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2School Library Websites
What they look like Where theyre going Their
influence on learners
- Joyce Kasman Valenza
- Doctoral Candidate
- University of North Texas
- joyce_valenza_at_sdst.org
Study funded by the 2005 AASL/Highsmith Research
3Or . . .
- My long, strange, reflective trip
- teens and information skills, attitudes,
behaviors - the potential impact of online guidance and
instruction - what does current effective practice look like?
Actual learners dreaming about research.
- This is an overview of the journeynot an
academic presentation - Joyce 1.0 speaks too fast
- Joyce 2.0 may resolve this bug
- Please download to enjoy the true beauty of these
5The trip
- Informal exit interviews
- Focus groups (Springfield Township) exploratory
- Web-based survey (14 high school sites)
- Delphi panel to select sample and identify
features and characteristics - Content analysis of effective practice (in
Web-based survey
Delphi panel
Focus groups
Content analysis
Exit interviews
6In the beginning
- Informal collection of evidence
- Video (baseline)
- Followed by six years of exit interviews
7- I was teaching hard, but . . .
- Were students learning?
- Were my efforts effective?
- What were the learning issues?
8Baseline video clip
9Videos informed whole faculty
- How students searched
- How students selected sources
- How students viewed their assignments
- Need for specific instruction and shared levels
of expectations - Need to retool as a faculty
10Initial Research Questions
- How do school library websites affect student
information-seeking habits? - How do student users respond to virtual access to
resources, guidance, instruction? - In a Google-reliant world, will students be
motivated to begin their searches in an alternate
interface, even if that interface is customized
to meet their specific information needs? - To what extent are school library interfaces
effective environments for information access and
for learning? - Can school library websites translate the school
library program for 21st century learners?
- How do we reach / meet the learning needs of a
tech-confident generation of users who seek
information, learn, and communicate online? - After more than ten years of Web presence in our
schools, the development of school library
websites remains an emerging and disparate
practice. Existing school library websites
represent range of professional efforts--from
single-page library brochures to dynamic,
multi-page, collaborative learning environments.
12School virtual libraries are a little different
- Smaller community, shared learning culture
- Customization one (two) voices behind site, with
- Knowledge of users needs
- Knowledge of teachers styles
- Knowledge of broad curriculum
- Established personal relationships
- Opportunity to present / represent virtual
library service to young library users - Need greater? Users cognitive skills less fully
developed - Great potential for hybrid learning experiences
13They might be gurus? A tension
- Popular literature attributes technological
sophistication to youth - Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants (Prensky,
1998) - Tapscotts NetGeneration, generation lap
- LIS research belies this assumptionoften
identifies deficiencies of information seekers,
need to better teach skills
14Theory of Radical Change (Dresang 2005)
- Meta-analyses of the research on youth
information-seeking behavior and use of digital
materials tend to focus largely on the
deficiencies and need for improvement rather than
ferreting out the potential of new and exciting
ways of knowing in a digital age. p. 192 - Need for new and more positive perspectives for
researchers and professionals?
15Traditional Front Door
16School library 2.0?
Alternate front door
17- Models that inform this research
18- Kuhlthaus ISP--zone of intervention (1994)
librarians can provide essential assistance and
guidance in learning in digital libraries. - Vygotsky (1978)zone of proximinal
development--zone in which intervention would be
most useful to a learner. Range of skill
developed with guidance and collaboration exceeds
what can be attained alone. Can this occur
online? - Agosto / Simon satisficing, stop rules, when do
users stop at their choices - Constructivist theory--learning as social
activity, knowledge building, applied to prior
knowledge. Teacher (librarian) as coach (on- or
offline?) - Just for me, just in time (Riel, 1998)
- Information literacy modelsBig 6, Information
Literacy Standards, etc. Can these models be
represented online?
19- Focus Group Interviews Exploratory study
20Focus Group Interviews
- Four discussions with high school seniors across
ability levels - Discussions videotaped, transcribed, and coded
using WEFT QDA software. - Conducted May 2005, Analyzed Summer/Fall 2005
21Composition of focus groups
- Group 1 Seven girls from AP English
- Group 2 Six studentsfour girls, two boysfrom
AP English - Group 3 Seven studentsfour girls, three
boysfrom regular academic Global Studies - Group 4 Six studentsthree girls, three
boysfrom regular academic Global Studies
22Questions asked of students
- When do you use online school library services?
