Title: Launching Into Medical Missions
1Launching Into Medical Missions
- Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH
- President, Institute for International Medicine
- www.inmed.us
2Presentation Objectives
- At the completion of this presentation,
participants will be able to more effectively - Make career decisions leading towards
international service - Prepare themselves with the necessary
professional skills - Prepare their personal lives for the unique
challenges of international service
3Launching Into Medical Missions Its Not Just
4Launching Into Medical Missions Its Not Just
5Launching Into Medical Missions Its Not Just
6We want to help!
7We want to help!
- Record Interest Among Health Care Professionals
8Obstacles Ahead!
- Launching Into Medical Missions Is Not So Easy As
It May Seem
9How To Launch Into Medical Missions
- Develop Your Professional Skills
- Prepare Your Personal Life
- Wisely Choose Your Path To Service
10Develop Your Professional Skills
- Diseases are different
- Medical resources are minimal
- Cultural context is challenging
- Leadership skills are deficient
11Disease ARE Different
- Cerebral Malaria In Honduras
12Medical Resources ARE Minimal
- 24 Drug Pharmacy In Angola
13Cultural Context IS Challenging
- In China, traditional people are encouraged to
donate blood, but few are willing, believing that
blood contains ones life force, and that to
have their blood removed is therefore a
death-defying event.
14Leadership Skills ARE Deficient
- Many health problems cant be solved one person
at a time. They demand community-wide action.
15Prepare Your Personal Life
- Personal Finances
- Personal Health
- Family Relationships
- Faith Community
- Documents Passport, Visa, Airlines, Insurance
16Personal Finances
- Debts paid
- Reserve fund
- Long-term savings
17Personal Health
- Healthy lifestyle
- Controlled Chronic Conditions
- Vaccinations, prophylaxis
- Emergency care evacuation
- Acceptable Risk
18Family Relationships
- International intimacy
- Cross-cultural kids
- Single satisfied
- Way-extended family
19Faith Community
- Your personal connection with God
- Your personal community of faith
- Passport
- Visa
- Airlines
- Insurance
- Practitioner licenses
- Malpractice
21Wisely Choose Your Path To Service
- Professional specialty
- Community to serve
- Sending organization
- Language learning
- Time commitment
22How can I launch into medical missions?
- Ask those who have gone before you!
23Cindy ObenhausLaunched into medical missions
- Maison de Nassaince, Haiti
24Antoinette BrownLaunched into medical missions
25Jim EliasLaunched into medical missions
- Mushili Health Center, Zambia
26Tim Lori MyrickLaunched into medical missions
- Jordan, UAE, Comoros Islands
27Launching YOURSELF into medical missions