Title: Ionization Cooling Introduction
1Ionization CoolingIntroduction
- David Neuffer
- Fermilab
- 4/20/08
- Ionization Cooling
- Cooling description
- Heating Longitudinal Cooling
- Emittance Exchange - Partition Numbers
- Solenoidal focusing
- Helical Cooler-PIC-REMEX
- Low-Energy Cooling
- Cooling Scenarios
- Other Applications
- Nuclear physics, stopped ?s
- Experimental Studies
- A. N. Skrinsky and V.V. Parkhomchuk, Sov. J.
Nucl. Physics 12, 3(1981). - D. Neuffer, Particle Accelerators 14, 75 (1983)
- D. Neuffer, ??- Colliders, CERN report 99-12
(1999). - D. Neuffer, Introduction to Muon Cooling, NIM
A532, p. 26 (2004). - C. X. Wang and K. J. Kim, MuCOOL Note 240 (2002).
- Y. Derbenev and R. Johnson, Phys. Rev. ST Accel.
Beams 8, E041002 (2005) - Simulation tools
- R. Fernow, ICOOL http//pubweb.bnl.gov/users/ferno
w/www/icool/readme.html - T. Roberts, G4BeamLine (Muons, Inc.)
http//www.muonsinc.com/ - Collaboration Efforts
- Muon Collaboration http//www.cap.bnl.gov/mumu/mu
_home_page.html - Muon Collider Task Force https//mctf.fnal.gov/
- MICE Collaboration http//hep04.phys.iit.edu/cool
demo/ - UKNF group (RAL)
4Overview of ?-Factory
- Proton Driver (1-4 MW) proton bunches on target
produce ??s - Front-end ? decay ? ? ? collect and cool
??s (phase rotation
ionization cooling) - Accelerator - to full energy (
linac RLAs to 2050 GeV) - ? - Storage ring
- Store ?s until decay (300 B turns)
- ?? e ?? ??e decays produce
neutrino beams toward - Long base line neutrino detector (20008000 km
away ) - 1020 to 1021(?e, ??) /SS/year
5Overview of ????? Collider
- Proton Driver (1-4 MW) proton bunches on target
produce ??s - Front-end ? decay ? ? ? collect and cool
??s (phase rotation
ionization cooling) - Accelerator - to full energy (
linac RLAs to TeV) - ? - Collider Ring
- Store ?s until decay (300 B turns)
- ?- ?- ? X
- high-energy collisions
6????? Collider Parameters
7Producing and Capturing ???
- Target is immersed in high field solenoid
- Particles are trapped in Larmor orbits
- B 20T -gt 2T
- Spiral with radius r p?/(0.3 Bsol) B??/B
- Particles with p? lt 0.3 BsolRsol/2 are trapped
- Focuses both and - particles
?-Factory Rf 200 MHz, 12 MV/m Capture in
string Of 30 bunches
µ-Collider Rf 200 MHz, Capture string of 10
bunches- Recombine after cooling
8Target to Cooling channel match
- Transverse match 20T to 2T solenoid
- R 25cm sx 0.1m ?x 0.1
- Longitudinal match
- rf 200 MHz (?1.5m) V gt10 MV/m
- Optimum cooling is P 200MeV/c, dP/P 10
- Want both signs (µ, µ-)
- Solution
- High-Frequency bunching and phase-energy Rotation
(350 to 200 MHz rf) - Capture into string of 12 bunches
500 MeV/c
9Cooling Requirements
- Beam from target has
- ??,rms ? 210-2 m-rad ?,rms ? 1m
- ?-Storage Ring ?-Factory
- Goal is to collect maximum number of ? and/or
?- that fit within accelerator / storage
ring acceptances - Transverse cooling by 10? is sufficient
- ??,rms ? 0.02 to 0.006m-rad ?,rms ? 0.06
m-rad/bunch - ????? Collider
- Goal is maximal cooling of maximum number of both
? AND ?- high luminosity needed. - Cooling by gt 100? in each of ?x, ?y, ?z is
required - ??,rms ? 0.5 to 0.02510-4m-rad ?,rms ? 0.04
m-rad - Cool before decay Ionization cooling
10Ionization Cooling-general principle
- Transverse cooling
- Particle loses momentum P(? and ?) in
material - Particle regains P? (only) in RF
- Multiple Scattering in material increases rms
11Ionization Cooling Principle
Loss of transverse momentum in absorber
Heating by multiple scattering
12Combining Cooling and Heating
- Low-Z absorbers (H2, Li, Be, ) to reduce
multiple scattering - High Gradient RF
- To cool before ?-decay (2.2? ?s)
- To keep beam bunched
- Strong-Focusing at absorbers
- To keep multiple scattering
- less than beam divergence
- ? Quad focusing ?
