Title: Frdric HenryCouannier
1GR limits and alternatives
- Frédéric Henry-Couannier
- CPPM/RENOIR Marseille
- www.darksideofgravity.com
2 The essential intuition
Science is possible It is possible,
through a chain of reasonings and computations,
to derive and understand in a qualitative and
quantitative way an extreme variety of
observational facts (all?) starting from a
restricted set of invariant principles (a single
not arbitrary one ?) and fundamental
constants. ? A theory must be
coherent and should agree with experiments but
also be predictive hence falsifiable
3The essential intuition
- Main reason for taking it serious extremely
improbable a priori, the intuition was confirmed
many times, leading to spectacular breakthroughs
and progresses of our knowledge and technology. - To give it up to be satisfied with a purely
descriptive attitude which amounts to introduce
ad hoc new combinations of ideas and free
parameters, the epicycles, to deal with the
successively encountered anomalies. - This way of doing science reveals major
pathologies of our theoretical frameworks
principles not enough constraining or producing
4GR from principles to equations
- Science is possible
- Space-time is differentiable
- SM action(g1?? -, A???)?
- Extreme Action Principle
- 1.? General Covariance 2. ?
- 3. ? GR
Action - 4. ? Einstein
5GR From the Equations to Gravity
- The g?? field does not only stand for a
pseudo-force, it correctly describes a genuine
interaction gravity. - g?? is identified with the metric of space-time
- ? g?? very different from usual fields
describes geometry, deformations, curvature of
space-time which now is dynamical. - Various forms of the equivalence principle are
valid and can be tested
- The successes
- Conceptually very beautiful and the triumph of
symmetry - Successfully tested ( with flying colors ) in
many sectorrs of gravity - The limits ?
- Exact calculus impossible in general,
approximative calculus extremely difficult in
practice - Not predictive in cosmology without the help of
the strong cosmological principle - Well known incompatibility with Quantum Mechanics
- Elimination by hand of an infinite number of
allowed terms ?? Gauss-Bonnet, Powers of
7GR Many sectors still not tested
- The PostPostNewtonien domain
- Pressure as a source for gravity
- The black hole horizon
- Gravito-magnetism
- Gravitational waves (polarisation, speed)?
8Anomalies ?
- Locally the Pioneer effect ?
- Globally cosmology ?
- PN tests of gravity dont tell us that GR is
valid in the cosmological domain ! - GR without Cosmological Principle is not
predictive the Cosmological Principle is not
valid for a spherical empty bubble cut out of the
homogeneous expanding universe - GR Cosmological Principle Dark matter
Inflation Dark energy epicyclic construction
whatever its successes ! - - Ad hoc and enigmatic components
- - Free parameters
- - Many residual anomalies lithium, CMB
anisotropies ? - - Anyway, it is only by chance that any
construction based upon GR Cosmological
Principle can be successful
9Alternative theories
- All theories directly confronted with various
tests (tensor-scalar and other effective theories
motivated by super-strings at low energy) are
still built in an epicyclic characteristic way
which consists in introducing additional terms
in the actions with their associate coupling
constants. - Landscape of theories at fundamental and
effective levels! - Is this science ?
10Another way ?
- If g???is just a field like any other one,
space-time is flat and non dynamical with
background metric ??? Riem ????0 - Fashionable theories in the seventies (Rosen,
Rastall, Ni, Belinfante)? - Theories explicitely introducing ??? in the
action - Theories seriously violating the strong
equivalence principle ? excluded by tests
11Given the background the gravitational field has
two sides!
andmust be treated in a symmetrical way in the
12Equations of DGGR with background
Extremize action eliminate
13 DG gravity with its dark side Our
Standard Model lives in The other side
Standard Model lives in ? invisible world
from our side point of view Two gravities are
linked (We shall check that the connexion is
anti-gravitational between the 2 worlds)
14Two forms of g??for a complete and correct
description of gravity
- Isotropic form
- Two possible forms
- et
Cosmology GW
Gravity Pioneer
- Even more symmetry
- PN tests of gravity OK
- Pioneer effect completely explained
- Calculus always trivial
- Predictivity in cosmology
- Compatible with Quantum Mecanics
- No other free parameter than G (?)??
16DG must rehabilitate global symmetries of
- Flat space-time with metric ?
