Title: Water Continually Cycles
1Water Continually Cycles
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3What is this process called?
Gas molecules
Liquid molecules
4- How much of Earths surface is covered by salt
water? - 3/4
5Distribution of Earths Water
- Water on Earth
- Only three percent of Earths water is fresh
Most of our freshwater is what form?
6 A puddle drying up on a sunny day is an example
of what?
7Precipitation occurs when
- solid or liquid water falls from clouds.
8Clouds are an example of what process in the
water cycle?
9What kind of water is cycled through the water
10Most of earths freshwater is found in
- frozen icebergs and glaciers.
11Section 1.2Fresh Water Flows and Freezes on Earth
12What is a divide?
- A ridge, or continuous line of high land, from
which water flows in different directions
Gravity and the drainage basin is going to
determine the way water flows on land.
What is a drainage basin?
- An area into which all of the water on one side
of a divide flows.
13- Where is the divide?
- Where is the drainage basin?
14Where is the divide? Where is the drainage basin?
15Surface water collects in
- Clouds
- Aquifers
- Streams
- Lakes
16Name two differences between a pond and a lake
- A lake is bigger than a pond
- Sunlight reaches the bottom of a pond so that
plants grow throughout the pond.
17Lakes are larger, deeper have little plant
18Ponds are smaller, shallow, and have more plant
19What time of the year is this?
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21Warm water
22During the summer, the warm surface water of a
lake does not mix with the cooler water
underneath it. In the fall, though, this warm
layer cools and sinks. This sinking is part of
lake _____________.
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26Eutrophication of a lake or pond can result from
- buildup of dead organisms.
- pollution from phosphate detergents.
- run-off of nitrogen fertilizers.
27What is an iceberg?
- A mass of ice floating in the ocean
- Why does an iceberg float on water?
- Because ice is less dense than water
28Most of the volume of an iceberg is
- Below the ground surface
- Above the ocean surface
- Below the ocean surface
- None of the above
29Fresh water flows underground
30What is groundwater?
31Video Clip
Think About...
- How is water collected underground?
- Why are aquifers important?
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34Which of the following is not true of aquifers?
- They filter and clean water.
- Water flows quickly through them.
- They provide a source of water for people.
- They can be emptied.
- Rate of water flow through an aquifer.
35In an aquifer, water is stored in
- an underground lake.
- cracks and spaces between rocks.
- an underground river.
- wells and springs.
36Granite does not allow water to flow through it.
Granite is an example of
- a spring.
- impermeable rock.
- an aquifer.
- permeable rock.
37What is an artesian well?
- A well in which water flows to the surface
naturally because it is under pressure. - It does not need to be pumped out.
38Water exists in 3 states of matter on Earth!!!
- The Properties of Water
39Changing State
- The Properties of Water
40Why is water important?
2/3 of your body is water
Water carries nutrients that give you energy
flushes wastes away
Lakes are homes for many fish, plants, frogs
One drop of water could contain many living