Title: So You Want to Be An Interpreter
1So You Want to Be An Interpreter
- Chapter 1 Communication
- Outline
2Communication Outline
- The Importance of Communication
- The Communication Process
- Communication in Action
- Message Construction
- Speaker/Signer Goal
- The Context of Message Conveyance
- Degree of Directness
- Powerful/Powerless Speech
- Responsible Language
- Linguistic Register
3The Importance of Communication
- Why is communication important?
- What is the purpose of communication?
- Interpreters are professional communicators
therefore - it is important for us to understand the
communication process - Interpreters must understand the nature of
communication and their role as a mediator of
communication between two people.
4The Communication Process
- How do we communicate?
- Communication is interactive and dynamic
- Multiple and overlapping messages are
simultaneously sent and received - Fact In English,
- only 6 of meaning is in words,
- 39 in vocal intonations and
- 55 in gestures, body language and facial
5Contextual Environment
- The physical location where the interaction is
taking place and - The personal history each participant brings to
the event - Environmental noise can distract the
communicators - External noise flickering of overhead florescent
light a persons incessant coughing etc - Physiological noise biological factors i.e.,
illness, exhaustion, heat or hunger - Psychological noise what ones thinking i.e.,
internal stress, personal judgments of the other,
random thoughts etc.
6Communication in Action
- Communication is imprecise because of the human
element involved communication is done with
other people - No guarantee the receiver will decode the message
the sender intended - Effective communicators must develop a variety of
interpersonal skills and sensitivities that
enable them to interact with other people in
satisfying ways - What kind of pre-interpreting skills do you think
interpreters need to become effective?
7Group Activity 1
- Group in 5s. Create a circle facing each other.
- Discuss pre-requisite skills your group think is
required of interpreters. Your group will have 10
minutes to discuss. - Each person in the group write down a skill on
post-it note (at least 5 skills). - Post your skill that is similar with others on
the board.
8Prerequisite skills for interpreters
- To think analytically
- Listen effectively
- Express self clearly in signed, spoken and
written form - Have excellent people skills
- Wide range of experience knowledge and language
skills - Understand the meaning behind the message and
recognize if someone is deliberately being vague
9Pragmatic Rules
- who made the statement
- The location in which it was said
- The tone of voice and the accompanying non-verbal
behaviors and - The relationship between the sender and receiver
- Pragmatic rules are numerous and complex.
- Watch video on nuances of language utterance
10Message Construction
- Speaker goal
- Context of the message conveyance
- Degree of directness
- Use of powerful/powerless speech
- Responsible language and
- Linguistic Register
11Speaker/Signer Goal Activity 2
- Why do we speak? What kind of purpose or goals
are there for the speaker? - Each group have 10 minutes to discuss and list at
least 5 goals and write them on the board. - If one group has a similar goal, just place a
mark next to the goal. - See Fig 1-1 p. 110 for list of Speaker Goals.
12Context of Message Conveyance The Who and
- Who
- Status may be obvious i.e., judges robe or
invisible chief surgeon wearing street clothes - Social and cultural norms dictate how we speak
i.e, how would you as a tourist speak to a border
patrol? - Cultural norms vary i.e., looking someone in the
eye - Where
- i.e., If the discussion was in private or public
changes the dynamics and influences the message
13Degree of Directness Clarity
- Factors that determine direct or implicit
communication - Goals of the speaker
- Context of the interaction
- Cultural norms of politeness
- If it is impolite to ask for a specific gift
directly, the speaker will hint Ex Girlfriend
whose birthday is coming up to boyfriend, Oh I
would love to have a copy of this music CD - or if someone broke the rules and asked outright,
may hedge. My sister asking my 2 year old nephew
if he threw the meatballs on the floor, He
answered, Oh no, I dropped them.
