Plant Water Balance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plant Water Balance


Plant Water Balance. We'll look at how plants manage water in ... elongation zone, where the cells elongate vertically, pushing the root deeper. into the soil. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plant Water Balance

  • Plant Water Balance
  • Well look at how plants manage water in four
  • From the earth Water flows through the soil in
    response to a pressure gradient. Figure 4.1
  • To the cross Water moves into the root through
    the hairs, and is drawn into the root xylem by a
    water potential gradient.
  • To the grave (?) Water flows up the xylem,
    driven by pressure.

To the sky Water moves into the spaces of the
leafs spongy mesophyll, and out into the air
driven by vapor pressure.
  • Plant Water Balance
  • Hydrostatic pressure of water in the soil is the
    main driving force drawing it toward a plants
  • A. Soil composition determines its properties.
  • 1. Soil is made up of three particles, based
    on diameter.
  • a. Sand--the largest particles 2 - 0.02 mm
  • b. Silt--intermediate size 0.02 - 0.002 mm
  • c. Clay--the smallest particles gt 0.002 mm
  • 2. Soil properties are affected by the
    texture--the proportion of each particle
  • a. Soils with lots of clay hold water well
    (have high field capacity), whereas water in
    sandy soils drains
  • away rapidly.
  • b. The movement of water toward the root is
    hindered in soils with lots of clay, unless the
    clay is aggregated in decomposing material, a
    mixture called humus.

  • Plant Water Balance

  • Plant Water Balance
  • B. Soil water potential is determined mainly by
    hydrostatic pressure.
  • 1. Water in most soils contains very little
    solutes, so solute potential rarely has a huge
    impact on the water potential.
  • 2. Hydrostatic pressure in soils is often
  • a. Very wet soil has ?P
  • of about zero.
  • b. As soil dries (through
  • drainage and
  • evaporation), ?P drops.
  • This is because of the meniscus
  • that forms around soil particles
  • as water is replaced by air space.
  • This is due to waters ________.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • C. Water moves by bulk flow toward the root.
  • 1. Water is absorbed by the root (well see
    why in a minute). Because of the cohesiveness of
    water, this reduces the hydrostatic
    pressure locally around the root.
  • Figure 4.2 2. The water in the soil
    stays connected at soil particles
    (unless the soil gets really dry), so
    will move toward the area of lower ?P.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • 3. Besides the strength of the pressure
    gradient, the other factor that determines how
    fast water will move toward the root is the
    soil hydraulic conductivity (how easily water
    can move in the soil).
  • This is affected by soil texture and by water
    content itself.
  • a. Which type of soil particle would increase
    soil hydraulic conductivity? Which would
    decrease it?
  • b. Would water move more easily through soil
    that has more air space or soil that has
    little air space?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • D. If soil gets too dry, the water potential of
    the soil may get equal to or lower than that of
    the plant. This is called the permanent wilting
  • point, because
  • the plant cannot
  • rehydrate itself just by
  • closing its stomata to
  • limit transpiration.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • So only a certain percentage of water in a field
    is ever really available to a plant.
  • This property and others are determined also by
    the water potential of the plant, and it is the
    root where this interaction is felt.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • Movement of water into and through the root.
  • A. Root hairs near the apical end the of
    primary and lateral roots do most of the
  • absorption of water. Figure 5.8
  • 1. Root tip structure
  • a. The cells at the very tip
  • of the root make up the
  • root cap. What might
  • this do?
  • The mucigel is slimy and lubricates
  • the path of the root.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • b. The center of the root tip is the
    quiescent center (QC). This group of cells
    divides very slowly. These are the ancestors
  • the whole root. The cells
  • at the edges of the QC are
  • initials. That means that
  • they will give rise to
  • specific sets of tissues
  • within the roots.
  • Can you see where the
  • initials are, and what tissues
  • they give rise to?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • c. As cells divide out of the QC, they enter
    the zone of division, where they start to
    divide very rapidly,
  • producing most of the
  • cells that will make up the
  • root. This is about 1mm
  • long in most plants.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • d. These cells eventually become the cells of
  • elongation zone, where the cells elongate
  • pushing the root deeper
  • into the soil. This zone
  • begins at 4 to 15 mm from
  • the tip, and is 1 cm long.
  • Here the root xylem,
  • phloem, pericycle, and
  • endodermis form.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • e. As you look further up the root, you see
    that the cells of the elongation zone will
    eventually quit elongating, and that this
  • happens in a zone of
  • maturation which begins
  • at about 1 - 5 cm from the
  • tip. Here is where the
  • root hairs form. The
  • developed epidermal
  • cells here are not inhibited
  • in their transport of water.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • f. Further up the root, a layer of
    hypodermis forms underneath the epidermis.
    These contain suberin, which blocks water loss
    and uptake. Fig. 4.4
  • 2. Root hairs make up as much as 60 of the
    surface area of some roots.
  • 3. Root hairs reach into the areas between
    soil particles
  • where the film of
  • water exists.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • B. Why is water drawn into the root?
  • C. Inside the root, water can move by three
    pathways until it reaches the endodermis.
  • 1. Trans- membrane (not
  • shown)--Water
  • can cross cell
  • walls, membranes, and go through
    cytoplasm to get to the

