Title: Soil Quality Outreach
1Soil Quality Outreach
- Describe sources of available soil quality
information. - Describe ways in which soil quality information
can be disseminated to our customers.
3Sources of Information
- Soil Quality Institute Products
- State of the Land Publications
- Books and Journals
- Research and Extension Publications
- Internet
4Soil Quality Test kit Guide
- Test procedures
- Interpretation information
- MS Excel spreadsheets available for data entry
and calculations - 82 pages
5Soil Quality Card Design Guide
- How to develop soil quality cards with local
farmers - Focus group and consensus building techniques
- 115 pages
6(No Transcript)
7Soil Biology Primer
- Soil Food Web and Soil Health,
- Bacteria,
- Fungi,
- Protozoa,
- Nematodes,
- Arthropods,
- Earthworms
8Soil Quality-Soil Biology Technical Note
- Erosion and Sedimentation on Construction Sites
- Urban Soil Compaction
- Heavy Metal Soil Contamination
9Soil Quality-Urban Tech Notes
- Erosion and Sedimentation on Construction Sites
- Urban Soil Compaction
- Heavy Metal Soil Contamination
10Soil Quality-Agronomy Tech Notes
- Cover and Green Manure Crop Benefits to Soil
Quality - Conservation Crop Rotation Effects on Soil
Quality - Effects of Residue Management, No-till on Soil
Quality - Effect of Soil Quality on Nutrient Efficiency
- Herbicides
- Legumes and Soil Quality
- Effects of Erosion on Soil Productivity Soil
11Soil Quality-Agronomy Tech Notes
- Liming to Improve Soil Quality in Acid Soils
- Managing Conservation Tillage
- Sunn Hemp A Cover Crop for Southern and Tropical
Farming Systems - Agricultural Management Effects on Earthworm
Populations - Long-Term Agricultural Management Effects on Soil
12Soil Quality-Agronomy Tech Notes
- The Knife Roller (Crimper) An Alternative Kill
Method for Cover Crops - Improving Soil Quality on the Southern Coastal
Plain-One Farmers Experience - Soil Quality and Vegetable Production-One
Farmers Experience
13Soil Quality-Agronomy Tech Notes
- Interpreting the Soil Conditioning Index A tool
for measuring soil organic matter trends - Soil Compaction Detection, prevention
alleviation - Sod-based Rotations A proven old practice to
improve soil productivity
14Other SQ Institute Publications
- The Soil Quality Concept Book (1996)
- Introduction to Microbiotic Crusts (1997)
- Phosphorous in Agriculture (pamphlet)
- Crop Residue Removal
for Biomass Energy
Production (2003)
15Soil Quality Information Sheets
- Soil Quality - Introduction (April 1996)
- Indicators for Soil Quality Evaluation (April
1996) - Organic Matter (April 1996)
- Soil Crusts (April 1996)
- Aggregate Stability (April 1996)
- pH (May 1998)
- Infiltration (May 1998)
16Soil Quality Information Sheets
- Soil Quality Resource Concerns
- Soil Erosion (April 1996)
- Sediment Deposition on Cropland (April 1996)
- Compaction (April 1996)
- Salinization (May 1998)
- Pesticides (May 1998)
- Available Water Capacity (May 1998)
- Soil Biodiversity (May 1998)
- Hydrophobicity (June 2000)
17Rangeland Soil Quality Information Sheets
- Introduction
- Indicators
- Organic Matter
- Soil Biota
- Infiltration
- Compaction
- Water erosion
- Wind erosion
- Physical And Biological Crusts
- Aggregate Stability
18Soil Quality Thunderbook
- (Newly revised April 2004)
- Do you need help organizing your soil quality
19Guidelines for Soil Quality Assessment in
Conservation Planning
- Incorporates soil quality assessment into the 9
steps of conservation planning.