- What prompts you to use the school Virtual
Library? - Is it is usually the first place you go or your
last resort? - Can you describe the last success you had with
the interface? - What features of the school library website do
you most value? - How have those features helped you with your
research? Your understanding of the scope of
online resources? - Does the librarians influence appear to be
present in the site? - What problems or flaws do you encounter with the
interface? - What improvements or additional features students
would like to see in the website? - Do you feel the school library website helped you
prepare for college or real-life research?
23Focus groups observations
- Strong group-to-group validation
- High degree of consensus within and across the
groups - Although it might be expected that honors or
Advanced Placement students would approach the
discussion or their work more seriously than
general classes, - Each of the groups responded thoughtfully and
discussed their research experiences with evident
pride. - Each described similar satisfaction and similar
issues with the interface.
- In each of the four groups, favorite or most used
area, was Catalogs Databases, where students
had access to subscription databases, the OPAC,
and the catalogs of other libraries for
interlibrary loan. - Students described their favorite databases as if
they were fans, as they might describe their
favorite actors or musicians. I love GaleNet.
I am obsessed with ABC-CLIO. - When students suggested site improvements, their
improvements focused heavily on improving access
to databases. - .
25Compared to
- A Google doesnt really come up with . . .
- A Scholarly articles. Thats how the Virtual
Library helps us out. (Group 1) - A I think I understand more about like general
Google searches versus the databases, like how
theyre separate and how they each kind of do
different things for you. (Group 2) - A I know that like before my boyfriend got into
a different private school, the teachers dont
even know what a database is. They are just like
go on Google or something. . .And then I compare
it to students at this school, and its like this
is real information, I see that its from a
scholarly article rather than like someones
website project or something. (Group 3) - A I think its a waste to go on Google, because
like five articles from Google equal one from
GaleNet. (Group 3)
26Compared to other schools
- A Not many libraries have set up what we have
because other schools websites that I went to.
And they might give you links to stuff thats
going on in the library, but not Catalogs and
Databases that we have available to us. . . it
makes things so much easier. (Group 1) - A And I know that friends, some of my friends
from other schools, they always ask me where did
you go to find the research for the information,
or ask me to help them with their research
because I know I can just go to the school
website and then itll be just that simple.
(Group 2) - A I know we just have a lot of advanced programs
here. Especially online, but also if I talk to
people that go to (the local community college),
they struggle with writing papers that we could
have written in like eighth grade. - A Yeah, my friend from (a local high school)
couldnt even write like a paper and have all the
resources like us. It was like a joke paper to
us. - A I went to sites from a different high school,
and they had like a website but it didnt have
any databases, good ones, they had maybe like
two, it was like Ask Jeeves and Google. all
laugh (Group 4)
27Student-identified problems / needed improvements
- Need aid in how to select databases
- Need to organize databases by subject, not vendor
- Databases by subject
- Need aid in query formation and keyword selection
- Frustration with password inaccessibility
- Requested mouse-over explanations
- Resources need names that make more sense, needed
kid-friendly descriptions - Interlibrary loan, pathfinders
28Focus Group Findings
- Nearly all agreed it was the first place they
went when they started a research project. - All responded that they used it when they were
NOT at school--bookmarked, homepages - Students understood site was designed for them
- Students noted teachers endorsement and
participation. Specific pages created and
maintained to meet needs of specific assignments
and specific teachers. - Recognized personal voice / intervention of
librarian - Students understood the structure of the site.
They knew why each category was useful. - Some commented that they liked the little
pictures and found the site pretty.
29More themes
- Website as quality filter
- Favorite area Catalogs and Databases,
- Next favorites MLA Style Sheet, Pathfinders
- Understood Google was wonderful search engine,
but not best strategy for academic research
tasks. - Described thoughtfulness in selecting
information. - Used the word scholarly 13 times.
- Believed interface helped them achieved better
- grades, meet teacher expectations, prepare for
college - Aware of information choices. Displayed pride
about abilities and knowledge of their Web
options compared to their friends in other
schools - Hybrid experienceuse is supported by culture
- Not all students are novice searchers.
