and special
  • It reminds us that natural revelation needs
  • It provides the interpretation
  • It states how special revelation augments
    natural revelation by giving us personal and
    saving knowledge of God
  • It gives us a framework to understand and
    critique modern thinking.
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