21840 World Anti-Slavery Conference
- Women see need for rights and plan meeting
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Quaker Lucretia Mott
31858 Seneca Falls Convention
- met to demand rights and vote
- Declaration of Sentiments is created
We hold these truths to be self-evident that
all men and women are created equal Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, Declaration of Sentiments
41920 19th Amendment passed
Women Celebrating!
51930s Great Depression
- Womens rights not a priority
61940s WWII Rosie the Riveter
- Women working outside the home
71950s Domestic Decade
- Women return to traditional roles
81960s Decade of Protest
- Women see need for own equal rights
Women aiding Civil Rights and Vietnam protests.
91961 Commission on Status of Women
- Established by President Kennedy
101963 Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
111964 Civil Rights Act
- Title VII bars discrimination in employment
121966 National Organization for Women (NOW) formed
- Concerned with rights of working women
13Late 1960s Radical feminists emerge
- Wanted womens liberation, not just equal
Women Protesting the 1968 Miss America Pageant
141972 Title IX passed
- Public schools could not discriminate on the
- basis of gender
151972 Equal Rights Amendment
- Passed in Congress but never ratified
161973 Roe Vs. Wade