30Focus group findings
- Chelton and Cool (2007). Youth Information
Seeking Behavior II. Scarecrow.
31 32Web-based survey of high school seniors
- Online survey of 1257 seniors in 14 schools
identified as best practice - Solicited participation among all high school
sites selected for the IASL/Concord Award and as
School Library Journals Website of the Month - Focus on seniors for long-term perspective and
experience with librarys interface. - Instrument designed with QSurvey--plug-in for
open source Zope package. - Conducted April through June 2005
- Open-ended items coded with WEFT QDA
- Survey instrument
33The website contributed to my understanding of
1616 (Multiple response)
34Which pages on the site do you find most valuable?
2740 (multiple responses)
35Describe the value of the library website to
your high school homework and research
Couldnt live without it! Very important Important
Somewhat important Not important Never use it
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14
36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39Responses to open-ended survey items
40Improvements (excerpts)
- Organization/ Navigation Some of the links
dont make sense to me. Make it easier to get
to from home."Its too complex. Too busy, too
much stuff. - Accessibility The website address should be
shorter. Access to email and AIM. Teach
people how to use it. - Descriptions/Annotations Maybe have a synopsis
beneath each category to show what it is used for
in case we forget. Describe what each search
tool is best for. Clearer labeling. - Documentation Make the bibliographic
information clearer. Easier access to
information on citing sources. Information
about internal citations. - Images/Aesthetics/Fun/Teen Relevance Make the
site more appealing. Make it cooler looking.
Its boring. Jazz it up. Better interface.
More graphics, more color. Educational games.
Flash intro, background music, links to cool
bands. More sports stuff. Cosmo and Jet.
Dont make it all work related. I want it to
say, Welcome students name here on the
opening page. Let us sign in and get to GPAs
and schedules like colleges do.
41Improvements (contd excerpts)
- Teacher/Project Links Direct links to teachers
sites. More of what the teachers go over in
class to make sure we understand. - Passwords Easier access from home. An easier
way to find the passwords. Find some way to
post passwords to subscription services so we can
actually use them from home. - Missing Content Students wanted the following
and much more world news/current events, more
booklists, easy links to online reference,
college stuff, career stuff, government and
economics, more support for research papers.
Since I am hispanic, I would like there to be
some hispanic history in all of this. - Databases (They value these!) Greater variety
of databases. More programs like Gale. More
contemporary databases. Databases with scanned
in books. More subscriptions. - Book stuff (Surprising number of responses
requested more resources relating to books.)
Include the reading suggestion lists in the
library on the page. Organized book lists by
genre or author. Book of the month, trivia on
42Improvements (contd excerpts)
- Filters and Blocking (Students had much to say on
this issue!) - Let us check email. (biggest issue!) Make
sure information isnt blocked by big brother we
can actually learn without the censors. Have
less banned websites-- it makes it agrivating
when you think youve found a good website for
research and then you cant read it because its
blocked. Stop blocking picture searches because
students need all sorts of pictures for different
projects and it is hard to get them if all of the
sites and searches are blocked. Too many
restrictions! Stop blocking all the sites! I
notice that when anything like, horoscopes,
modern practice of magic, or homosexuality is
being researched, there are limited
resources--our school system is biased. Let us
search for fun things.
43In your own words, describe the influence of the
school library site to your high school studies.
- The following themes emerged
- Students largely satisfied with and expressed
they were learning through these resources - Site connected to discovery of new search tools
- Appreciated teacher/librarian links
- Appreciated readers advisory content
- Grateful for help with documentation
- Felt use related to improved grades
- NegativeGoogle works better, I dont need help.
44Web-based Survey Observations
- Difference in acceptance across schools
- Students in some schools clearly value the
websites. - In others, level of acceptance generally positive
but moderate - Students WILL use these resources when we are not
looking - Many students view these sites as learning
landscapes - Overall positive responses in access to the
documentation help, the OPAC, catalog, search
tools, databases and college search links - Echoed focus group results
45Variables School culture
- Website is part of a larger storyfive schools
returned results that vary from the others - Can you separate the sites from school culture?
