Title: Visual system
1Visual system
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3fMRI of the Visual System
- Functional anatomy
- V1-V4
- MT and Dorsal Stream
- LO, IT, Ventral Stream
- E.G.s of Functional characterization
- Contours in V1-gt LO
- Organization in LO IT
4Retinotopy Stimulus
5Retinotopy Results in V1 Slice
6Retinotopy Unfolded results
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9Selective attention to shape, color, motion
10V419 near 37
11Motion MT- V5
12 13 14Object presentation
15Levy et al. Methods
- Stimuli Faces, houses center, periphery
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17Disorders of visual perception
- Scotoma- loss in retinotopic representation V1-2
- Achromatopsia V4 lesion
- Akinetopsia V5 lesion
- Agnosia
- Object agnosia
- Prosopanosia
- Letter agnosia/pure alexia
- Anomia vs agnosia?
18Agnosia a loss of ability to recognize objects,
persons, sounds, shapes, or smells while the
specific sense is not defective nor is there any
significant memory loss.
Apperceptive agnosia -unable to distinguish
visual shapes and - have trouble recognizing,
copying, or discriminating between different
visual stimuli. - unable to copy
images Associative agnosia -Inability to
recognize objects -retain semantic knowledge
-can describe visual info, can copy
19Prosopagnosia Inability to recognize or
discriminate faces Found in RH or bilateral
lesions Lateral Fusiorm FFA lesions
Integrative agnosia or Simultanagnosia can
recognize 1 element at a time, cannot Process
more than 1 element or integrate elements into
a whole percept
20Higher level vision what vs where
21Higher level vision- what system
- V2 secondary vision stereopsis
- V3 form
- V4 color, color/shape
- V5 motion- towards the where shape from motion
22The transition to spatial vision parietal lobe
- Parietal lobe disorders
- Neglect syndromes body and space
- Working memory sustained where processing
- Apraxic disorders
- constructional apraxias
- ideational
- Sequencing deficits
23Fields vs. neglect?
24Laterality and visual deficits
- Spatial frequency
- Gestalt vs detail processing
- Tests that emphasize lateralized visual
25Body Dysmorphic Disorder- J. Feusner
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30Sequencing deficits
- Numbers- digit span
- In speech literal paraphasias, neologistic
paraphasis - rhinosaur
- spelling