Title: Agents that Reason Logically
1Agents that Reason Logically
- Logical agents have knowledge base, from which
they draw conclusions - TELL provide new facts to agent
- ASK decide on appropriate action
2Sample Wumpus World
- Show original wumpus game
- goal is to shoot wumpus
- example of logical reasoning
- http//www.inthe70s.com/games/wumpus/index.shtml
- Our version
- Kill the wumpus.
3A Wumpus Agent
- Agent does not perceive its own location (unlike
sample game), but it can keep track of where it
has been - Percepts
- Stench wumpus is nearby
- Breeze pit is nearby
4Wumpus Agent
- Actuators
- Forward, Turn Left, Turn Right
- Shoot (shoots arrow forward until hits wumpus or
wall) - Environment
- 4x4 grid, start at (1,1) facing right
5Wumpus Agent
- Death
- Agent dies if it enters a pit or square with
wumpus - Goal kill wumpus
6Some complex reasoning examples
- Start in (1,1)
- Breeze in (1,2) and (2,1)
- Probably a pit in (2,2)
- Smell in (1,1) where can you go?
- Pick a direction shoot
- Walk in that direction
- Know where wumpus is
7The use of logic
- A logic formal language for representing
information, rules for drawing conclusions - Two kinds of logics
- Propositional Logic (Chap 7)
- Represents facts
- First Order Logic (Chap 8)
- Represents facts, objects, and relations
- Rules of inference allow us to derive new
sentences entailed by a knowledge base - Rules of inference must be sound sentences
inferred by a KB should be entailed by that KB - What is a non-sound inference?
- Video
- At any given time, we have a knowledge base of
information - If Jan likes ice cream, we would share tastes
- If we share tastes, I would like to know Jan
better - Jan likes ice cream
- The knowledge base KB entails a means a is true
in all worlds where KB is true - e.g. if a I would like to know Jan better
- KB a
10Propositional Logic Semantics
11Inference by Enumeration
12Enumeration Solution is a entailed by KB?
13Enumeration is too computationally intense
- For n proposition symbols, enumeration takes 2n
rows (exponential) - Inference rules allow you to deduce new sentences
from the KB - Can use inference rules as operators in a
standard search algorithm - Think of testing if something as true as
searching for it
14Common inference rules for propositional logic
- Modus Ponens (Implication-Elimination)
- And-EliminationAnd-Introduction
- Or Introduction
15Common inference rules for propositional logic
- Double-Negation Elimination
- Unit Resolution
- Resolution
16Example of using logic in Wumpus World
Stench Agent
Start Breeze
17KB also contains knowledge of environment
- No stench ? no wumpus nearby
- Stench ? wumpus nearby
18We can determine where wumpus is!
- Method 1 Truth table
- At least 14 symbols currently S1,1, S2,1, S1,2,
S2,2, W1,1, W2,1, W1,2, W2,2, W3,1, W1,3, B1,1,
B2,1, B1,2, B2,2 - ? 214 rows, ouch!
19We can determine where wumpus is!
- Method 2 Inference
- Modus Ponens
- And-Elimination
20Inference continued...
- Modus Ponens and And-Elimination again
- One more Modus Ponens
21Inference continued...
Wumpus is in (1,3)!!! Shoot it. Shoot where?
22Determining action based on knowledge
- Propositional logic cannot answer well the
question What action should I take? - It only answers Should I take action X?
23Propositional logic seems inefficient
- Rule Shoot if the wumpus is in front of you
- 16 x 4 64 rules for the 4x4 grid
- Ditto for pits
- First order logic is much more efficient
24First-Order Logic Better choice for Wumpus World
- Propositional logic represents facts
- First-order logic gives us
- Objects
- Relations how objects relate to each other
- Functions return value for given input
25Syntax and Semantics
- First-order logic has the following
- Constants represent objects
- book, A, cs327
- Predicates represent relations
- OlderSibling(Lisa,Bart)
- OlderSibling(Maggie,Lisa)
- OlderSibling(Maggie,Bart)
- Functions
- FatherOf(Luke) Anakin
26Syntax and Semantics
- Atomic Sentences
- Father(Luke,Anakin)
- Siblings(SonOf(Anakin), DaughterOf(Anakin))
- Complex Sentences
- and, or, not, implies, equivalence
- Equality
27Universal Quantification
- For all, for every
- Examples
- Usually use with
- Common mistake to use
28Existential Quantification
- There exists
- Typically use with
- Common mistake to use
29First-Order Logic in Wumpus World
- Suppose an agent perceives a stench, breeze, at
time t 5 - Percept(Stench,Breeze,5)
- Stench,Breeze is a list
- Then want to query for an appropriate action.
Find an a (ask the KB)