- Some cultures appear to value high quality,
varied resources more than others - Some schools appear to value online guidance more
than others - Some faculties appear to recommend the site more
than others - Some schools value research more highly than
others - Some students directly relate use of the site to
grades and achievement
46Another issue
47Study shift
Influence of School Library Websites on Youth
Information Seeking Behavior Discovering a
Descriptive Taxonomy of Attributes of Exemplary
School Library Websites (dissertation in process)
48 49Research need
- While studies of online interfaces exist for
public, academic, and business library
environments, little research examines school
library service online. - Despite their potential for service and
instruction, no existing studies examine models
in practice, what commonalities such models
share, or how they might differ
50Move beyond feature counting
- While Clyde (1999, 2001, 2004) listed site
features and their frequency, she made no attempt
to create a taxonomy of this content, or to
separate content from format.
51Delphi panel
- Delphi panel of 22 experts identified secondary
library websites demonstrating exemplary
practice. - 74 schools in initial list, panel agreed on list
of 10 most effective sites - Panel suggested items for two coding instruments
- Features (the whats of the sites)
- Characteristics (the hows of the sites)
52Research Questions
- From the models observed in sites identified as
exemplary practice, can a functional taxonomy of
features be developed? - What common features are represented in effective
practice? - What common organizational structures, design
elements, and visual metaphors are presented in
virtual library sites? - How are school virtual library sites evolving?
How do the features and services offered by
effective sites in 2006 differ from the
state-of-the-art of the randomly selected sites
last studied by Clyde in 2002? - To what extent do these virtual libraries
translate traditional library roles outlined in
Information Power?
53Information Power Logo
American Association of School Librarians and
Association for Educational Communication
Technology. (1998). Information power
Building partnerships for learning. Chicago
American Library Association. 48.
54School Library Website Features
55Program Administration
56(No Transcript)
57Information Access and Delivery
58(No Transcript)
59(No Transcript)
60Learning and Teaching
61(No Transcript)
62Books and reading
63(No Transcript)
64The How Interactive services, 2.0 tools, video,
65(No Transcript)
66Operational definitions for content analysis
- For the purposes of data collection, the
researcher will define - School virtual library collection of pages
html, blog, other Web-based publicationlinked
together to represent a school library program. - Unit of analysis home page of the virtual
library plus three drills down. - Features website content that provides a
particular library or information service to the
intended audience. Features will be sorted in
categories. The researcher expects that several
levels of sub-features will emerge as content is
examined - Category grouping of features or concepts
related to how the site works. The researcher
expects that several levels of sub-categories
will emerge as content is examined.
67Features coding instrument (seriously excerpted)
- Information access and delivery
- OPACS, Federated search?
- Pathfinders
- Ask-a-librarian
- Databases (video, ebooks, journals, reference)
- Search tools
- Reference
- News (local, national, international, RSS)
- Personal help
- Learning and teaching
- Information fluency instruction
- Questioning, searching, evaluation,
documentation, synthesis - Study process guides
- Test prep
- Homework help
- Student work
- Orientation
- WebQuests, learning objects, PowerPoints
Books and reading Readers advisory Reading
lists New materials Book discussion/
Booktalks Contests Support of school-wide reading
program Program administration General Contact,
hours, mission, welcome, staff,
FAQs Policies Schedule /calendar Newsletter Promot
ional materials Reports Surveys Materials
suggestion forms Volunteers Events Data mining
68Characteristics coding instrument
- Connectedness to school / curriculum
- Evidence of collaboration
- Age/grade appropriate
- WebQuests, PowerPoint instruction, pathfinders
- Navigation / organization
- Consistent design, layout
- CMS vs. traditional html
- Mouse-overs, embedded explanations, labels,
annotations - Language Find a magazine
- Map, index
- Printable, legible, scroll and load issues
- Aesthetic qualities / appeal for audience
- Images of students, materials, events
- Personality, friendliness
- Color
- Animation, video elements
- art, one alternate site rich in student images
- Interactive elements / communication tools
- Opportunities for interaction, personalization,
69Preliminary observations
- Trend toward 2.0 practice
- blogs (7 of 10), wikis (1)
- 3 of 10 based on CMS template
- Move toward student involvement
- Student-produced media (4), suggestion forms (3)
- Databases (ubiquitous) expand to video (3) and
ebooks (6) - Documentation focus of learning and teaching
- 8 of 10 have pathfinders
- 5 offer embedded explanations, 9 annotate links
- 6 of 10 ask-a-librarian, 3 of 10 link to remote
service - Not moving as quickly as public and academic
sites--no federated search, no RSS feeds
70New questions
71Questions for future study
- Why are some library websites far more important
to students than others? - What role does school culture play in the
acceptance of library websites? - How do librarians promote site use and acceptance
into school culture? - How can we use what weve learned to create
models and guides for improved practice? - How can we continue to improve online
intervention to enhance learning? - Can we assess virtual libraries by how
effectively they present the library
programinformation access delivery, learning
teaching, administration, for 21st century
learners? - Direction???
