Title: Denis Vincent from Quebec Helico
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2Denis Vincent is a prolific businessman from
Canada. Known for his contribution to a number of
sectors, Denis has a career that spans over three
decades. While he was initially interested in
sales and aftermarket services, he was soon
charmed by the aviation industry. Within ten
years of starting his job life, he founded his
company Heli Vincent, which deals in dry lease
and sales of helicopters and airplanes.
3Today, many people know him as Denis Vincent
Quebec Helico, simply because of his passion for
the industry and his company.
4Denis also worked extensively in adding value to
the aviation sector. In fact, he has always
mentioned about the incredible opportunities that
this industry offers to the youth and new
entrepreneurs. Denis is also a trained pilot
himself, and he candidly has admitted that flying
remains his only indulgence. He has flown coast
to coast in the country and wishes to explore his
horizons as a helicopter and airline pilot.
5Besides his work, Denis also finds real pleasure
in various kinds of charity activities. Besides
his contributions, he also collaborates with
local organizations at a personal level, offering
his vision and experience. Surely, profits are
merely numbers for this man.
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