Title: Technology%20Transfer
1Technology Transfer
Annual meeting of the Hellenic society for the
study of High Energy Physics HEP2005,
Thessaloniki, Greece, April 21-24, 2005
Ilias Goulas
- Need of collaboration between
- CERN Hellenic HEP community
2 The challenge
- Demonstrate that HEP
- Contributes significantly for the development of
Greek industry. - May finance part of its research activities
through the TT activities. - Contributes to the economic improvement of the
country. - Brings innovation that contribute for the
improvement of the quality of life of people. - Creates new employment for young scientists.
3Actual situation
- M. Barone is officially assigned as the National
Technology Transfer Officer (NTTO) that liaise
with CERN (in addition to his mission as ILO) - A memorandum agreement must be signed for TT
between CERN and Greece - There is need of creating a communication channel
between the TT office that liaise with CERN and
each research institute/University in Greece
through the HEP institute. - It is impossible for one person to coordinate the
TT activities over all HEP in Greece there is
need of help from each local institute
- As a starting point one person from each
institute must be assigned the responsibility,
beside its main activities, to be the liaison
between the University and M. Barone in order to - Create a valid communication channel between the
CERN TT office and the HEP institutes in Greece
with the aim to - Define a strategy and identify all the existing
organizations at national level that might be
helpful in this process. - Create awareness about TT and its benefits.
- Start creating relations with potential
industrial partners willing to use innovative
technologies developed either at CERN or the
Hellenic HEP institutes. - Eventually, create special projects that might
include all three parties for further
developments in the context of a partnership
5Governments should support effective strategies
for the dissemination of information on Science
and Technology Both governments and scientists
should promote the application of scientific
knowledge into tangible benefits for the Society
Thank you
Ilias Goulas CERN Technology Transfer Tel.
41227671821 Ilias.Goulas_at_cern.ch http//cern.ch/t