14Four Types of Implicit Language
- Equivocal language signs or phrases that can be
interpreted in more than one way to mislead
someone i.e, telling a friend that her hairdo is
different rather than it is weird. - Euphemistic language socially acceptable phrases
instead of blunt, descriptive ones i.e., rest
room rather than bathroom - Abstract language verbal shorthand i.e., I
have to clean the house today without listing
what was done. Also lexical jargon i.e, calling
marijuana, weed, maryjane, etc. - Passive voice statement where the person or
thing performing the action is not overtly stated
i.e., The car was wrecked does not tell us who
crashed the car
15Powerful/Powerless Speech The credibility of a
- Powerless Speech see Fig 1-2 p. 1.17
- hedges
- hesitations,
- intensifiers
- polite forms
- tag questions and
- Disclaimers
- Speakers who consistently incorporate these
features come across as uncertain and lacking in
confidence - As a result, people view them as less credible
and believable.
16Powerful Speech
- Powerful
- I need an appointment with Mr. Choy, preferably
sometime today or tomorrow. - I asked for this appointment today because I need
to discuss the terms of our contract. - (From Fig 1-3 p. 1.19)
- Powerless
- I kinda need to see Mr. Choy-umm I dont want to
impose butumm,, if its not too much trouble,
maybe I could see him er soon? - Thank you so very much for meeting with me today.
I really appreciate it. I uh..sorta need to
discussuh.. the terms of our contract if thats
okay with you.
17Responsible Language Accountability
- I, YOU, and IT statements
- If one uses I statement shows personal
responsibility i.e., when our discussions become
overly emotional, I feel uncomfortable. - It Statements are often used in an attempt to
avoid responsibility i.e., It isnt right to get
so upset. - You statements can place negative judgment on
the person addressed i.e., You make me feel
uncomfortable when you get too emotional - See Fig 1-4 p. 1.21
18But Statements
- When the word but is used to join two
statements, the second statement cancels or
limits the statement that precedes it. - It is a really good class, but I always get bored
about halfway through. - You have been a good employee, but I am going to
have to let you go. - Shes been a good neighbor, but I am glad to see
her moving. - But statements are frequently used as a
strategy when a person is trying to soften the
actual message being delivered and/or to avoid
personal responsibility for the content of the
19Linguistic Registers Degree of Formality
- All languages have registers to allow speakers to
modify language in order to convey levels of
formality or degree of familiarity between
participants. - Register determines
- Turn-taking and interaction between sender and
receiver of message - Complexity and completeness of sentence
structure - Choice of vocabulary
- Use of contractions
- Volume of speech or size of signs
- Rate (speed) of speech or signs
- Clarity (diction, enunciation etc) of signs or
speech - Speaker goals
- Use of fillers and hesitations and
- Allowable topics of discussion
- See English examples p. 1.23
20Group Activity 3
- Arrange yourselves in 5 groups, each group in a
circle facing each other. - Each group will be given a register to discuss,
you will have 25 minutes - Frozen
- Formal
- Consultative
- Informal or Casual
- Intimate
- Discuss the following
- 1. Kinds of setting,
- 2. Possible Vocabulary and Sentence
structure-give 1 or 2 examples, - 3. Turn-taking rules if any,
- 4. Rate and volume of speech/signs
- 5. Speaker goals
- One person will write down what the group have
discussed and post it on the board.
21 Frozen Formal Consultative Informal Intimate
Sermons M C Panel Party Private
Court Debate Classroom Dorm 2 person
Lecturer Drs office Home Coded secret message
Athletic events
Usually borrowed from English Usually on stage Variety of places Various places In private areas
Unchanging Not frequent Standing or sitting Usually in public places Hidden
Limited eye contact Less eye contact More eye contact More expressive Smaller sign movements
Limited variations Signing is big and clear slower Signing is usually at regular pace Signing is faster paced Use of coded messages
Usually no FS Less FS FS new words More complex use of slang signs More abbreviations NMS
Standing Didactic signing Standing Use of honorific pronouns Question Answer format More feelings shared More feelings shared
22Homework Assignment
- Read Chapter 1 Communication
- Read thought questions and answer questions 1 and
2 p. 1.41 Due next class - For extra credit (10 points)
- With a partner, create a 5 minute dialogue on
videotape with both of you using two different
registers. Make a list of the things you notice
between the two presentations Share your
findings at the next class.