Title: Frdric Fleuret
1Charmonia production in heavy ion collisions,
from SPS to LHC
- Frédéric Fleuret
- École polytechnique
- Palaiseau, France
- Motivations
- Suppression of quarkonia is a prediction of
lattice QCD calculations, for instance - Experimental setup
- SPS/CERN NA38, NA50 and NA60 experiments (?sNN
17 30 GeV) - Fixed target experiments
- Statistic 100 000s J/y
- Data sets pA w/ Ap, d, Be, Al, Cu, Ag, W, Pb
SU, InIn, PbPb - Small rapidity coverage (typically y ? 0,1)
- RHIC/BNL Phenix experiment (?sNN 200 GeV)
- Collider experiments
- Statistic 1000s J/y (10000s since 2007)
- Data sets pp, dAu, CuCu, AuAu)
- Large rapidity coverage (y ? -0.5,0.5, y ?
-2.2,-1.2 and y ? 1.2,2.2)
H. Satz, J. Phys. G 32 (2005)
3Charmonium production at SPS
- NA38, NA51, NA50,NA60
- Two major results
- Observation of Cold Nuclear Matter effects
Absorption by nuclear matter - Suppression observed from pp to peripheral PbPb
- J/y survival probability
- Fit to data sabs4.18 ?0.35 mb
- Observation of Anomalous suppression in PbPb
(NA50) and InIn (NA60) central collisions when
compared with Cold Nuclear Matter effects.
J/y normal nuclear absorption curve
- NA50, EPJ C39 (2005) 335
- NA60, PRL99 (2007) 132302
4Charmonium production at RHIC
Npart number of participant nucleons
- Two experimental stricking observations
- Point 1 similar behavior SPS.vs.RHIC at
mid-rapidity - At a given Npart, expect different energy
densities - Dont expect same CNM effects
If no nuclear effet, RAA 1
PHENIX, PRL98 (2007) 232301
5Charmonium production at RHIC
Npart number of participant nucleons
- Two experimental stricking observations
- Point 1 similar behavior SPS.vs.RHIC at
mid-rapidity - Point 2 larger suppression at forward rapidity
compared to mid-rapidity (confirmed with recent
PHENIX, PRL98 (2007) 232301 PHENIX preliminary
6SPS .vs. RHIC at mid-rapidityCold Nuclear Matter
PHENIX, PRC77 (2008) 024912
- Measured RAA include
- Hot and Dense Matter effects (HDM)
- Cold Nuclear Matter effects (CNM)
- Need to remove CNM effects
- At SPS use pA data (sabs 4.2 mb)
- At RHIC use dAu data
- Shadowing (modification of PDFs) could play a
role - Absorption can be smaller
- due to large uncertainties in dAu data at RHIC
cant tell weither CNM effects are the same or
not. - Need more precise CNM effect measurements at RHIC
- run 8 30 x more data (ongoing analysis)
sabs 4.2 mb
7SPS .vs. RHIC and RHIC mid.vs.fwdHot and Dense
Matter effects suppression models
- suppression models which reproduce SPS data
overestimate the suppression at RHIC
All models for y0
- Fwd.vs.mid in comovers model
- Comovers density is larger at mid-rapidity
? larger suppression expected at mid-rapidity - Fails to reproduce the data
Phys. Rev. C76, 064906 (2007)
8RHIC mid.vs.fwdHot and Dense Matter effects
- recombination models
- Recombination (regeneration) is a mechanism which
leads non-correlated c and c quarks to combine
into a cc bound state (such as J/y) cc ? J/y
X - Compensate direct suppression
J. Phys. G 34 (2007) S749
- Recombination .vs. Rapidity
- Adding recombination to comovers
- More recombination at mid-rapidity
How to test recombination ?