- ? Li lens focusing ?
- ? Solenoid focusing?
13Transverse cooling limits
- Transverse Cooling equilibrium emittance
equilibrium scattering angle
- Want materials with small multiple scattering
(large LR), - but relatively large dE/ds, density (?)
- Want small ?? at absorbers gt strong focusing
- - equilibrium emittances (/??) smallest for low-Z
14Ionization Cooling problems
- Must focus to very small ß?
- ß? 1m ? 1mm
- Intrinsic scattering of beam is large
- ?rms gt 0.1 radians
- Intrinsic momentum spread is large
- sP/P gt 0.03
- Cooling must occur within muon lifetime
- ?? 2.2? ?s or L? 660 ß? m pathlength
- Does not (directly) cool longitudinally
15Longitudinal Cooling
- Energy cooling occurs if the derivative
- ?(dE/ds)/?E gL(dp/ds)/p gt 0
- gL(E) is negative for E lt 0.2 GeV
- and only weakly positive for
- E gt 0.2 GeV
- Ionization cooling does not
- effectively cool longitudinally
Energy straggling increases energy spread
16Emittance exchange enables longitudinal cooling
- Cooling derivative is changed by use of
dispersion wedge - (Dependence of energy loss on energy can be
(if due to path length)
17Partition Numbers, dE-dt cooling
With emittance exchange the longitudinal
partition number gL changes
But the transverse cooling partition number
The sum of the cooling partition numbers (at P
P? ) remains constant
Sg gt 0
18Cooling Energy straggling ...
Energy spread (sE) cooling equation
Equilibrium sp
Longitudinal Emittance Cooling equation
- Longitudinal Cooling requires
- Positive gL (?, wedge), Strong bunching (ßct
small) - Large Vrf, small ?rf
Energy loss/recovery Before decay requires
19µ Cooling Regimes
- Efficient cooling requires
- Frictional Cooling (lt1MeV/c) Sg3
- Ionization Cooling (0.3GeV/c) Sg2
- Radiative Cooling (gt1TeV/c) Sg4
- Low-et cooling Sg2ß2
- (longitudinal heating)
20Focusing for Cooling
- Strong focussing needed magnetic quads,
solenoids, Li lens ? - Solenoids have been used in most (recent) studies
- Focus horizontally and vertically
- Focus both ? and ?-
- Strong focussing possible
- ß? 0.13m for B10T, p? 200 MeV/c
- ß? 0.0027m for B50T, p? 20 MeV/c
- But
- Solenoid introduces angular motion
- L damped by cooling field flips
- B within rf cavities ?
?? ? ??(? ??)
21Solenoidal focusing for coolingKim, Penn,
Sessler, Fernow, Palmer
- Lattices are sequences of solenoids and drifts
(rf interlaced) (,-) - FOFO, ASOL, RFOFO, SFOFO, DODO, SOSO
- Can have nearly constant focusing or focusing to
small ? - Large ?p/p acceptance possible
- Need gt 10 ?p/p
- Low ? can be much less than
- gt5? smaller
- Recent example ? 1cm (!!)
- At 200 MeV/c, Bmax25T
- Field flip not required
22Cooling with ?? ? exchange and solenoids
Example rms Cooling equations with dispersion
and wedges (at ????) in x-plane
?? ? ??(? ??)
C. X. Wang and K. J. Kim, MuCOOL Note 240
The additional correlation and heating terms are
small in well-designed systems.
23Study 2 Cooling Channel (for MICE)
108 m cooling channel consists of 16 2.75m cells
40 1.65m cells Focusing increases along
channel Bmax increases from 3 T to 5.5 T
sFOFO 2.75m cells
- Cell contains
- Rf for acceleration/bunching
- H2 absorbers
- Solenoidal magnets
Simulation Results
24?-Factory Study 2A cooling channel
- Lattice is weak-focusing
- Bmax 2.5T, solenoidal ß? ? 0.8m
- ? ? from 0.018 to 0.0075m
- eeq ? 0.006m (LiH)
- Could be improved
- H2 Absorber (120A) or smaller ß?
