Title: St' Andrews Visioning Study
1St. Andrews Visioning Study
- Option Comparison
- Based on Congregation Retreat
- May 2, 2009
2Option Comparison - Process
- Input derived from work of Visioning Team and
Thinking Hats process used at Retreat - Options compared based on facts, best
estimates, issues raised by congregation - More data is required to provide answers to key
3Option 1 - Partner with another Church
- Description
- Join with another UC Congregation
- 2 possible scenarios
- 1a - St. Andrews goes to another congregation
- 1b - Other congregation comes to St. Andrews
- In 1a - we sell current building and land (6m)
and take the funds to new congregation to further
our program vision - In 1b - presumes other congregation does similar
4Option 1 - Partner with another Church
- Implications
- If St. Andrews building is used - major
renovations are required - Staff consolidation will likely occur
- Success requires selecting a church partner with
complimentary theology, style, values and vision - Success requires a mind-set of a Partnership -
not a Take-over! - Success enhanced by selecting a partner with
complimentary demographics
5Option 1a - Partner at other church
- Pros
- Large value from sale of current site makes
option attractive - enhanced by plus value due to
zoning - Some proposed renovation work can be foregone
- Sustains and grows mutually agreed key programs
- Allows for new program development
- Likely more functionality in new facility
- Combines talents, resources and gifts of both
congregations - Best of Both - Keeps most of the congregation together
6Option 1a - Partner at other church
- Cons
- Will lose some current members - new location and
partner selection will be an issue for some - Potential loss of some staff
- Compatibility with new partner is really unknown
until after it happens
7Option 1b - Partner at St. Andrews
- Pros
- Presumed that partner brings proceeds from sale
of their site - potentially less than 1a - Programs can be sustained and grown - see 1a
- Maintains St. Andrews identity and location but
new partner will have same concerns as we would
have in moving - Cons
- Major renovations required to provide
functionality for combined congregation - Parking will continue to be an issue
- Potential loss of some staff
8Option 1a and 1b - Church Partnering
- Additional Data Required
- Value of current site
- Market understanding of site value, likelihood
and timing of sale - List of potential Partners with an evaluation of
compatibility - Input from Presbytery
9Option 2 - Redevelop site with Major Partner
- Description
- Rebuild on current site in partnership with
developer - take advantage of MC2 zoning - Site to include multi-unit residential housing
- Affordable housing, seniors housing etc.
- Site to include Church facilities and space for
church programs and activities - Implications
- Develop provides financing but St. Andrews will
share in costs based on joint ownership - Ongoing shared management responsibility for new
10Option 2 - Redevelop site with Major Partner
- Pros
- Sustains St Andrews presence and identity on the
current site - Takes advantage of current site strengths
- Location - transportation, schools, shopping
- Zoning value
- Compliments our social justice and outreach
agenda - Potential for Government or UCC funding support
- Community facility is a possibility
- Church membership enhanced by unit residents
- Provides possible path to future church partner
on the site - Major partner brings development and management
11Option 2 - Redevelop site with Major Partner
- Cons
- Constitutes a major development project - current
site likely out of use for 3 years - Loss of some members likely
- Costs and potential revenue from unit rent is
unknown - financial commitment could be large - Site foot-print influences new development plan -
parking space would need attention - Development of low-income housing may raise some
local community concern - Local community demographics likely continue to
limit congregational growth - Ongoing relationship management with major
partner - control is shared and objectives may be
different over time
12Option 2 - Redevelop site with Major Partner
- Additional Data Required
- Market knowledge of developer interest and
possible development scenarios - Economics of the project -
- Development and on-going operations costs
- Unit rental income stream and other facility
rental - Likely structure of partnership and financial
obligations for St. Andrews - Possibility of other external funding
- Presbytery input
13Option 3 - Major Renovation of Current Site
- Description
- Stay on existing site and extensively renovate to
attract new rental income - St. Andrews continues to own and control site
- Implications
- Renovations would proceed in a phased approach as
funds allowed - New rental income delayed until facilities
complete - Some existing capability out of service while
renovations preceed
14Option 3 - Major Renovation of Current Site
- Pros
- Most of current congregation would remain
- Control and title continues with St. Andrews
- Current staff would be retained
- Provides possible path to future church partner
on the site - New design could further our Green agenda
15Option 3 - Major Renovation of Current Site
- Cons
- Progress pace dependent on funding ability
- Could take a long time
- May run out of money and/or energy
- New income streams do not come until after the
money is spent - Project economics is unknown
- Capital and on-going costs - potential large debt
- Sufficient rental income to support costs?
- Local community demographics could continue to
limit growth - Parking issues continue or need to be resolved in
the renovation at a cost - Loss of some space and capability during
renovations is likely - Extent of renovations is unknown - new code
requirements could make this more extensive than
planned - Shift in focus - rental income manager
16Option 3 - Major Renovation of Current Site
- Additional Data Required
- Project economics research
- Likely scope, costs, timeline
- Potential of rental income - does it pay?
- Financial obligations on St. Andrews
congregation - External funding options - UCC or Govt grants
- Tap into experiences of other churches that have
done this - Presbytery input
17Option 4 - New Church Development in S or SE
- Description
- Sell current site and use funds to buy land and
build a new church in an emerging community (S or
SE) - Congregation agrees to re-locate to new site
- Implications
- Likely lose location dependent members
- Need to develop strategies to mitigate (e.g.
transportation) - Funds from sale only partially cover new costs -
results in large debt
18Option 4 - New Church Development in S or SE
- Pros
- New building is designed as we want it
- Fits our Program Vision
- Built for the future
- Likely includes community facilities/activities
- Extends UCC presence to an area where one does
not exist - Excitement of a new church
- Local demographics more favourable to growth
19Option 4 - New Church Development in S or SE
- Cons
- Costs are likely very high and only partially
covered by sale - Will lose some current members due to location
- Risks associated with Build it and they will
come strategy - Development takes a long time
- Other denominations are already in action
20Option 4 - New Church Development in S or SE
- Additional Data Required
- Project economics
- sale value
- development scope and costs
- Congregation financial obligations and energy
commitment - Potential for external funding
- Land availability and potential zoning issues
- Demographics of new area - can we draw sufficient
numbers? - Presbytery input re develop plans and location
21Option 5 - Reduce Costs - continue on current site
- Description
- Manage expenses to available income
- Sustain operations on current site
- Implications
- Budget short-falls (current and expected) will
require reductions in staff and programs - Extensive stewardship required to hold even
- This is base-case until other alternative is
developed - Renovations limited to required repairs only
- Explore other income options
22Option 5 - Reduce Costs - continue on current site
- Pros
- Lowest cost option (still requires increased
financial obligation) - We remain in current location
- Some potential to expand services to local
community - Cons
- Financial shortfalls will cause programs and
staff to be cut - Short term option only - longer term questions
remain - Repair related renovations are significant
- Consistency with Vision is a question - our
continued focus will be on funding - Membership loss due to program reduction and lack
of clear future
23Option 5 - Reduce Costs - continue on current site
- Additional Data Required
- Future financial forecast based on expected costs
and revenues - Time line and scope of expected cuts to meet
available income - Potential of additional income streams