72Download this presentation
- http//mciu.org/spjvweb/alise.ppt
73OCLC Perceptions of Libraries and Information
Resources (2005)
- 84 use search engines to begin information
search. 1 begin on library Web site. - Information consumers use library less and read
less since using the Internet. - Books is the library brand. Libraries not seen
as top choice for access to electronic resources. - Do NOT trust purchased information more than free
information. - 90 satisfied with most recent search using
search engine. - Information consumers like to self-serve. Use
personal knowledge and common sense to judge if
electronic information is trustworthy,
cross-reference other sites to validate - The library has not been successful in leveraging
its brand to incorporate growing investments in
electronic resources and library Web-based
74Pew Internet and American Life
- Generation IM (2004)
- 94 of online youth use the Internet for school
research - 18 of online teens say they know of someone who
has used the Internet to cheat on a paper or
test. - Internet Goes to College (2002)
- Almost every student that was observed checked
his or her email while in the computer labs, but
very few were observed surfing university-based
or library Web sites. - Students using the computer lab for
academic-related work made use of commercial
search engines rather than university and library
Web sites. - Search Engines (2005)
- Users are largely confident, satisfied, naïve
about search engines
75Griffiths and Brophy (2005)
- College students prefer use search engine -
Google most popular - Students use of academic resources low
- Difficulty locating information
- Use of search engines influences perception,
expectations of other electronic resources - Little awareness of alternate methods for
information seeking
76Landscape shiftWeb 2.0 tools and resources
- Value of blogs, podcasts, webcasts, wikis, SL as
resources - New tools for searchingtags, technorati
- New issues relating to intellectual
propertyCreative Commons
77Learner issues across the literature
- Designing effective search strategies /
Representing information needs, generating search
terms - Identifying searchable topics and questions
- Awareness of age/curriculum-appropriate
electronic resources--reliance only on commercial
search engines - Mismatch between students ideas about
information and how information is actually
organized - Understanding that not everything may not be
instantly digitally available - Judging relevance and authority
- Repetition of flawed strategies (its the
engines fault) - Strategies for facing overload in both results
and dense text - Need for scaffolding, instructional intervention
78Two solutions
Make users smarter
Make systems smarter
79Making systems smarter
- Users are most successful when interacting with
systems designed for them (Hirsh, 1997) - Understand the users, multiple entry/search
points (Marchionini, G., Plaisant, C., Komlodi,
A., 2003) - Standardized terminology, better directions,
context-sensitive supports (Neuman, 2003) - Design criteria for youth Web portals--four
headings portal goals, visual design,
information architecture, personalization. - Cater to both educational and entertainment needs
- attractive screen designs, effective use of
color, graphics, animation - provide keyword search facilities and browsable
subject categories - allow individual user personalization--color and
graphics. (Large, Beheshti, Rahman, 2002)
80Summary design improvements
- Help with mismatches
- Improvement of categorization
- Eliminate jargon, speak to your audience
- Accommodate developing vocabularies, incorporate
guide mechanisms - spell checks
- word form variations
- thesauri
- Graphic visualizations, Mind / concept maps
- Scaffold user needs
- Augment links
- Include pop-ups (definitions, histories)
- Use real estate of the first screen
- Study understand user needs and behaviors
81Content analysis library websites
- Gray et al. (1998) conducted statistically-based
content analysis of a random sample of school
sites to establish a baseline of current
practice. - Bates and Lu (1997) studied 114 personal
homepages of librarians to detect trends and
patterns. - Haines (1999) used both a content analysis and an
email survey to investigate librarians personal
sites. - Chisenga (1998) studied 13 university library
websites in sub-Saharan African nations looking
especially for access to electronic sources and
services. - Cohen and Still (1999) examined content and
structure of 50 Ph.D. granting university library
sites in the United States and 50 two-year
college sites to identify purpose. - Clausen (1999) analyzed twelve Danish academic
libraries with goal of creating an evaluation
form. - Agingu (2000) compared sites of historically
black colleges with those of other public
institutions, looking at services they provided
for users.