  • Plant Water Balance
  • 2. Apoplast pathway--Water can skirt around
    cells altogether, by staying in the cell wall
    matrix and middle lamellae. But this pathway is
    blocked at the endodermis by
  • the Casparian strip, a thick band of suberized
    cell wall (contains lots of that waxy suberin),
    so here water must enter a cell and go through
  • 3. Symplastic pathway--Here, water flows
    through the plasmodesmata that connect the cells.
    As with the transmembrane pathway, water may
    encounter organelles along the way, so it may
    still do a bit of membrane- crossing. By forcing
    water to take this pathway at the endodermis,
    water loss is inhibited.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • D. Root pressure
  • 1. Roots actively accumulate solutes, mostly
    ions, from the soil water around them even
    though they are very dilute. These ions are
    taken to the xylem.
  • 2. This lowers the roots solute potential.
    If the soil and the root were to come to
    equilibrium, the hydrostatic pressure in the
    root would be measured as being 0.1 MPa or
    higher (about one atmosphere of pressure above
    the ambient pressure.) But usually the root and
    soil never actually come to equilibrium (the
    pressure is never allowed to build up)why not?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • because water flows up the
  • plant instead of hanging
  • around to build up pressure.
  • The pressure that would build up
  • is just part of the pressure gradient
  • between the root and the leaves
  • (where the pressure is negative due
  • to so much transpiration) that pulls
  • the water up the plant.
  • But there is a time when the
  • root and soil can come to
  • equilibriumwhen would that
  • happen?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • When there is no net transpiration, there is no
    negative pressure to pull the water up. Pressure
    in the roots can then build up, and that pressure
    can actually be strong enough to push water up
    the plant and cause it to leak out of the ends of
    the xylem, modifed for just that purpose, called
    hydatodes. This causes the phenomenon of
    guttation, and is seen when the relative humidity
    is 100 (when the air temperature is at the dew

  • But I said that the
  • root otherwise
  • doesnt build up enough pressure because the
    water is being
  • pulled up the plant through the xylemwhats it
    like in there?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • The xylem provides a low-resistance path from
    root to leaf, in which a pressure gradient pulls
    water up the plant.
  • A. Review Water conducting cells (tracheary
  • 1. They are all dead at
  • maturation--no nucleus, organelles,
    or membranes.
  • 2. Two types of cells
  • a. Tracheids--long narrow overlap each
    other, where water flows between through pit
    pairs (areas where there is no secondary
    wall, but only a thinned out and porous
    primary wall and middle lamellae,
    collectively called the pit membrane.)
  • Figure 4.6A

  • Plant Water Balance
  • The xylem provides a low-resistance path from
    root to leaf, in which a pressure gradient pulls
    water up the plant.
  • A. Review Water conducting cells (tracheary
  • 1. They are all dead at Figure 4.6c
  • maturation--no nucleus, organelles,
    or membranes.
  • 2. Two types of cells
  • a. Tracheids--long narrow overlap each
    other, where water flows between through pit
    pairs (areas where there is no secondary
    wall, but only a thinned out and porous
    primary wall and middle lamellae,
    collectively called the pit membrane.)
  • Some have a moveable thickening called a
  • which slides over to block an air bubble from

  • Plant Water Balance
  • b. Vessel elements short wider compound or
    simple perforation plates at the end allow
    them to be stacked, forming a continuous tube
    called a vessel.
  • These also have pits to allow water to
  • move out laterally. Figure 4.6B
  • B. The pressure needed to move
  • water at 4 mm per second in
  • xylem is about 0.02 MPa per meter.
  • This is about ten billion-fold less
  • pressure than it would take to
  • water that fast through living cells!
  • This only takes into account the friction in the
    system, not the gravity.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • C. How do those really tall trees do it?
  • How much pressure would it take to get water
    to the top of a 100 meter tree?
  • 1. The pressure ? needed to overcome the
    friction is
  • 0.02 MPa per meter, times 100 meters, or 2
  • 2. Gravity, as we saw earlier adds another
    0.01 MPa per meter, increasing the required
    pressure ? by 1 MPa.
  • So we need 3 MPa in pressure difference to get
    water from the ground to the top of the tallest
    tree. Thats about 30 atmospheres of pressure
  • 3. Root pressure cant do it, it only
    generates 0.1 MPa or so at most.
  • 4. Research suggests that it is done by
    negative pressure that is generated as water
    transpires from leaves.
  • Can a water column and a plant handle that kind
    of pressure?

