Title: BIO311 Prokaryote Gene Expression Section 4 Structure of ribosomes
1BIO311 - Prokaryote Gene Expression Section
4Structure of ribosomes
- Prof Jasper Rees
- Department of Biotechnology, UWC
- www.biotechnology.uwc.ac.za/teaching/BIO311
23D view of 50S subunit of Haloarcula marismortui
3The Ribosome
- A large RNA and protein particle visualised by EM
in the cytoplasm of all prokaryotes and
eukaryotes and in eukaryote organelles - Frequency associated with mRNA and can also be
associated with membranes - Responsible for protein synthesis
- Structure determination now at atomic resolution
after 40 years of study using many techniques
4Ribosome components
- All ribosomes made up of rRNA and rProteins
- Approximately 66 rRNA and 33 protein
- rRNA is folded into highly conserved secondary
and tertiary structures - Proteins bound to RNA core, now found to be on
the outside of the RNA region - All have two subunits, with equivalent roles
5Ribosome components
6Study of the ribosome structure - I
- Early studies used negative stained electron
microscopy - Image reconstruction required to generate 3D
models - Subsequent biochemical and biophysical data
incorporated with this model - Immuno-EM allowed identification of specific
protein positions on the model
7EMs of the ribosome structure
- Early studies used negative stained electron
microscopy - Many images used to gain understanding of the
different views
50S Subunits
83 dimensional models built from image
930S and 50S models for E.coli ribosome
30 S subunit
50S Subunit
1030S and 50S together provide a 70S model which
agrees with EM data
11Arrays of ribosomes allow higher resolution image
- Use of 2D arrays (paracrystalline) allows the
generation of high resolution images since all
the images are in register as the subunits are
oriented in the same direction
12Immunoelectron microscopy
- Antibodies raised against specific proteins
purified from the ribosome - Specificity of antibodies can be characterised
- Antibodies have two identical binding sites for
the target protein - Binding antibodies to isolated ribosome subunits
will result in formation of dimers - Assignment of antibody binding sites on the
surface of the ribosome provides map of surface
exposure of individual proteins
13Immuno EM data
14Model from Immuno EM data
15Study of the ribosome structure - II
- In vitro reconstitution experiments possible
because ribosomes self assemble - Allows the characterisation of interactions and
binding sites - Allows incorporation of modified rRNA or protein
- Describes pathway of assembly for both subunits
16Purification of ribosomal proteins
- Purification of ribosomes, is followed by
disruption and isolation of individual proteins - Highly basic nature makes purification more
difficult - 2D gel electrophoresis provides methods for
identification of all of the proteins - Can identify modifications to proteins with 2D
gels (eg cross-linking reactions)
17Assembly Map for 30 S subunit
- In vitro assembly provides a method of ordering
interactions between components - Can map binding sites and binding order and
dependency - Have map for 30S and 50S subunits
18In vitro assembly allows labelling of specific
- Purification of all of the proteins allows the
individual proteins to be labelled before
reassembly - Can label with fluorescent molecules
- Can label whole ribosome with heavy isotopes and
then incorporate 2 heavy proteins into a
light ribosome
19Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
- Two fluorescent groups with 100Ã… of each other
can transfer energy through Resonance Energy
Transfer mechanisms - Efficiency of energy transfer inversely
proportional to D6 - Efficiency can be used to measure molecular
distances - If label two proteins in reassembled ribosome
then can measure distance between them by FRET - Build distance map in 3D for multiple pairs of
labelled proteins
20Neutron scattering
- Label ribosomes with 15N amino acids to give
heavy ribosomes (non-radioactive) - Purify proteins and incorporate into ribosomes
where all other proteins are light (grown in
14N amino acids) - Use reassembled ribosomes in neutron scattering
experiments to generate distances between heavy
proteins - Build distance map in 3D for multiple pairs of
labelled proteins
21Neutron scattering distance map of 30S subunit
22Chemical crosslinking
- Chemical crosslinking was extensively used for
identification of close interactions - Can identify protein-protein or protein-rRNA or
protein-tRNA or protein-small molecule - Distance measured depends on length of
cross-linking reagent. - UV Light is a zero length crosslinker
- Then must isolate the cross linked components and
characterise cross linked sites - Difficult technique to undertake, but yields some
important results
23Study of the ribosome structure - III
