Title: Development of the Atomic Theory
1Development of the Atomic Theory Part 1
2Remember earlier this year we talked about the
Aristotle VS Democritus
The world is made up of empty space tiny
particle. These particles are ATOMOS - means
indivisible. The atom is the simplest unit of
3Antoine Lavoisier
1782 He made measurement of chemical change in a
sealed container. - Concluded that when a
chemical reaction occurs, matter is neither
created or destoryed, but only changed.
Law of Conservation of Matter
4(No Transcript)
51799 John Proust - observed that the composition
of water is always 11 hydrogen 89 oxygen
Law of Definite Proportion
61803 John Dalton - proposed the 1st Atomic Theory
- Main Points
- All matter is composed of atoms (indivisible
parts) - Atoms are indestructible can not be divided
into smaller parts Relates to Law of conservation
of matter - All atoms of one element are exactly alike,
because they have the same mass. - Atoms of one element are different from atoms of
other elements. Relates to Law of definite
7John Daltons Atom
Solid ball Model
8Atomic Theory is the idea that matter is made up
of fundamental particles called atoms.
Experiments in the 19th began to suggest that
atoms were NOT fundamental, but made up of
smaller particle.