Title: Harnessing Biomass
1Harnessing Biomass
- Biomass Supply from the Nipissing Forest
Opportunities Challenges from a Forest Managers
Perspective - Peter Street, R.P.F
- General Manager, Nipissing Forest Resource
Management Inc.
- Understanding the numbers
- Volume of round wood available
- Volume of tops braches
- Advantages of increase utilization
- Challenges to moving forward
- Recommendations
3Background Quick Facts
- Nipissing Forest
- 11,932 sq km of which 578,000 ha of productive
forest land available for management - Population of approx. 90,000 within the forest
- Allowable harvest is 712,000 m3/yr - but only
410,000 m3/yr being harvested on average (50
less this year) - Average yield - 82 m3/ha
- 1.5 million spent on silviculture annually
4Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- The Forest Management Plan identifies what areas
are available for harvest on a sustainable basis - Available harvest volumes by species products
are identified in FMP Table 18 - Projected utilization by recognized mills is
identified in FMP Table 19
5Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- The Forest Resource Inventory identifies tree
species, ages, heights stocking levels - Volume tables are used to convert FRI information
into volumes by species and products - Volume estimates are compared to past harvest
yields adjusted if required -
6Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- Â
- The Forest Management Plan balances economic,
social environmental considerations - Social considerations include, parks protected
areas, old growth, protection for canoe routes,
cross country ski trails, etc. - Environmental considerations include wildlife
habitat requirements, protection of water
quality, etc. - Economic considerations are primarily based upon
the industrial demand on the forest - Â
7Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
Available Â
- The industrial demand (by species products) is
based upon - MNR Directives Supply Agreements
- MROLs MNR Recognized Operating Levels
- Past open market purchases
- To meet the Industrial Demand some surplus
volumes are also generated
8Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- Allocations are given to recognized licensees
(harvesters) based upon their harvest rights - 100 of the harvesting rights have been allocated
on the forest - Each Licensee has an Overlapping Licence
Agreement (OLA) with the SFL and these are 5 year
9Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- This type of arrangement varies across the
Province Single entity SFLs and Co-op type SFLs - Harvesting Rights can be bought sold from
existing licensees - OLAs identifies wood directives and what wood can
be sold on an open market basis
10Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round Wood
- So what are the volumes available?
- FMP Total Annual Volume Available 712,200 m3
- Unutilized (Surplus) Annual Volume 13,935 m3
- Annual Volumes to Quebec (other than Tembec
Temiscaming) 10,674 m3 - Total Potential Annual Volume (Unutilized
Quebec Wood) 24,609 m3
11 Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round
Wood Available
- So why did the MNR announce that there was
309,100 m3 available annually from the Nipissing
Forest that is a difference of 284,491 m3 ? - The difference is the actual average level of
utilization from the forest - Which numbers should I use or consider available?
- That is the question?
12 Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round
Wood Available
- The reasons for the difference between volumes
available and actual utilization are - Our forest are very mixed and you need to have
markets for all the species before you can
operate in the stand - Many stands are of low quality and low volume and
cannot be economically harvested - Currently there are insufficient markets for all
of the low quality fibre
13 Understanding the Numbers Volume of Round
Wood Available
- If you can
- Find markets for all species
- Find ways to economically harvest low volume
stand - Then all this wood becomes available
14Understanding the Numbers Volume of Tops
Branches Available
- MNR identified 394,900 m3 available annually in
their request for expressions of interest - Tops branches are currently being ground for
hog fuel the initial yields are averaging 20 m3
per hectare of cutover - If we use this factor to stands normally
delimbed at roadside this would work out to
approximately 72,000 m3 annually
15Understanding the Numbers Volume of Tops
Branches Available
- Again there is a huge range in the estimated
volumes (322,900 m3/yr) - The volumes of tops branches will also be
effected by - The silvicultural system being implemented
(shelterwood selection harvesting) - Advances in equipment design
16Understanding the Numbers Volume of Tops
Branches Available
- Currently unutilized tops branches are required
to be piled burnt - Licensees would prefer not to have the expense of
piling - This material is under the control of the
Licensee until the block has been closed in a
compliance report - In order to utilize tops branches an
Overlapping Licence Agreement is required with
the SFL - The OLA will specify management fees and road
17Advantages to Increased Utilization
- Full utilization of the forest would almost
double the current workforce in the bush and
create 150 new jobs - Increased harvest yields are expected to provide
- Additional revenue for forest renewal and/or
reduce renewal costs - Additional revenue for road construction
18Advantages to Increased Utilization
- Full utilization will
- Assist in meeting FMP wildlife habitat
objectives - Assist in meeting FMP restoration objectives
- Improve the overall health of the forest
- Make more sawlog veneer logs available for
existing mills
19Challenges to Moving Forward
- Tenure Reform has created uncertainty
- MNR MNDMF appears to have created another level
of bureaucracy - Access to capital
- Numerous expressions of interest not sure who
to work with? Or should we be working with
everyone? - Working with existing facilities and licensees
- Seek out business to business agreements with
existing licensees - Work with existing facilities to compliment wood
utilization - Hope for the best with respect to Tenure Reform
21Slash pile burning
22Slash pile grinding for hog fuel