Title: Public Works Information Management System PWIMS
1Public Works Information Management System (PWIMS)
2PWIMS At a glance
3Basic Flow
4Modules Covered
5How it helps Engineering organizations.
- Define Organization hierarchy.
- Maintain extensive database of Resource and Items
- Office wise / Post wise / Department wise
workflows - Databases Current Schedule of rates (SOR),
Specifications of items - Facility to prepare estimation with multiple
revisions - Approval with remarks and docket attached to
enhance the quality of estimation. - Prepare budget book in concern with various
departments. - Monitor physical and financial progress of work.
- Raise bills based on monthly progress requests
plus adjustment for recoveries of advances,
penalties, etc. - Help to maintain Record Entries and Measurement
book. - Etc.
6Application Screens
7Common Masters
8Preliminary Budget to HODs
9Sanctioned List of works to Chartered Accountant
10Accounts Dept. List of Budgeted Works
11Allotted Works Lists
12Resource Master at Global Level
13SOR and Rate Analysis
14SOR and Rate Analysis
15Work Lists
16Budgetary Details
18Estimation Add Items from SOR (Library)
19Technical Sanction - Docket
20Technical Sanction - Docket
21TS Docket Forwarding letter
22TS Docket (Attachments)
23TS Approval flow
24NIT (Notice Inviting Tenders) - Docket
25Tender Notice with schedule
26Integration with Online Tendering
27Integration with Online Tendering
28Tender Approval Flow
29Work Order with Terms and Conditions
30Generate workorder
31Project Scheduling
32Project Monitoring Resource requirments
33Project Monitoring Resource Contributions
34Project Monitoring Resource availibility
35Add Measurement Book
36Measurements Record Entries
37MB Tender Item references
38MB Part Rate / Full Rate
39MB Checking and Freezing
40Running Bills
41Running Bill Details
42Running Bill Details
43Running Bill Details
44Release of deposits
45MIS Report - Monitoring
46MIS Report Resource varience
47Thank You
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