- ? ?? 0.0055
- eeq ? 0.003m
After LiH cooling
After H2 cooling
25RFOFO Ring Cooler performance
Transverse before and after
- Cools longitudinally and transversely
- Can be adjusted for more transverse cooling
E-ct before and after
26Other cooling examples
- Ring Cooler (inject/extract)
- Kickers too strong?
- Instead wrap into spiral
- 4 turns
- Guggenheim
- 200MHz, 400 MHz, 800 MHz
- If not multiturn, circle is not needed
- Try other geometries
- Tapered ..
- Snake
- Wiggler ?
27Advanced Cooling conceptsMuons, Inc, Derbenev,
- Gas-filled rf cavities
- Helical Wiggler Cooler
- PIC-Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling
- Use resonance beam dynamics to intensify focusing
- REMEX, low-energy emittance exchange
- Very low energy cooling
28RF Problem cavity gradient in magnetic field is
- Rf breakdown field decreases in magnetic fields?
- Solenoidal focussing gives large B at cavities
- But gas in cavity suppresses breakdown
- Can also use open cell cavities
Vacuum Pill-Box Cavities 800 MHz results
Muons, Inc. results 50 MV/m no change with B
10 of liquid H2
29Helical 6-D Cooler (Derbenev)
- Magnetic field is solenoid B0 dipole quad
- System is filled with H2 gas, includes rf
cavities - Cools 6-D (large E means longer path length)
Key parameters a, k2p/?, solenoid field B0,
transverse field b(a)
30Helical Wiggler 3-D Cooling (Pµ250MeV/c)
Cooling factor 50,000
Yonehara, et al.
31Comments on Helical Wiggler parameters
- 1/?T2 ? 0.67 for equal cooling at ?g2
- Energy loss at liquid H2 density is 30MV/m
(800atm-e gas) - At 15MV/m energy loss, need
- Spiral magnet appears advantageous
Typical case
32- PIC-Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling
- ( Y. Derbenev) (also Balbekov, 1997)
- Excite ½ integer parametric resonance (in Linac
or ring) - Similar to vertical rigid pendulum or ½-integer
extraction - Elliptical phase space motion becomes hyperbolic
- Use xxconst to reduce x, increase x'
- Use Ionization Cooling to reduce x'
33PIC/REMEX cooling (Derbenev)
- PIC ??,eff 0.6 ? 0.1cm
- Transverse longitudinal cooling
- Add Reverse emittance exchange to reduce
transverse emittance (REMEX) - But
- Chromaticity a problem
- Depth of focus a problem
- Labsorber lt ß?,eff
- No realistic simulations
Cools to e? 0.000002m ??
34Low-Energy coolingemittance exchange
- dPµ/ds varies as 1/ß3
- 200MeV/c ? 10MeV/c
- Cooling distance becomes very short
for H at Pµ10MeV/c - Focusing can get quite strong
- Solenoid
- ß?0.006m at 50T, 50MeV/c
- But Beam is heated longitudinally
- (e6-D is constant)
- eN,eq 110-5 m at 50MeV/c
- Smaller momentum (10 MeV/c)
- for low-emittance collider
35Li-lens cooling
- Lithium Lens provides strong-focusing and low-Z
absorber in same device - Liquid Li-lens may be needed for highest-field,
high rep. rate lens - BINP (Silvestrov) was testing prototype liquid Li
lens for FNAL
ß? 0.026m (200 MeV/c, 1000 T/m) ß? 0.004m (40
MeV/c, 8000 T/m)
36?-?? Collider Cooling Scenarios Palmer et al.