  • Plant Water Balance
  • D. Physical constraints
  • 1. Thickened secondary walls with lignin in
    tracheary elements make them strong enough to
    take the pressure (so they wont collapse
    inward), however...
  • 2. Columns of water that have no dissolved
    gasses can handle up to 30 MPa pressure without
    breaking, but
  • 3. The negative pressure
  • sometimes pulls air into
  • a vessel by opening
  • microscopic holes. Air Figure 4.7
  • bubbles like this block
  • water flow, and could
  • kill the plant if not fixed
  • or if they spread too far.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • 3. Cavitation, continued
  • a. Spreading in vessels is minimized due to
    fact that vessels eventually end in a wall
    without perforations, where water has
    to flow through pits, but air has a harder
    time of it.
  • b. Air bubbles can be repaired at
  • Figure 4.7 night when the pressure becomes
  • less negative, as the bubble
    dissolves into the water. Fairly
  • recent studies show that bubbles
  • can be fixed even when the pressures
    are quite negative, but how this works isnt

  • Plant Water Balance
  • Transpiration of water from leaves is a
    multi-stage process dependent on the differences
    in water vapor content of the inner leaf, the
    spaces on either side of the stomata, and the
    bulk air in the atmosphere itself.
  • Figures 4.10, 4.8

  • Plant Water Balance
  • A. Evaporation of water from curved surfaces
    within the cell walls of spongy mesophyll cells
    creates negative pressure.
  • 1. A thin film of
  • water coats the mesophyll
  • cells, and evaporates into
  • the air space inside the Figure 4.9
  • leaf. Net evaporation
  • occurs as water molecules
  • in the film escape as vapor
  • at a faster rate than the
  • opposite process occurs.
  • The temperature, purity,
  • and shape of the water film
  • are important to this process, and we define
    relative humidity.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • 2. As water evaporates from the curved surface
    (curved for the same reasons as in the soil, only
    this time is it cellulose microfibrils the water
    clings to), it stretches the surface to maintain
    the curve. Remember, water hates interfaces
    with air. This stretching produces negative
    pressure, so all the Figure 4.9 spongy
    mesophyll acts like a wick to draw water up.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • B. The diffusion of water vapor out of the leaf
    is driven by differences in water vapor
    concentrations of the air, and regulated by
    certain diffusional resistances along the way.
  • 1. Diffusion drives water vapor from the high
    concentration inside the leaf toward areas of
    low concentration, namely the outside air.
  • a. Water vapor concentration can be measured
    at various points along the way
    Table 4.2 from the inner leaf to the
    outside air.
  • b. The water vapor in the air also has
  • a water potential. Potential decreases with

  • Plant Water Balance
  • c. Water vapor concentration (and therefore
    potential) usually decreases from inner leaf
    to outside air (unless what?), but the
    decrease is not continuous.
  • 2. Resistances to diffusion--Two resistances
    impede the possible routs of diffusion for water
    (a) a layer of still air just around the leaf,
    where water vapor content is higher than the bulk
    air and (b) the size of the stomatal aperture.
  • Figure 4.10

  • Plant Water Balance
  • a. Boundary layer
  • resistance is due to the still
  • air just surrounding the leaf
  • (especially the bottom side).
  • Figure 4.12
  • The most important thing that
  • determines the effect of this
  • resistance is the ____.
  • Trichomes
  • (leaf hairs)
  • can also
  • slow the
  • wind down.

b. Stomatal resistance is based on the size
of the stomatal aperture. When the wind is
strong, this is about the only thing that
matters in controlling transpiration rates.
  • Plant Water Balance
  • C. The size of the stomatal aperture is
    controlled by increasing or decreasing turgor
    pressure in the guard cells, and is regulated to
    balance water loss against the need for the leaf
    to take in CO2 for photosynthesis.
  • 1. Stomatal guard cells act like the guys by
    the door at a club (not that I would know from
    first hand experience.) At the same time,
    they are also like the door itself.

  • Plant Water Balance
  • a. Notice how thick is the wall at the part
    that faces into the stomatal cavity of the leaf,
    toward the inside of the
  • stoma.
  • b. Look at the cells on the left (dicot
    stoma). The cellulose microfibrils radiate out
    from the center of the pore. What would happen
    if the turgor pressure on the inside of this
    cell was increased?
  • Figure 4.15
  • Now the cells on the right, like those of
    grasses? Here the cellulose microfibrils are
    arranged longitudinally, so that the length is
  • What happens if the pressure is increased?

A cross-section through tobacco guard cells.
  • Plant Water Balance
  • c. Turgor pressure is increased by pumping in
    ions from outside the cell. This lowers water
    potential inside the cell, and causes water to
    flow in, in order to come to equilibrium. The
    lack of plasmodesmata means that there is nothing
    for the pressure to do but to stay in the guard
  • 2. The plant needs to have its stomata open
    for taking in CO2, but limits the opening to
    prevent too much water loss. a. There are
    usually about 500 molecules of water that leave
    for every one molecule of CO2 that is fixed.
    This is the transpiration ratio.
  • b. Why such a difference in movement?
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