Title: National Nanotechnology Budget Review Committee
1National Nanotechnology Budget Review Committee
- Making the Right Decision
2- How Does Small Science Lead to Big Decisions?
3What is Nanotechnology?
- As a member of the National Nanotechnology
Budget Review Committee you need some
nanotechnology background
- Nanoscience is research and development at the
molecular or atomic levels, between about 1 to
100 nanometers.
Adapted from http//www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us
/ http//www.atlantykron.org/program.htm
0info204.htm http//www.theage.com.au/articles/2
4What Does Nanotechnology Do?
- It is the creation and use of systems, devices,
and structures which have special functions or
properties because of their small size.
- Nanotechnology has the ability to control or
manipulate matter on a molecular or atomic scale.
Adapted from http//www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us
/ http//www.atlantykron.org/program.htm
0info204.htm http//www.theage.com.au/articles/2
5What Is Made with Nanotechnology?
- Nanotechnology, also known as nanotech, impacts
all high-tech fields and disciplines, and
research activities in this leading edge science.
- They can be any of the following
- Nanomaterials - physical substances with
structural dimensions between 1 and 100 nm. - Nanotools - devices that manipulate matter at the
atomic or nanoscale. - Nanodevices - systems with nanostructured parts
that perform some task other than manipulating
nano or atomic scale matter.
6This is one nanometer!
8Pitfalls and Potential
- Now that you know what nanotechnology is, how
should we invest in nanotechnology to reap the
biggest rewards? Just like investing in
anything, there are possible pitfalls when it
comes to investing in nanotechnology. But there
is also great potential.
Adapted from http//www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us
/ http//ebbf.org/blog/?p237
9Decisions, Decision
How do you determine whether investing in a
specific areas nanotechnology will fall in the
category of "pitfall, "potential or
To make this determination, ask yourself a few
questions First, ask yourself whether this area
of nanotechnology has widespread applications for
this nanotechnology within this area.Â
Adapted from http//www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us
/ http//www.adonisconstruction.co.uk/Content/Cont
entImages/1.jpg http//www.alumni.rpi.edu/nanote
ch2006.html http//idp2007.blogspot.com/2007/03/s
10- Second, is there a real need for this
nanotechnology in this area of society? Could
these developments be better classified as
wants or possibly just useful, but not
- Third, would any other areas benefit from this
11- Fourth, what long term impact might this
nanotechnology have on humans or the environment?
Is it worth the risk?
12Is It Ethical?
Last, are these developments ethical? What are
ethics? The accepted principles of right and
In science ethics, based upon accepted or
approved practices, guide our actions types of
experiments, behavior toward laboratory animals
or the environment, treatment of human subjects
or human body parts.
- As you decide to invest, calculate, think
through the ethical use, the potential, the
needs, and the risks to society and our planet.
Many innovations in nanotechnology simply sound
too "weird"Â Technology for developing a cell
phone so small that an insect or tiny implanted
device could use it.
- For example, or molecular- sized "bombs" that
can kill individual cancer cells. While such
products don't exist now, they certainly might
exist in the future.
Adapted from http//www.nanotechnologyinvesting.us
/ http//www.bristleconelearning.com/images_admin/
14Social, Environmental and Ethical Concerns
- Which of these nanotechnology developments might
infringe on human rights? - Could any of them decrease privacy of
- Could the use of nanotechnology have unwanted and
negative environmental effects? - What economic impact could the use of
nanotechnology in certain areas have on
producers, consumers, and other industries? Might
they be negative or positive?
15What About Your Rights?
- If so, are these developments
- more important than
- Your privacy?Â
- Your rights as a citizen?Â
- Your rights as a human being?
- Are the answers somewhere in between?
16Social and Ethical Impact
It is easy to get caught up in the hype, the
excitement of how this new nanotechnology can
improve our lives. As the National
Nanotechnology Budget Review Committee it is
imperative that you understand the social,
ethical and environmental impact of the
information being presented to you. It is your
job to question these claims and weigh the
advantages against the possible disadvantages.
- What can be done to maximize the chances that
humans will benefit from, rather than be harmed
by these new developments? - If we can develop these technologies, should we?
Why? - The attached list of questions outline the
social, ethical and environmental questions which
should be considered in this debate. Research
17Nanotechnology Research Group Reports
- You may wish to review the background
information prepared for each nanotechnology
research team.
Click on these research report links for the
nanotechnology topics that will be discussed at
this upcoming budget meeting.
- Agriculture
- Education
- Energy
- Environment
- Healthcare
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing
- Military
- Space
- Transportation
18Helpful Websites
- To assist you, the National Nanotechnology
Budget Review Committee, here are some websites
that address social, ethical and environmental
questions related to nanotechnology.
- http//www.discovernano.northwestern.edu/affect/so
cietalimpact/unknowns - http//library.thinkquest.org/05aug/01179/controve
rsy.html - http//www.smalltimes.com/articles/stm_print_scree
n.cfm?ARTICLE_ID281852 - http//www.nanocafes.org/nanoproducts_antibacteria
l - http//www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid1820.php
19More Websites
Click on these websites for general
nanotechnology websites which present recent
discoveries, developments and uses of
- Collect data on each of the nanotechnology
research topics which will be presented. - Write down questions that come to mind while you
are researching which you can ask the presenters
during the National Nanotechnology Budget Review
Committees Budget Hearing.