82On content analysis on school library websites
- Simpson (2001) school virtual library practice in
Texas. Sites differed dramatically. - Many clearly missing features, others stellar
examples, - some serving as placeholders, others active,
changing, and fully featured. - Clydes (1999, 2001, 2004) longitudinal research
- Rationale for websites
- demonstrating role of librarian in information
skills development - contributing to development of school information
center on Web - seizing critical opportunity to promote school
library and information technology skills staff - promoting collections, activities, and services
- offering guides to information sources in such
forms as pathfinders, style sheets, tutorials
and making the library catalog widely available. - Sites varied dramatically in quality and content.
Need for quality indicators -
83Clydes longitudinal study
- Began 1996--content analysis of 50
randomly-selected sites to get snapshot of
state-ofthe-art - Attempted to identify most popular pages and
features, point to effective design models,
develop quality indicators observed - Revealed sites varied a great deal--most lacked
purpose, made little effort to identify users
needs. - Replicated in 1999
- Clyde found the 37 existing sites from the
50-site 1996 study more sophisticated, more
pages, more resources. Sites still varied in aim
and purpose. - 2002 looked at evolution since 1996
- Revisited 32 remaining sites from 1996 study
- Revealed sites evolved to provide access to such
electronic resources as subscription databases
and catalogs - Discrepancies still dramatic--few sites one-page
web presence not updates Others evolved into
large sites offering more than 40 pages of
information and many features designed to meet
the needs of users (p. 164).
84Delphi panel to select sample for content analysis
- To keep the study manageable for a single
researcher, the number of sites limited to top
ten sites as they are ranked in the Delphi
results. - Experts will be asked two questions
- Please list the names and URLs of up to ten
secondary school library websites that you
consider exemplary. (These may be traditional
html sites, blogs, wikis, etc.) - Please list the 5 to 10 features or
characteristics of an effective school library
website you consider most important.
85Sample time period
- Because of dynamic nature of the Web, study is
likely a snapshot of a moving target - Especially pronounced 2006, emergence of Web
2.0/Library 2 - The creation website not short-term effort.
Sites respond to technological advances, user
needs, and changing capabilities of creators - Sites archived as Web files and printed during a
one week period in Nov. 2006,
86Two coding schemes?
- Features / Content coding schemethe what such
features as access to subscription databases,
instructional units, readers advisory,
pathfinders or subject guides, e-book
collections, access to the OPAC, or email help,
reports, policies, calendars. - Form / Characteristics coding schemethe aspects
of the site that address the how-- use of
blogs, wikis, video, navigational
strategiespull-down menus, mouse-overs, image
maps--interactive forms, virtual reality
elements, etc. The content coding scheme for form
examined the functions achieved by these
strategies. - While categories and features will be mutually
exclusive within each form, it is possible that
coding items on the websites will be classified
in both form and content coding schemes.
87- Effective school library websites present
features that are designed to aid users in
information access and delivery - Effective school library websites present
features that are designed to support and deliver
teaching and learning - Effective school library websites present
features that are devoted to program
American Association of School Librarians and
Association for Educational Communication
Technology. (1998). Information power Building
partnerships for learning. Chicago
American Library Association. 48.
88Will they use it when were not looking?
- The level of personal acceptance, or site creep,
is generally positive, but really kind of
moderate across schools - At four of the 14 schools, well over 60 of the
students report using the site when they are not
at school. At seven of the schools less than 40
report using the site when not at school. - Fewer students admitted to using the site
weekends. Do they do much of their homework in
the evenings? In only two schools, was the level
of weekend use was around or more than 50. - Indeed, students reported more evening than
weekend use. With students at six of the schools
reporting evening use at around 50 or higher. - In none of the schools studied, did 50 of the
students report actually bookmarking the site on
their home computers. This limited number
surprised me. Does bookmarking imply a serious
kind of commitment? Is bookmarking an old-time
activity in a world of tagging?
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Social
- Physical