Title: IFRS
1Maintaining Customer Trust Alan McGilton Group
Head of Development OSG Outsource Services Group
- What happened?
- Human nature?
- Who are the role models now?
- Who do YOU trust?
3Putting Things into Context
- The foundation of business
- Tell you the story of how we operate in OSG
- How guiding principles can work to shape your
business - The connection to customer trust ethics
- Answer to sailing in rougher business seas
4 Values are qualities, human excellence,
reflected through our habits, skills and
5 Foundation of Business Defining Your
Customer /Stakeholder Internal Customers
includes colleagues External Customers
includes all stakeholders. Brokers, Insurers,
Regulators, Third Parties You treat all with
honesty, dignity and respect!
How you interact with all customers has an impact
on the way the end consumer/policyholder is
6By keeping the customer at the centre of your
decision making
it will help provide balanced solutions to your
challenges. It will also make the customer feel
7Gaining Trust
If you have your clients best interests as your
focus rather than a sale, it will come through in
how you present yourself
Would you treat your immediate family this way?
orWould you recommend your company to your
immediate family?
You have to build, manage and maintain a positive
perception of your quality of service to gain
8Gaining Trust
Once gained, it can only be maintained by
continuing to meet their needs, making them feel
valued and important
Customers would rather stay in a valued
relationship rather than enter into a new and
unknown relationship
If you provide this service you are not only
improving your own reputation but that of your
9OSG Story
Guiding Principles
10Guiding Principles ..what are they?
Values?Ethics?Doing the right thing the right
way, every time?....
Personal or specific basis of Conduct
11In OSG our service offering is based on
delivering your promise through our key
principles of Security Integrity
QualityTrustProfessionalism and Innovation
OSG Service
12Delivering Promises
16What do we mean by the use of these words?
How are they relevant in everyday settings with
17For Guiding Principles to work with our customers
there needs to be a series of questions that we
ask of ourselves
..every time we say something ..every decision
we make ..every action we take
18Because it builds our reputation/ our brand/our
customer service and..
it builds your own personal reputation
19Value of a Good Reputation
- Business Perspective
- Quality of Management
- Financial Soundness
- Quality of Services Goods
- Management of people
- Long term Value
- Innovative
- Marketing Quality
- CSR Social, Community, Environment
- Corporate Assets - usage
- Further Reading/reference
- Open Compliance Ethics Group www.oceg.org
- Reputation Institute 1997- www.reputationinstitu
te.com - Henley Business School University of Reading
John Madejski Centre for Reputation -
20Value of a Good Reputation
21Guiding Principles
Step back, think about what you are doing
Are we being fair, transparent, honest and
responsive to our customers?
Are you keeping your promises? Are you being
clear and consistent, making sure you are asking
the right questions in the right format? Are
you living up to your statements of service?
Did you phone back when you said you would?
Are we continually striving to improve what we do
and how we do it?
Do your customers see it and are you telling them?
Are you providing a consistency of quality when
no-one is looking or listening?
It is the attention to detail that will make the
Will our action(s) improve the level of trust
with our customer?
If it doesnt, dont do it!
Also, trust works both ways
In OSG we have a unique fraud indicator QA
Can work be done in a new way that adds value for
the company, for the customer.?Better, more
efficiently, cleareretc e.g. By use of
technology or process
Is it aligned with (or go beyond) the best
business practices?
If you are not familiar with best practice seek
it out
Training, training and more training
e.g. Minimum is CIP but also our industry
approved online learning course in customer
Will it ensure long term success?
Will your customer get a sense of continuity?
Are you securing your business and your
relationship with your customer?
28What happens when we dont live up to this?
Stand up, be counted, act with integrity
Mistakes will be made.. minimise them, fix
them and move on
29Connection to Customer Trust
Embed your principles into your organisation
With proper training everyone will understand
what to do
The organisation will then move in a coherent
Customer will always know where they stand with
You will gain and maintain trust
Make sure you providing value for your customer
Keep your promises
Make sure you have the competence and expertise
to provide your service
31Rough Business Seas
The rougher the seas the more important to have
principles to navigate by
32Finally always say Thank You.