- requires energy cooling and emittance exchange
(and anti-exchange) to obtain small ?L, ex, ey - Start with large beam from target, compress and
cool, going to stronger focussing and bunching as
the beam gets smaller - ?p/p 10, ?? 0.1
- Bunching rf frequency increases
- In final cooling stages longitudinal emittance
increases while transverse emittance decreases -
37Baseline Cooling Scenario for Collider
- Steps 1,2 Bunching, phase rotation, cooling (?
factory) - ?? 10cm ? 6cm
- 3,4 6-D cooling with 200, 400 MHz Ring Coolers
- ?? 6cm ? 2.4cm? 1.0cm
- 5 compress to 1 bunch
- 6, 7 6-D 200, 400 MHz Coolers
- ?? 3cm? 1.0cm
- 8 800 MHz Ring Cooler
- ?? 1.0cm? 0.3cm
- 9 up to 50T coolers (H2, solenoids)
- ?? 0.4cm? 0.08cm
- Total length of system 0.8km
Guggenheim 6D cooler
38Simulated/extrapolated performance
39Other applications- not just muons!
- . Stopping ? beam
- (for ?2e conversion experiment)
- C. Ankenbrandt et al., Muons, Inc.
- For BCNT neutron source
- Y. Mori - KURRI
- For beta-beam source
- C. Rubbia et al
40?2e experiment MECO
µ to e
- Mu-E COnversion Experiment
- ?- Z ? e- Z
- Stopped ?- beam
- Helical energy-loss cooling channel can greatly
increase ?- intensity - Muons, Inc./FNAL
41FFAG-ERIT neutron source (Mori, KURRI)
- Ionization cooling of protons/ ions is
unattractive because nuclear reaction rate ?
energy-loss cooling rate - But can work if the goal is beam storage to
obtain nuclear reactions - Absorber is beam target, add rf
- ERIT-P-storage ring to obtain neutron beam
(Mori-Okabe, FFAG05) - 10 MeV protons (ß v/c 0.145)
- 10Be target for neutrons
- 5µ Be absorber, wedge (possible)
- dEp36 keV/turn
- Ionization cooling effects increase beam lifetime
to 1000 turns - not actually cooling
42ß-beam Scenario (Rubbia et al.)
- ß-beam another ?e source
- Produce accelerate, and store unstable nuclei for
?-decay - Example 8B?8Be e? or 8Li?8Be e- ?
- Source production can use ionization cooling
- Produce Li and inject at 25 MeV
- nuclear interaction at gas jet target produces
8Li or 8B - 6Li 3He ? 8B p
- Multiturn storage with ionization cooling
maximizes ion production - 8Li or 8B is ion source for ß-beam accelerator
- C. Rubbia, A. Ferrari, Y. Kadi, V. Vlachoudis,
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A 568, 475 (2006). - D. Neuffer, NIM A 583, p.109 (2008)
43ß-beams example 6Li 3He ? 8B n
- Beam 25MeV 6Li
- PLi 529.9 MeV/c B? 0.59 T-m v/c0.094
Jz,0-1.6 - Absorber3He -gas jet ?
- Z2, A3, I31eV, z3, a6
- dE/ds 110.6 MeV/cm,
- If gx,y,z 0.13 (Sg 0.4), ß- 0.3m at
absorber - Must mix both x and y with z
- eN,eq 0.000046 m-rad,
- sx,rms 2 cm at ß- 1m
- sE,eq is 0.4 MeV
- Could use 3He as beam
- 6Li target ( foil or liquid)
44Ionization Cooling Experimental RD Program
- MICE International Muon Ionization Cooling
Experiment - µ-beam at RAL ISIS
- Systems test of complete cooling system
- MuCOOL Program
- Rf, absorber, magnet RD-supports MICE
- MuCOOL test area (Fermilab)
- Muon Collider Task Force
- MUONS, Inc. (R. Johnson, et al.)
- High-pressure rf cavities
- Helical cooler, Parametric resonance cooler
45MICE beam line (ISIS, RAL)
- MICE (International Muon Ionization Cooling
Experiment) - To verify ionization cooling (for a neutrino
factory) with a test of a
complete cooling module in a muon beam - Muon beam line and test area in RAL-ISIS (Oxford)
- Installation Jan. Oct. 1 2007
- Experiment occurs in 2008-2010 time frame
MICE beam line and experimental area (RAL)
46Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE)
MICE Measurement of Muon Cooling Emittance
Measurement _at_ 10-3 First Beam April 2008
- Ionization Cooling can provide cooled muon beams
for Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider - Components are being built tested
- Collider cooling scenario development has had
great progress but needs more.. - Longitudinal cooling by large factors
- Transverse cooling by very large factors
- Final beam compression with emittance exchange
- Other Ionization Cooling applications are