- Purification and characterisation of individual
proteins and rRNAs - Cloning of genes for rRNA and proteins
- Characterisation of 2D structures and homologies
for rRNA - Identification of homologies for protein sequences
24Purification and characterisation of individual
proteins and rRNAs
- Initial characterisation through purification and
sequencing of rRNA and rProteins - Use of 2D gels and microsequencing of proteins
- RNA sequences through T1 fingerprinting and
chemical sequencing - These methods were very laborious and slow
- Most work done on E.coli and rat
25Cloning of genes for rRNA and proteins
- Later all components cloned and sequenced, from
E.coli, humans and other species - Now very large numbers of genes identified in
genome projects - Provides extensive understanding of conserved
sequences which can be related to function
26Characterisation of 2D structures and homologies
for rRNA
- Sequences allow for computer prediction of 2D
structures - Experimental evidence comes from nuclease
protection experiments, chemical cross linking
and comparison of sequences from many species - Overall allowed the construction of a model for
2D structure and some 3D interactions
272D structure model for E.coli 16S rRNA
- Predicts 4 domains
- Can map
- Interactions sites in rRNA
- Protein binding sites
- Chemical modification sites
28Homologies between species
- Study of sequences and predicted 2D structures of
rRNA from many species how significant
similarities - Overall 2D structures predicted to be very
similar, often with limited similarity of
sequence - Core of rRNA is similar, with differences located
around the edges - Get similar overall results from 16S and 23S
rRNAs and their eukaryotic homologs (18S and 28S)
29Overall similarities of 2D structures predicted
for 16S rRNA from different phyla
30Study of the ribosome structure - IV
- NMR and X ray crystallography of proteins and
rRNA components - X ray crystallography of whole subunits
- Characterisation of binding sites for tRNA and
antibiotics - Identification of functional sites and catalytic
mechanisms - Development of novel antibiotics
31NMR and X ray crystallography of proteins and
rRNA components
- Early studies on isolated components provided
structures for individual proteins and regions of
rRNA - rRNA structures were mostly short double helical
regions - rProtein structures defined a set of common
motifs for RNA binding, and showed a common
evolutionary origin for many of the rProteins
32Structure of the RNA binding fold from L7/12 and
33High resolution structures of whole ribosome
- Two approaches used Cryo electron microscopy and
X ray crystallography - Cryo EM involves single ribosome studies with
novel freeze etching methods. Results in medium
resolution structures with indications of
molecular structure
347Ã… Structure of 50S subunit
35X ray crystallography of whole subunits
- Limiting factors were crystal quality and data
complexity - Crystal quality issues solved by studying
different species and identifying high quality
crystals - Data complexity issues have become less of a
problem with the develop of high power tuneable X
ray sources and more powerful computers
36Results of crystal structure validate previous
- Overall structures and models determined by
previous research proved to be broadly correct - Overall structure and placement of proteins and
rRNA was correct - But details of internal structures, binding and
catalytic sites was not clear
373D view of 50S subunit of Haloarcula marismortui
3850S subunit showing 23S rRNA
39Conservation of structures in the large subunit
- Red regions are conserved in 95 of species
- Grey regions are not conserved
- Green shows regions which are expanded by
insertions in eukaryotes to create enlarged
40Binding sites for antibiotics
- Tetracycline - blue
- Hygromycin B - red
- Pactamycin - green
- All binding to the 30S subunit
41Puromycin binding site is in the catalytic site
42Identification of functional sites and catalytic
- Atomic structure provides a precise picture of
the ribosome structure and detailed information
about binding sites for mRNA, tRNA and
antibiotics - Movement of tRNA and mRNA through the ribosome is
better understood - The catalytic site and mechanisms are better
defined, although catalytic intermediates are not
yet characterised
43Development of novel antibiotics
- The characterisation of binding sites for
antibiotics will assist in understanding their
mechanism of action - These data, together with the position of
mutations which cause antibiotic resistance,
provides a direction for design of novel
variations in antibiotic structure - The structure of the ribosome will provide the
information required for the development of new
and specific classes of antibiotics binding to
new sites and acting through novel mechanisms