9Testing recombinationPHENIX J/Y flow measurement
Non photonic electrons
- Non photonic electrons (charmbeauty) flow at
RHIC. If J/y are regenerated, they should inherit
from charm-quark flow. - Current measurements are not precise enough to
The elliptic flow v2 characterizes the azimuthal
anisotropy of particle emission with respect to
the collision reaction plane
Positive v2 ? thermalization of the medium
J/y AuAu v2 for y ? 1.2,2.2 J/y AuAu v2
for y lt 0.35
10RHIC mid.vs.fwdback to CNM effects
- Could the difference mid.vs.fwd come from CNM
effects ? - CGC (gluon saturation)
- Enhancement of 3 gluons fusion in J/Y production
mechanism - Absolute amount of suppression is fitted on
semi-peripheral data - Ratio fwd/mid comes from the model
- Shadowing (modification of PDFs) based on new
gg ?J/yg calculations
extrinsic gg ? J/y g X
intrinsic gg ? J/y X
11Point 2 RHiC mid.vs.fwdback to the data
- Extrapolate CNM effects from dAu to AuAu with
data driven method - Fit dAu data as a function of centrality (impact
parameter) - Extrapolate to AuAu
- Within errors, the suppression could be the same
at forward and mid rapidity - Need better statistics in dAu ? run 8 (2008) dAu
Survival 38 1822
Mid rapidity
Forward rapidity
Survival 55 2338
12Conclusionfor SPS and RHIC
- Summary of SPS and RHIC
- Comparable RAA at mid-rapidity between SPS and
RHIC - Larger suppression observed by PHENIX at forward
rapidity compared to mid rapidity ? several
explanations not discriminate yet. - CNM effects are not well constrained at RHIC.
Need better measurement ? run 8 dAu data ( 80
000 J/Y) may need other systems. - Next at RHIC
- RHIC luminosities advance
- Detector upgrades
- PHENIX barrel and endcap silicon vertex
detector - STAR DAQ upgrade tracking upgrade (silicon
pixel sensors silicon strip pad sensors) - Impact on physics
- Better mass resolution, better signal/background
ratio - Y, cc measurements (J/Y 0.6 J/Y 0.3 cc ?
J/Y 0.1 Y?J/Y) ?
13Outlookfor LHC
- Large rapidity acceptance y lt 2.5
- Good mass resolution (s68 MeV/c²)
- Signal/bkg 1
- Difficult to reconstruct ms with pTlt2.5 GeV
- Large rapidity acceptance n lt 2.4
- Very good mass resolution (s35 MeV/c²)
- Signal/bkg 0.6
- Limited acceptance at low pT
J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) 2307-2455
A. Lebedev - QM08
One month PbPb (0.5 nb-1)
14Outlookfor LHC
- ALICE mid (ee-)
- J/? ? dielectron (ylt0.9)
- Resolution s30 MeV/c²
- Signal/Bkg 1.2
- Expected rate (one month, 106s) 120k
- ALICE forward (mm-)
- J/y ? dimuon (-4ltylt-2.5)
- Resolution s70 MeV/c²
- Signal/bkg 0.2
- Expected rate (one month) 680k
J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 32 (2006) 12952040
- In the future, new observable bottonium states
- Expected rates
STAR 12 weeks AuAu
PHENIX 12 weeks AuAu
LHC 1 month
CMS 2m
16Charmonia production in HICconclusion
- Many results already got from SPS and RHIC
- Still difficult to get a satisfying overall
picture - Lack of CNM effects understanding at RHIC (so
far) - New results from RHIC and upgrades should help to
make progress - Larger statistic (AuAu 2007, dAu 2008 and
futur) - Better heavy flavor study (thanks to upgrades)
- Y and cc ?
- LHC experiments should provide a complementary
view - Much higher energy (from 5.5 TeV in PbPb to 14
TeV in pp) and high statictics - Very good detector performances
- But
- Only one month of Heavy Ion Collisions per year
- Different energy regimes (constant Z/AEnergy)
- pp _at_ 14 TeV (can do pp _at_ 5.5 TeV, but taken on
HIC one month program) - PbPb _at_ 5.5 TeV
- pPb or Pbp _at_ 8.8 TeV (ALICE has (only) one muon
spectrometer) - Asymetric beam energy implies shift of rapidity
window (0.5 unit for pPb compared to PbPb) ?
issues for CNM effects