202001 Soil Planning Guide
21State of The Land Publications
Soil Erosion as a Proportion of the tolerable
rate (T), 1992
22State Newsletters
- NC Soil Quality Team Newsletter
23Books on Soil Quality
- Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable
Environment (1994) - Editors are J.W. Doran, D.C. Coleman, D.F.
Bezdicek, and B.A. Stewart
- Methods for Assessing Soil Quality (1996)
- Editors are J.W. Doran and A.J. Jones
24Books on Soil Quality
- Soil Quality for crop production and ecosystem
health (1997) - Editors are E.G. Gredorich and M.R. Carter
- Soil Quality and Soil Erosion (1999)
- Editor is R. Lal
25 Soil Management
- Best management practices
- Canadian
- 1997
- ISBN 0-778-2686
- Management approaches to soil quality
International authorship - 2003
- ISBN 085199671X
26Soil Quality and Biology
- Biological Indicators of Soil Health (1997)
- Editors are C. Pankhurst, B.M. Doube, and
V.V.S.R. Gupta
- Soil Biology Effects on Soil Quality(1994)
- Editors are J.L. Hatfield and B.A. Stewart
27Soil Quality and Organic Matter
- Building Soils for Better Crops, 2nd Ed. (2000)
- Authors are Fred Magdoff and Harold van Es
- Stubble Over the Soil the vital role of plant
residue in soil management to improve soil
quality (1996) - Author is Carlos Crovetto Lamarca
28Sources on Enhancement of Earthworms
- Biology and Ecology of Earthworms (3rd ed.),
- Edwards and Bohlen, Chapman and Hall, 1996
- Biology of Earthworms
- Edwards and Lofty, Chapman and Hall, 1977.
- Earthworms and Crop Management
- Eileen Kladivko, Purdue Univ. Cooperative
Extension Service, 1993.
29Sources on Enhancement of Earthworms
- Earthworm Ecology and Biogeography in North
America, - P.F. Hendrix, 1995, Lewis Publishers.
- Earthworms, Their Ecology and relationships with
soils and land use, - K.E. Lee, Academic Press, 1985.
- The Farmers Earthworm Handbook,
- Ernst, Lessiter Publications, 1995.
30Internet - Soil Quality
- Illinois Soil Quality Initiative
.html - Soil Quality Institute
- http//soils.usda.gov/sqi
- World Wide Links to Soil Quality
http//www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/soil/websites.htm - Soil Quality Website temporary server
31Internet - No Tillage
- No-till Farmer http//www.lesspub.com/ntf/
- Steve Groff (Cedar Meadow Farms)
http//www.cedarmeadowfarm.com/ - Dakota Lakes Research Farm http//www.dakotalakes.
32Internet - Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Farming Connection http//www.ibiblio.
org/farming-connection/index.html - Sustainable Vegetable Production in the South
http//www.cals.ncsu.edu/sustainable/peet/ - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
(ATTRA) http//www.attra.org/index.html - Sustainable Agriculture Research Education
http//www.sare.org - SANET Listserv
33Internet - Organizations
- ARS Research Locations
http//www.ars-grin.gov/ars/res.html - National Assc. Of Conservation Districts (NACD)
http//www.nacdnet.org/pubaff/backyard.htm - Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
C/CTIC.html - International Erosion Control Association
34Opportunities to Disseminate Soil Quality
- Field office assistance
- Field days and workshops
- FFA Programs
- Environmental Education Days
- Ag in the classroom
- Limited Resource Farmers
- K-12
- Envirothon, etc.
35(No Transcript)
36Field Days
37Field Days
38Field Days
39(No Transcript)
42Classroom Training
43Focus Groups and Study Circles
44News Articles
Conservation Voices
New Farm Magazine
CTIC - Age Tech Notes
ND Water Magazine
Leopold Letter
46Environmental Education Days
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49(No Transcript)
50Instructor Notes
- Give post-test
- Review post-test answers
- Course evaluation
- Instructor evaluations
- Handout course certificates