- Lorentz-Poincaré Global Invariance ? Noether
currents - Space-time Discrete Global symmetries and bad
representations of the Lorentz group
rehabilitation( negative energies, tachyons)? - All DG solutions indeed satisfy
17Form Invariance (?isommetry)?
In the frame where-
Form Invariance of under spatial
coordinate perrmutations- Form Invariance of
under rotations
18 Interpretation of g?? diag(B,A,A,A)
g?? does not describe space and time
deformations but variations of local
speed of light and caracteristic times from the
point of view of an exterior (out of gravity)
observer !
19X form symmetry(I)?
- Most general form of the complex field
- A1 ? symmetry X OK
? BA - A?1, C1 ? symmetry X restored by
? B1/A
20X form Symmetry (II)?
- If C ?1, Ai ? X symmetry X restored by
- ? B -A
21X form Symmetry (III)?
If A ? i and ? 1, C?1 violates the X form
symmetry and the introduction of
is not a solution. Conclusion BA or
B1/A and Moreover, requiring that the solutions
satisfy this symmetry must determine the coupling
constants associated with all other allowed
terms in the action !
- The successes
- Conceptually beautiful and the triumph of
symmetry - Successfully tested ( with flying colors ) in
many sectors of gravity - The limits ?
- Exact calculus impossible in general,
approximative calculus extremely difficult in
practice - Not predictive in cosmology without the strong
cosmological principle - Well known Incompatibility with Quantum Mechanics
- Elimination by hand of an infinite number of
allowed terms ?? Gauss-Bonnet, Powers of
- Even more symmetry (global, continuous or
discretes)? - PN tests of gravity OK
- Pioneer effect completely understood
- Calculus always trivial
- Predictivity in cosmology
- Compatible with Quantum Mechanics
- No other free parameter than G??
24B-A , the cosmological background
- 2 sides of gravity homogeneous and isotropic ?
spatially flat gravities - Vanishing Source (exact compensation)
- ? symmetries completely determine the
evolution of B(t)-A(t)
25 Time reversal
Standard Understanding Reversing time Going
backward in time
Universe a2(t)(dt2-d?2)?
Dark Gravity Reversing time Jumping into
hidden face of universe
a(t) t 2
a(t) t -2
t ? 8
- 8???t
t0 Big Bang
26Cosmology B(t)-A(t)?
- 3 solutions ? discontinuities !?
- Time reversal Symmetry verified because
a(t)1/a(-t)? - No time reversal paradox
- No singularity at t0
- A(t) only affects matter, not photons
27The Pioneer effect
- Facts an abnormal blue-shift of radiowave
signal received from Pioneer spacecrafts from 20
to 70 U.A - Possible Interpretations
- A clock drift in time Pioneer / earth
- An abnormal constant deceleration directed toward
the sun - All systematical effects eliminated.
28The Pioneer effect
A discontinuity between 10 and 15 U.A ?
29The Pioneer effect
A discontinuity between 10 and 15 U.A !
30The Pioneer effect
- A discontinuity between 10 and 15 U.A in 1983
! - The discontinuity propagates toward us,
reached Jupiter in 1997, will reach earth 2100
!!- A discontinuity detected by New Horizons at
0.4 UA from Jupiter !!!
31Here it is !
32The Pioneer effect and GR
- No rigorous treatment of the influence of an
expanding background on local dynamics. - Best effort the Mc Vittie solution
- r?ra(t)r ? negligible acceleration effect due
to expansion in g0r
33Other DG predictions
- Longitudinal gravitational waves
- Other PPN parameters, no Black Hole
- No frame-dragging, pressure and gravity dont
source gravity - All kinds of discontinuity effects
- DG the other option of a binary choice at the
level of the conceptual - foundations of GR
- DG OK with all PN tests, explains Pioneer effect
and very predictive - in all sectors of gravity
- DG is a genuine theory, i.e. has no epicycles.
- A theoretical and observational program to
study the various discontinuity effects will be
necessary before being able to study cosmology
35Metrics in GR vs DG
- The metric is the object one must use to raise
and lower indices on any tensor field - RG is the metric ?
- GR is the theory of
- DG is the metric ?
- DG is the theory of gravity with two dependent
sides and
36Local Gravity
- As in the bi-metric theory of JP Petit
- Objects living on the same side of gravity
attract each other - Objects living on different sides of gravity
reppel each other
37Local Gravity
DG RG (Schwarzschild)?