Title: Insert Title here Insert Date here
1BBP Extending to an integrated energy
businessPaul Simshauser, CEONovember 2007
(1) Based on BBP closing price of 2.91 on
- Portfolio highlights
- Over 3,300MW of installed capacity
- Nearly 1,700MW under construction
- Largest private generator in Australia
BBP Portfolio Capacity
Notes Includes direct and indirect equity
interests Includes assets under construction
- Acquisition of Alinta assets was a significant
transaction for BBP - Generation portfolio has increased by 70
- AlintaAGL retail business extends BBP to an
integrated energy business - Post acquisition of Alinta assets, market
capitalisation doubled - BBP currently ranks just outside the top 100 in
the SP/ASX200
Note As BBP listed in Dec 2006 only one
distribution n was payable in the 2007 financial
- In April 2007, BBP announced a 12.5 upgrade to
2007F EBITDA - Subsequent upgrade to 2007F distributions to 14
cps, an 11 increase on IPO forecasts - Directors forecast 2008F distributions of 26.1
cps, representing a 9 yield, fully tax deferred
800MW pa
(1) Source NEMMCO Statement of Opportunities
- Drought has led to sustained electricity price
increases over last six months - Market sentiment is that the tight supply/demand
balance will take several years to correct - Water storage levels still remain critical
- Tarong QLD - Wivenhoe dam at 16
- Snowy Hydro Eucumbene dam at 19 (vs 60-70)
- BBP expects FY08 QLD and SA spot prices to remain
- Coal reserves are either owned or secure
- Leigh Creek mine life testing has progressed well
with reserves beyond 2017 economically mine-able - Redbank coal tailings fuel supply agreement has a
remaining life 24 years - Gas supply agreements are in place
- Oakey and Ecogen are pass-throughs
- Braemar has 10-15 year gas supply agreements
- NewGen Kwinana has a 15 year gas supply agreement
- Uranquinty has a 15 year gas supply agreement
- Significant increase in the size and
diversification of BBP - Further weighting of gas-fired capacity
- Leveraged to the rapidly expanding WA economy
- Entry into retailing through AlintaAGL (gas, IC)
- Substantial near-term growth opportunities
- Energy portfolio management
- Only portfolio in the country with gas-fired
power stations in all states of the NEM - Commonality allows maximisation of margins in
highest value regions - Integration is progressing well
- Dedicated Transition Team in place to ensure
efficient and successful integration of Alinta
Pool 22
- With 100 AlintaAGL, BBP gearing (net debt/net
debt equity) 66 - Acquired Alinta debt and sections of BBP debt to
be refinanced in CY08 - Optimise gearing and reduce BBPs cost of capital
- Better alignment of debt profile with underlying
business cashflow - Provide flexibility to assist in the growth of
BBP by allowing new acquisitions to be funded on
a set of pre-agreed parameters - Recent uncertainty in global debt markets will
provide challenges, offset by - Stable underlying asset cashflow
- Stable base demand
- Contracted revenues and fuel supply certainty
- Giving consideration to obtaining a Rating
- Share Purchase Plan (SPP) currently underway to
facilitate top-up - Board to implement a DRP for 31 Dec 07
- Harvest strategy
- Optimise performance and efficiencies from the
existing businesses - Plant modifications, technical improvements, cost
management - Brownfield expansions
- Alinta integration
- Optimise business model and structure through
shared services - Long term growth
- Consider associated businesses in Australia and
internationally which are complementary or
provide strategic advantage - Energy retailing ability to get output to
market - Fuel procurement gas contracts, gas contract
options etc
- Outlook
- Performance for 1Q08 has been in line with
expectations - Water storage levels remain critical with
shortages continuing to have a favourable impact
on electricity prices - Pricing during the summer months will be one of
the key determinants of FY08 earnings - Challenges
- Ensure safe and efficient operations
- BBP to further build in-house capabilities to
leverage operational scale - Carbon trading is an important part of the policy
mix on emissions targets - BBP portfolio carbon intensity 0.8t/MWh which is
below national average - BBP needs to position itself as a leader within a
sector that is both quickly consolidating and
developing via new technologies
Fuel Split (MW) Post Alinta
Operating Mode (MW) Post Alinta
Peak 49
Coal 19
Base 30
Gas 81
Intermediate 21
Regional (MW) Post Alinta
Generation Revenue Post Alinta
NZ 2
Unhedged 22
Rolling Hedges 36
NSW 17
WA 27
QLD 16
Contracted 42
VIC 22
SA 16
- Increased weighting towards low CO2 gas fired
generation - Expands footprint in WA and into NZ and TAS
- In August, BBP delivered inaugural result with
FY07 EBITDA 20 above IPO forecasts and in line
with Alinta Scheme forecasts
1. Gearing is calculated as Net Debt / (Net Debt
Equity) 2. Net interest cover is calculated as
EBITDA / Net Interest. Net interest used is the
Finance cost for the 6 months to 30 June 2007 and
excludes interest income, interest charge on the
Osborne loss provision and interest charge on the
site remediation provision.
- By January 2008, BBP will own 100 of AlintaAGL
- Sizeable retail gas customer base and expanding
industrial gas and electricity customer base - Provides a scaleable retail platform with an
established brand - Leverage to the high growth WA economy and
favourable demographics - Retail exposure could underpin the development of
new generation capacity - Funding has been secured for 100 AlintaAGL
taking gearing to 66
- The Manager of BBP is Babcock Brown Power
Management Pty Ltd (BBPM) which is a subsidiary
of BB - The Managers objective is to grow Securityholder
wealth through the proactive management of the
existing portfolio and through the construction
and acquisition of additional power generation
assets and associated businesses in Australia and
internationally - BBPM receives fees for acting as Manager,
including base fees and, subject to
outperformance, incentive fees - BB currently holds 9.3 of BBP Stapled
Securities - There is a strong alignment of interests between
BBP and BB through branding, investment and
manager obligations and incentives
Power Generation and Associated businesses
BBP Stapled Securityholders
Responsible Entity
The information contained in this presentation is
given without any liability whatsoever to Babcock
Brown Power Limited, Babcock Brown Power
Services Limited as Responsible Entity for the
Babcock Brown Power Trust, Babcock Brown
Power Management Pty Limited, or any of their
related entities (collectively BBP) or their
respective directors or officers, and is not
intended to constitute legal, tax or accounting
advice or opinion. No representation or warranty,
express or implied, is made as to the accuracy,
completeness or thoroughness of the content of
the information. The recipient should consult
with its own legal, tax or accounting advisers as
to the accuracy and application of the
information contained herein and should conduct
its own due diligence and other enquiries in
relation to such information. The information in
this presentation has not been independently
verified by BBP. BBP disclaims any responsibility
for any errors or omissions in such information,
including the financial calculations, projections
and forecasts set forth herein. No representation
or warranty is made by or on behalf of BBP that
any projection, forecast, calculation,
forward-looking statement, assumption or estimate
contained in this presentation should or will be
achieved. Please note that, in providing this
presentation, BBP has not considered the
objectives, financial position or needs of the
recipient. The recipient should obtain and rely
on its own professional advice from its tax,
legal, accounting and other professional advisers
in respect of the addressees objectives,
financial position or needs. This presentation
does not carry any right of publication. This
presentation is incomplete without reference to,
and should be viewed solely in conjunction with,
the oral briefing provided by BBP. Neither this
presentation nor any of its contents may be
reproduced or used for any other purpose without
the prior written consent of BBP.