Title: Multidimensional Poverty:
1Multi-dimensional Poverty Conceptual and
Measurement Issues
1. Introduction 2. Issues Related to the Concept
of Multi-dimensional Poverty 3.
Multi-dimensional Poverty Measures 4.
Multi-dimensional Poverty and Vulnerability over
Time 5. Further Issues Related to the
Measurement of Multi-dimensional Poverty
6. Conclusions
2 Issues Related to the Concept of
Multi-dimensional Poverty
?The most comprehensive starting point in an
attempt to capture the concept of poverty
is Sens capabilities and functionings
theoretical framework ?Drawbacks of Income
Approach to Poverty Measurement Presupposes
that a market exists for all
attributes and that prices reflect utility
weights of households Income Approach
is Incomplete as it Does not
Incorporate Key g Dimensions of Deprivation
as Longevity, Literacy, Provision of Public
Goods and, at the Limit, Freedom and Security
3?Concept of Capability Presumes that Individuals
are well-enough Endowed so that they Can
Choose a non-Poor Functioning ?Multi-dimensional
Poverty (MDP) can only Measure ex post
Capability not ex ante ?Key Issue is to
Identify Configuration of Relevant Attributes,
Including their Minimum Thresholds Constituting
Acceptable, Non-Poor Levels of Functioning. This
Determination is Possible for Basic Needs but
almost Impossible for such Intangible
Dimensions as Freedom and Security ?Conflict
between Welfare Consistency and Specificity
Criteria Significantly more Pronounced in MDP
Analysis than in Income Approach ?Poverty
Comparisons within MDP Analysis Require
Approximation of a Welfare Function, including
Specification of 1. Welfare Weights 2. Poverty
Thresholds for all Attributes 3. Direct Benefits
of each Attribute and 4. Impact of Interactions
among Attributes on Welfare Function ?Attribute
s Can be Substitutes or Complements
4Multi-dimensional Poverty Measures
?Complete Mapping of Combinations of Attributes
into Utility Space Appears Daunting, if not
Utopian, Task ?Therefore, until now, MDP
Measures were Limited to Dealing with no more
than Four and most typically Two Dimensions
?Atkinson-Bourguignon (1982) attempted to
determine how different forms of deprivation
tend to be jointly associated ?Bourguignon and
Chakravarty (2003) analyze implications of
different degrees of substitutability between
two attributes on the utility space. They build
a class of MDP measures which is a
multi- dimensional extension of FGT. Their
measure is limited to the case where both
attributes are below their poverty thresholds
(i.e. the intersection definition of MDP) and is
summation of shortfalls appropriately weighted
raised to the power a. Application to
evolution of rural poverty in Brazil reveals how
sensitive measure is to relative weights and
degrees of substitutability selected.
6 ?Duclos, Sahn and Younger (2005) develop a
dominance approach to MDP extending concept of
poverty line to poverty frontier. The proposed
dominance measure is essentially a
two-dimensional generalization of the FGT
index. An important feature of the
D-S-Y measure is that it is influenced by the
covariance between the two elements. Another
interesting feature is that separate poverty
aversion parameters can be selected for the two
dimensions. They show that it is
possible for a set of univariate analysis done
independently for each dimension of well-being
to conclude that poverty in setting A is lower
than poverty in setting B (say rural vs. urban
Vietnam), while a multivariate analysis concludes
the opposite, and vice-versa. The reason behind
the above contention lies in the interaction
among the various dimensions. D-S-Y are
aware of limitations of substitutability
assumption and discuss implications of having
instead assumed complementarity.
7Multi-dimensional Poverty and Vulnerability over
?Each household, at any point in time, is endowed
with a given portfolio of attributes allowing it
to function more or less well. Some portfolios
are so deficient, i. e. members of the household
are so deprived in key dimensions, that they are
particularly vulnerable to shocks. In turn even
transitory shocks can have permanent and
persistent effects on the future level of
well-being and result in poverty
traps ?Vulnerability can be defined as facing
uninsurable risk. Dercon (2005b) provides a
useful conceptual framework to link present
risk to future (poverty) outcomes. Households
face a multitude of risks, and given their
options and characteristics (that, in turn,
depend on their portfolios of attributes), they
will make risk management decisions
8 ?A state of deprivation in some key attributes
such as health, education and income can
increase vulnerability and lead shocks to have
cumulative and persistent effects over
time ?The fact that dimensions of well-being can
be substitutes in the short run while being
complementary and re-inforcing in the long run
has fundamental implications for the measurement
of poverty. ?Different combinations of
attributes yielding the same poverty level in the
short run can have different impacts (influence)
on poverty outcomes in the future. There exists
a path-dependence between the form poverty takes
today and future poverty outcomes. ?The quest
for household security can lock poor people into
social structures that reduce vulnerability but
which also keeps them poor. Based on
ethnographies derived from qualitative research
Wood shows why many households stay poor in an
attempt to stay secure.
9Further Issues Related to the Measurement of
Multi-dimensional Poverty
?MDP measures discussed so far were quantitative.
Other approaches to MDP measurement are the
subjective Participatory Poverty Assessments
(PPAs) and the Economics of Happiness. ?Both
approaches might get more accurate estimates of
the extent of deprivation people feel with
respect to such intangibles potential dimensions
of poverty such as freedom, security and social
exclusion. ?An interesting feature of those
subjective approaches, when they ask whether a
person feels poor or unhappy, is that the answers
that are given rely implicitly on the utility
function of the subject in question. In other
words, the individual stating that he does not
feel poor uses an implicit set of individual
weights and minimum thresholds for the various
attributes of well-being and aggregates
accordingly to obtain a scalar measure. This
resolves the very thorny and essentially
arbitrary issue of having to select a set of
attributes weights in the quantitative
multi-dimensional poverty measures and
10?A marriage between the quantitative and
qualitative approaches could be fruitful in
yielding information on relative weights
individuals assign to different dimensions of
well-being. ? Perception of poverty is often
relative to the living standards of neighbors
rather than an absolute concept. Should MDP
measures incorporate some distributional
information? ?The validity and robustness of
poverty comparisons over space and over time
based on the uni-dimensional income approach is
debatable on a number of grounds. Over an
extended period of time, relative prices can
change, new products appear on the market, and
needs, preferences and norms can evolve.
Political and economic regimes can undergo
radical changes. For all these reasons it may be
reasonable, over an extended time horizon to
update and re-compute the basic needs basket,
and by extension in the multi-dimensional
poverty framework, the bundle of non-monetary
11 Conclusion
One conclusion is that MDP measures have made
considerable progress in clarifying the concept
of functioning and in identifying many of the
theoretical issues. Yet there are too many
unresolved questions left over, such as 1.the
determination of the relative weights 2. the
evolution of the poverty surface over time and,
3. the measurement of the impact of the
various interactions among attributes on
well-being to use MDP measures in an operational